Кодекс Хаммурапи В 1901 французские археологи обнаружили каменный году перевод - Кодекс Хаммурапи В 1901 французские археологи обнаружили каменный году английский как сказать

Кодекс Хаммурапи В 1901 французские

Кодекс Хаммурапи В 1901 французские археологи обнаружили каменный году столб среди руин персидского города Сузы. Текст, высеченный на столбе, был древнейшим сводом законов, он был составлен Хаммурапи, царем Вавилона, XVIII столетии д н э.
кодекс хаммурапи состоит из 282 статей. Установленный в храме вавилонского бога Мардука"столб законов" должен был служить правосудию и одновременно напоминать: законы должны знать все.
кодекс охватывал все сферы жизни. Он ставил вне закона кровную месть, убийство, похищение невесты. наказания за них были суровы
В основе кодекса лежит идея талиона:наказание должно быть равным преступлению око за око, зуб за зуб". В соответствии с кодексом, если человек, обвинивший другого в краже, не мог привести свидетелей, подтверждающих его слова, ему грозила смерть как клеветнику
Кодекс также охватывал вопросы имущества и наследства. хаммуpanи устанавливал денежный штраф, при назначении которого учитывалось как само правонарушение, так и социальное положение граждан.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Code of Hammurabi in 1901 by French archaeologists discovered a stone a year post among the ruins of the Persian city of Susa. Text carved on a pole, was the oldest body of laws, it was compiled by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, the 18th century d e. Code of Hammurabi consists of 282 articles. Installed in the Temple of the God of the Babylonian Marduka"stolb of laws" was supposed to serve justice and simultaneously remind: laws must know everything. the code covers all aspects of life. He put outlaw vendetta, assassination, abduction. the penalties were harsh The code is the idea of the Taleon: the penalty shall be equal to the crime an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ". In accordance with the code, if a man accused another of stealing, could not cast of witnesses, to substantiate his words, he was threatened with death as klevetniku The code also covered questions of property and inheritance. hammupani installed fine, when assigning which took into account both the offence and the social situation of citizens.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The Code of Hammurabi in 1901, French archaeologists discovered a stone pillar by the ruins of the Persian city of Susa. Text carved on a column, was the oldest set of laws, it was composed of Hammurabi, king of Babylon, XVIII century BC d.
Hammurabi's Code consists of 282 articles. Installed in the temple of the god Marduk in Babylon, "a pillar of laws" was to serve justice and at the same time to remind: the laws have to know everything.
The Code covers all areas of life. He outlawed the vendetta, murder, kidnapping the bride. penalties for them were severe
in the Code based on the idea of retaliation:. the penalty shall be equal to the crime of eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth "In accordance with the Code, if a person accused another of stealing, he could not bring witnesses to confirm his words,
he came close to death as a slanderer Code also covers property and inheritance issues. hammupani installed fine, the appointment of which is accounted for as the offense itself, and the social situation of citizens.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the code of hammurabi in 1901 french archaeologists discovered a stone, among the ruins of the city of susa. text carved on the pole, was the oldest body of laws, he was drawn by hammurabi, king of babylon, the 18th century d h er.the code of hammurabi consists of 282 articles. the temple in babylon, god мардука "post legislation was to serve justice and at the same time, to remind: the laws should know all.the code covers all spheres of life. he's been out of revenge, murder, abduction. they were stern punishmentthe code is based on the idea талиона: punishment must fit the crime "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." in accordance with the code, if a person обвинивший another theft, could not bring witnesses attesting to his words, he would face the death as a slandererthe code also covers issues of property and inheritance. хаммуpanи was a fine, in the appointment of which is taken into account as the nature of the offence, and the social status of citizens.
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