Да моя улица - May 9th. Я скажу Скоту что бы он вам обьяснил как пользоваться скайпом и тогда когда мы встретимся со Скотом мы сможем с вами увидиться в скайпе.
Yes my street-May 9th. I'll tell you what would it Feed explained how to use Skype, and then when we meet with cattle we can uvidit′sâ with you on Skype.
Yes my street - May 9th. I tell Scott that he would have explained to you how to use Skype, and then when we meet with Scott we can contact you will see in Skype.
Yes my street - May 9th. I say livestock that he you production how to use скаипом and then when we meet with livestock we can with you увидиться in скаипе.