Черепа, извлеченные из земли в пещере Ловелок - это, согласно легендам местных индейских племен, все, что осталось от рыжеволосого племени Си-те-ках, которое было истреблено индейцами. Удлиненная форма черепов является чертой, присущей европеоидам.
Skull, extracted from the Earth in a cave Lovelock is, according to the legends of local Indian tribes, all that remains of the ginger-Te-Xi tribe, which was destroyed by the Indians. Long form of skulls is a feature inherent in evropeoidam.
Skulls, extracted from the ground in a cave Lovelock - that, according to legend of local Indian tribes, all that's left of the red-haired tribe Si-kah those that were killed by the Indians. The elongated shape of the skull is a feature inherent Europeoids.
the skull from the earth in a cave ловелок is, according to the local indian tribes, all that's left of the redheaded tribe are the framework, which had been slaughtered the indians.the extended form of skulls is a feature of европеоидам.