в недозволенном месте, а вечером - за превышение скорости на кольцевой развязке. 5. сегодня на перекрестке мы едва не столкнулись с велосипедом, но мой муж вовремя свернул. 6. когда мы подъехали к парковочной стоянке, все места были заняты. мы хотели уезжать, когда увидели, что одна машина отъехала, освободив место как раз для нас. 7. очень удобно, что на эстакадах построили дорожки для велосипедистов. 8. для людей,которые путешествуют автостопом, идеальное место останавливать попутные машины - подъездная дорога к автостраде. 9. необходимо сбрасывать скорость, когда подъезжаешь к повороту дороги в горах. 10. прохожие с любопытством наблюдали за тем, как дорожные рабочие сооружали возвышение поперек дороги. 11. инаугурация губернатора состоялась в здании администрации города. машины почетных гостей заполнили парковочную стоянку администрации, а также все прилегающие улицы и переулки, а кое где и тротуары. 12. метро - самый удобный вид транспорта. сотни тысяч москвичей и приезжих ежедневно поднимаются и спускаются по его эскалаторам, восхищаются архитектурой и отделкой чудесных подземных дворцов. 13. вождение в нетрезвом виде является административным правонарушением. 14. в Лондоне, как и в любом столичном городе с большим движением, бывают пробки на дорогах. 15. его не отвезли бы в полицейский участок и не оштрафовали, если бы он не превысил скорость.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
ill in place, and in the evening - for speeding in the roundabout. 5. today at the crossroads we almost collided with the bike, but my husband just turned. 6. when we arrived at the parking lot,All the seats were occupied. we want to leave when they saw that one car drove off, freeing up space just for us. 7. very convenient that on the platforms built bicycle paths. 8. for peoplewho travel by hitchhiking, an ideal place to stop passing cars - access road to the motorway. 9. need to slow down when driving up to the turn of the road in the mountains. 10.passersby curiously watched as workers constructed a road across the road elevation. 11. Governor inauguration took place in the city administration.Machine honored guests filled the parking lot of administration, as well as all the surrounding streets and alleys, and something where and sidewalks. 12. metro - the most convenient form of transportation.Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and visitors every day up and down the escalators it, admire the wonderful architecture and decoration underground palaces. 13.Drunk driving is an administrative offense. 14. in London, as in any metropolitan city with lots of traffic, there are traffic jams. 15.he was not taken to the police station and fined, if he had not exceeded the speed limit.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
in your place, and in the evening for speeding at the roundabout. 5. today at the crossroads we nearly collided with the bike, but my husband turned in time. 6. when we pulled into the parking garage, all the seats were occupied. We wanted to leave, when they saw that one machine train, releasing a place just for us. 7. very convenient that on trestles built paths for cyclists. 8. for peoplewho travel by hitchhiking, the perfect place to stop passing cars-access road to the highway. 9. it is necessary to reset the speed where the tablecloths to the turn of the road in the hills. 10. passers-by watched with curiosity as road workers constructed elevation across the road. 11. the Governor's inauguration took place in the building of city administration. cars honored guests crowded the parking Park Administration, as well as all the surrounding streets and alleys, some where, and sidewalks. 12. metro station-the most convenient mode of transport. hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and visitors daily rise and descend on the escalators, admire the architecture and decoration of wonderful underground palaces. 13. drunk driving is an administrative offence. 14. in London, as in any metropolitan city with great movement, there are traffic jams. 15. It was taken to the police station and was not fined, if he had not exceeded the speed limit.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Subpoena in place, and in the evening for the exceeded speed on a roundabout. 5. At the crossroads today we barely have not experienced the bikers, but my husband prefers in time. 6. When we drove up to the parking lotAll the seats have been busy. We would like to leave, when they saw that one machine is awaiting trial, by releasing the place as once again for us. 7. It is very convenient that the light oil products built tracks for cyclists. 8. For the peopleWho are traveling autostop, an ideal place to stop incidental machine - access road to the highway. 9. Need to be reset speed, when armed with machine guns, keep their guard to turn on the road in the mountains. 10.The dreadfulness onlookers watched as road workers constructed elevation across the road. 11. The inauguration of the governor was held in city administration.Machine special guests filled parking parking administration, as well as all adjacent streets and alleys, and some where and walkways. 12. Metro station is the most convenient mode of transport.Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren and visitors daily rise and descend on his ulitsa, admired architecture and finish wonderful underground palaces. 13.Driving under the influence of alcohol as an administrative offense. 14. In London, as well as in any capital city with great movement, there are plugs on the roads. 15.It should not be returned to the police station and was not fined, if he has not exceeded speed.
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