1. В середине 1980-х годов советское политическое руководство, безусловно, демонстрировало готовность придать больший динамизм советскому обществу.
2. К началу 1980-х годов стало очевидным отставание страны в социальной сфере, что во многом было обусловлено последствиями гонки вооружений. 3. Считается, что преобразования 1985 - 1991 гг. разворачивались на фоне неблагоприятной международной обстановки. 4. Полагают, что становление пятнадцати независимых государств на территории бывшего Советского Союза происходит в условиях идейно-политических процессов, направленность которых по сути коренным образом отличается от того, что наблюдалось на протяжении предшествующих десятилетий. 5. Оказалось, что за последние 10-15 лет у народов бывшего СССР в силу разных факторов и причин произошла «национализация» массового сознания. 6. Несомненно, в России переосмысление прошлого происходило под влиянием сильных критических настроений в отношении как доре волюционной «имперской» традиции, так и советского «коммуни стического тоталитаризма» в XX в. 7. В период перестройки и в первые годы после нее, безусловно, идеологическая ситуация была принципиально иной, чем сейчас. 8. Россия, скорее всего, будет настаивать на том, чтобы с нею считались как с одной из ведущих мировых держав. 9. Не вызывает сомнений, что политическая конъюнктура сегодняшнего дня оказывает значительное влияние на выбор сюжетов в изучении прошлого, заставляя обращать внимание на темы, вызывающие по тем или иным причинам особый общественный интерес. 10. В начале 1980-х годов на авторитет СССР, несомненно, негативно влияла советско-афганская война. 11. Случилось так, что подспудно вызревавшее недовольство в социалистическом лагере в открытой форме проявилось во время польского кризиса начала 1980-х годов и «выплеснулось» наружу в ходе «бархатных революций» 1989 г. 12. Как показали современные исследования, курс Запада в отношении СССР определялся не желанием установить равноправное партнерство, а стремлением вначале ослабить своего геополитического противника, а затем не допустить появления потенциального конкурента.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. in mid-1980-ies Soviet political leadership certainly demonstrated willingness to give greater dynamism to the Soviet society.2. by early 1980-ies became apparent lag in the social sphere, which largely was due to the consequences of the arms race. 3. it is considered that the conversion of 1985-1991 Gg. unfolded against the backdrop of an unfavourable international environment. 4. Believes that the formation of the fifteen independent States in the territory of the former Soviet Union with ideological and political processes, the thrust of which indeed radically different from what has been observed over the past decades. 5. It turned out that over the past 10-15 years the peoples of the former USSR, due to various factors and reasons occurred "nationalization" of mass consciousness. 6. There is no doubt that in Russia the past occurred under the influence of rethinking the strong critical sentiment against both the Dore volûcionnoj "Imperial" tradition and the Soviet "totalitarian Socialist communication" in the 20th century 7. During the Perestroika period and the first years after it, of course, the ideological situation was fundamentally different than now. 8. Russia will likely insist that its considered as one of the world's leading powers. 9. There is no doubt that political conjuncture today has a significant influence on the choice of subjects in the study of the past, forcing pay attention to topics that call for one reason or another, a special public interest. 10. In the early 1980-ies on the credibility of the USSR undoubtedly negatively influenced the Soviet-Afghan war. 11. It so happens that implicitly vyzrevavšee discontent in the Socialist camp in open form manifested itself during the Polish crisis of the early 1980 's and "exploded" outwards during the "Velvet revolutions", 1989.12. As shown by recent studies, the course of the West against the SOVIET UNION was determined not by the desire to establish an equal partnership, and desire first loosen its geopolitical adversary, and then prevent a potential competitor.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. In the mid-1980s the Soviet political leadership, of course, has demonstrated a willingness to give greater dynamism to Soviet society.
2. By the early 1980s, the country became apparent gap in the social sphere, which was due to the consequences of the arms race in many ways. 3. It is believed that the conversion of 1985 - 1991. unfolded against the backdrop of the unfavorable international environment. 4. It is believed that the formation of fifteen independent states of the former Soviet Union takes place in conditions of ideological and political processes, which focus essentially is radically different from what was observed during the previous decades. 5. It was found that over the past 10-15 years, the peoples of the former Soviet Union due to various factors and causes occurred "nationalization" of mass consciousness. 6. There is no doubt in Russia last rethinking occurred under the influence of strong critical sentiment with respect to both pre-Revolutionary "imperial" tradition, and the Soviet "commune-Terrorism totalitarianism" in the XX century. 7. In the period of perestroika and the first years after it, of course, the ideological situation was fundamentally different than it is now. 8. Russia is likely to insist on that with her counted as one of the leading world powers. 9. There is no doubt that the political situation of today has a significant influence on the choice of subjects in the study of the past, causing pay attention to the topic of for one reason or another special public interest. 10. In the early 1980s, the authority of the Soviet Union, of course, negatively affected the Soviet-Afghan war. 11. It happened that latently ripens discontent in the socialist camp openly manifested during the Polish crisis of the early 1980s, and "spilled" out in the "velvet revolutions" in 1989 12. As shown by recent studies, Western policy towards the Soviet Union was determined not by the desire to establish an equal partnership, and the desire to first weaken its geopolitical opponent, and then to prevent the emergence of a potential competitor.
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