Заброшенный военный город в Подмосковье, около Волоколамска. Военная ч перевод - Заброшенный военный город в Подмосковье, около Волоколамска. Военная ч английский как сказать

Заброшенный военный город в Подмоск

Заброшенный военный город в Подмосковье, около Волоколамска. Военная часть, к которой приписан город расформирована в 1992-м. В 2005-м из города ушли последние жители. Сейчас в городе нет никого.
Добавлено 10/01/2015. Зашел сюда впервой за пару лет, удивлен количеством странных, а то бредовых комментов. Попробую ответить на все сразу.
1. В сталкер никогда не играл. Я вообще не знаток игр.
2. Все что я говорю про радиацию и про мутантов - вымысел (надеюсь). У меня начал глючить айфон, на который велась съемка, вот я и стал говорить ерунду для весилухи.
3. Все вокруг, и особенно дома, действительно усыпаны гильзами.
4. Выстрел действительно был, скорее всего охотники неподалеку. По пути к этому месту, уже после съезда с шоссе, висит (висел в 2012) указатель на охотничий клуб - мы увидели его только на обратном пути.

ЗЫ. Все снималось для себя и для друзей, поэтому не мусорите в комменты, приходится чистить.

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Все комментарии (212)
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Андрей Кокорин 8 месяцев назад
какие мутации?????????????????????? Типа кажды заброшеный город в мире забросили из за радиации. Это же подмосковье какая радиация столица близко!!!!!!!!!
· 1

andreyplanes Неделю назад
+Андрей Кокорин см описание к видео

Flying Dutchman 4 часа назад (изменено)
Не боятся идти еще девчонку взяли с собой. А телефоны берут сигнал там? Обычно в таких местах обитают призраки или прочие. А можно узнать в каком это месте МО такой находится заброшенный город?

Семён Киров 1 месяц назад
тут снимали серию из экстрасенсов1

Ирина Кияшко 2 месяца назад
а инопланетян там не было?
· 3

GRADUS ENTERPRISE! 2 месяца назад
приехал сторож, а за чем прятаться от него, вы на частную территорию проникли или что? если бы не прятались , он бы вас от собаки еще спас и чаем напоил,с малиновым вареньем))) и дал грибов сушеных в дорогу)))

Сергей Волоснов 2 недели назад
Собаку в студию!..............щенок пол года отвечу) Зря скрывались в мусорном коллекторе

Ksushka S 11 месяцев назад
Это бывший военный городок, поселок Фёдоровка , Истринский район...я там жила..Автор, ты такую чушь несёшь...Городок просто расселили,военнослужащие наконец получили НОРМАЛЬНОЕ жильё, которого так ждали, потом там была база для игры в пейнтбол,там же снимали серию Битвы экстрасенсов...Если есть вопросы - расскажу ,что интересует. Какая на фиг радиация и обстрелы? ))))
· 42

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михаил загурский 2 месяца назад
+Сергей Шин гильзы от ак74 47 иногда используют с трайкболе стреляют холостыми для антуража
· 2

катя невзгодова 2 месяца назад
А над собаками проводили опыты? :( единственный нормальный комментатор

Максим Шабанов 2 месяца назад
как будто посмотрел фильм ужасов
· 2

Mike Mike 5 дней назад
Вы говорите никого нет в этом городе??? Сделайте стоп кадр на 10 мин. 40 сек. Справа внизу в метрах 15 от дома стоит человек. На видео вы в 3, либо вы приехали в 4 либо, либо это охрана))) УУУУУУУ страшно)). Но человек там реально есть

Metalist 6 месяцев назад
прикольно хочу тоже сгонять
· 2

Vladimir Sokolov 2 месяца назад
да,у парня нет проблемы с произношением буквы "Р"

в гостя у tomene ютюбера 1 месяц назад
Место было как в сталкере гдеьтунель и железная дорогл

Salyanka Channel 1 месяц назад
На заметку блиндаж это яма куда скидывают не пригодное оружие и вещи

poslannik2012 1 месяц назад
Это следы от боевых патронов автомата Калашникова, велась перестрелка между 2 домами..на самом деле стремное местечко...

Ян Моисеев 1 месяц назад
Коментатор от бога,а а бешеный реактивные собаки....Страх...

Vladimir Sokolov 2 месяца назад
Танюха вооще заскучала с такими кавалерами
· 3

Mr. Epic 1 месяц назад
Яблони растут ?

machete machete 6 месяцев назад
перезагрузка помогает от радиации
· 1

Тимур Ауез 4 месяца назад
Что там было,если они покинули город???

Посмотреть ответ
Zakhar Sichev 3 месяца назад
Злые собаки,химическое оружие.....8)Зомби
· 5

Показать ещё

В Москве нашли подземный город с мечетью Bao Nga 1 114 258 просмотров

Мёртвая страна. 20 лет без СССР kdanilinVideos 383 251 просмотр
Заброшенные города России(Кадыкчан).wmv Race174 129 983 просмотра
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Abandoned military town in the Moscow region, near Volokolamsk in. Military unit to which assigned city disbanded in 1992-in 2005 of the city left last inhabitants. Now there's no one in the city.Added 1/10/2015. Went here the first time for a couple of years, surprised by the number of strange, and the delusional comments. I'll try to answer all at once.1. the stalker has ever played. I'm not a connoisseur of games.2. all that I'm talking about radiation and about the mutant-fiction (I hope). I have started to fail the iPhone was shot, so I was talking nonsense to vesiluhi.3. all around, and especially the House really littered with casings.4. Shot really was most likely hunters nearby. On the way to this place, after exiting the highway, Hung (hung in 2012), a pointer to a hunting Club-we only saw him on the way back.SHL. All filmed for myself and for friends, so do not musorite in the comments, are clean. Category People and blogs License The standard license YouTube All comments (212)slayer1979Share your opinionAndrey kokorin 8 months agoWhat mutations? of? of? of? of? of? of? Type each abandoned city in the world has thrown out for radiation. The same kind of radiation outside the capital near!!!!!!!!· 1 andreyplanes Week ago+ Andrey Kokorin, see the description of the video· Flying Dutchman 4:0 ago (changed)Not afraid to go even a little girl took with them. And the phones are signal there? Usually in such places are inhabited by ghosts or other. And you can find out what this site DOD is an abandoned city?· Semyon Kirov 1 month agoThere were a series of èkstrasensov1· Irina Kiyashko 2 months agoand the aliens were not there?· 3 GRADUS ENTERPRISE! 2 months agoWatchman came and for hiding from him, you're on the private territory infiltrated or what? If not, he would hide you from the dogs are rescued and given tea with raspberry jam))) and gave mushrooms dried in the street)))· Sergey Volosnov 2 weeks agoThe dog in the Studio!.............. Puppy 6 months will answer) in vain were hiding in a garbage collector· Ksushka S 11 months agoThis is the former military town, village Fiodorovka, Istra district ... I lived there.. The author, you're rubbish nesëš′... The town is settled, the military finally got NORMAL housing, which have been waiting for, then there was a base for paintball, there's also filmed a series of Battle of psychics to ... If you have any questions-I will tell what interests. What bounce radiation and fire? ))))· 42 View all answers (6)Michael zagursky 2 months ago+ Tire liners from Sergey 47 ak74 sometimes use with trajkbole shoot with blanks for Entourage· 2 Katia nevzgodova 2 months agoAnd the dogs were experiences? :( the only normal commentator· Maxim Shabanov 2 months agolooked like horror movie· 2 Mike 5 days agoYou say there is no one in this city?!? Do stop frame for 10 min. 40 sec. Right at the bottom of the 15 people from the House. In the video you in 3 or 4 in either, or guard))) UUUUUUU scary)). But the people there really is· Metalist 6 months agoI want too drive· 2 Vladimir Sokolov: 2 months agoYes, the guy has no problem with the pronunciation of the letter "p"· the visitor tomene ûtûbera 1 month agoThe place was like in stalker gde′tunel′ and iron dorogl· Salyanka Channel 1 month agoNote the dug a hole where the demilitarized weapons and throw off their stuff· poslannik2012 1 month agoThis marks from live ammunition, Kalashnikov was shooting between 2 houses. .. actually stremnoe the Township of ...· Ian Moses 1 month agoCommentator from God and a rabid attack dog .... Fear ...· Vladimir Sokolov: 2 months agoTanyuha so zaskučala with such Knights· 3 Mr. Epic 1 month agoApple trees grow?· machete machete 6 months agoreboot helps against radiation· 1 Timur Auez 4 months agoThat was there, if they left town???· View the answerZakhar Sichev 3 months agoAngry dogs, chemical weapons ... ... ... .... 8) zombies· 5 Load moreAuto play The following In Moscow found an underground city with a mosque Bao Nga 1114258 views 1:47 Dead country. 20 years without the USSR kdanilinVideos 383251 view 9:53 Abandoned cities of Russia (Kadykchan) .wmv Race174 129983 views 3:53
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Abandoned military town in the suburbs, near Volokolamsk. The military part to which is assigned the city disbanded in 1992. In 2005, the city went past residents. Now the city is no one.
Posted 01.10.2015. I went here for the first couple of years, surprised the number of countries, and the crazy comments. Try to answer all at once.
1. The stalker has never played. I'm not an expert at all games.
2. All I'm talking about radiation and about the mutants - fiction (hopefully). I began to fail iPhone, which was carried out shooting, so I began to talk nonsense to vesiluhi.
3. All around, especially at home, really littered with sleeves.
4. The shot was indeed likely hunters nearby. On the way to this place, after the highway exit, hang (hung in 2012), a pointer to a hunting club - we saw it only on the way back. PS. All filmed for themselves and friends, so no debris in the comments, it is necessary to clean. Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License All comments (212) slayer1979 Share your opinion Andrey Kokorin 8 months ago what mutations ????????? ????????????? The type of each ghost town abandoned in the world because of the radiation. This is what the suburbs near the capital of radiation !!!!!!!!! · 1 week ago andreyplanes + Andrey Kokorin see video description · Flying Dutchman 4:00 back (changed) is not afraid to go even took the girl with him. And the phones are taking the signal out there? Usually, in such places inhabited by ghosts or other. And you can learn what is in place is a Defense ghost town? · Semyon Kirov 1 month ago then shot a series of ekstrasensov1 · Irina Kiyashko 2 months ago and there was no aliens? · 3 GRADUS ENTERPRISE! 2 months ago came the guard, and for what to hide from it, you are on private land have got or what? if not hiding, he would have saved the dog has watered and tea with raspberry jam))) and gave the dried mushrooms in the street))) · Sergey hairline 2 weeks ago The dog in the studio! ......... ..... puppy half a year to answer) should not hiding in a garbage collector · Ksushka S 11 months ago This former military town, village Fedorovka, Istra district ... I'm there zhila..Avtor you such nonsense ... The town is just nesёsh Russell, the military finally get a normal housing, which has been waiting for, and then there was a base for the game of paintball, there is a series of filmed Battle of psychics ... If you have questions - tell that interested. What FIG radiation and attacks? )))) · 42 View all posts (6) Michael Zagurskii 2 months ago + Sergey Shin casings from AK74 47 is sometimes used to shoot blanks for traykbole entourage · 2 rolling nevzgodova 2 months ago And on dogs conducted experiments? :( Only normal commentator · Maxim Shabanov 2 months ago looked like a horror movie · 2 Mike Mike 5 days ago You say there is no one in this town ??? Take a still image for 10 min. 40 sec. in the bottom right in 15 meters from the house is a man. In the video you 3 or 4 you came to anything, or it guards))) UUUUUUU scary)). But there really is a man · Metalist 6 months ago cool, too want to drive · 2 Vladimir Sokolov 2 months ago yes, the guy is not a problem with the pronunciation of the letter "P" · Visiting tomene yutyubera 1 month ago The place was like a stalker in gdetunel and iron more expensive · Salyanka Channel 1 month ago Note dug pit where the take off is not suitable weapons and items · poslannik2012 1 month ago This marks Kalashnikov live ammunition, firing was conducted between 2 domami..na really dumb place ... · Ian Moses 1 month ago commentator from God, and furious jet dogs .... Fear ... · Vladimir Sokolov 2 months ago Tanyuha voosche bored with these gentlemen · 3 Mr. Epic 1 month ago Apple trees grow? · Machete Machete 6 months ago reboot helps radiation · 1 Timur Auez 4 months ago What happened if they left the city ??? · See the answer Zakhar Sichev 3 months ago Curs, chemical weapons .. ... 8) Zombie 5 · More Auto Play Next In Moscow, found an underground city with a mosque Bao Nga 1,114,258 views 1:47 Dead Country. 20 years without the USSR kdanilinVideos 383,251 viewing 9:53 Abandoned Russian city (Kadykchan) .wmv Race174 129,983 view 3:53

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Qahira military town in the Moscow Region, some in. The military part, to which is assigned the city disbanded in 1992-m. The 2005-m from the city have gone past residents. It is now in the city there is no.
added 10/01/2015.Hasn't have been here for a couple of years, surprised plenty of strange, and the ravings комментов. Try to respond to all immediately.
1. The stalker has never played. I am not at all spontaneous games.
2.All that I am talking about radiation and the ABM mutants - fiction (i hope). I have begun глючить аифон, on which were shooting, i was work he wanted to talk to весилухи.
3. All around, and especially in the home,Indeed there liners.
4. A shot was indeed, as soon as possible all the hunters nearby. On the way to this place, is already the Congress with the highway,Hanging (hanging in 2012) the pointer to the hunting club - we saw it only on the way back, the.lord facilitate. All removed for themselves and for friends, therefore, is not мусорите in комменты, accounted for clean.

people and blogs
A standard license youtube lord all comments (212)
the latest incomings1979
share your opinion
Internet Space Builder 8 months ago
what mutation?????????????????????? Type кажды заброшеныи city in the world printing machines were burned from the radiation.The same russian what radiation capital close!!!!!!!!!
· 1

аndreyplаnes a week ago
Internet Space Builder see description of the video

flying Dutсhmаn 4 hours ago (changed)
is not afraid to go even hastened up took a. And phones are signal there?Usually in such places inhabit the ghosts or other. As well you can find out what this place is such a MOD Qahira city?

afore Kirs 1 month ago
i removed a series of forecast1

Irina Кияшко 2 months ago
The grottoes there was no?

GRADUS enterprise! 2 Months ago
come watchman, and the than hide from it, you are on private penetrated into or what? If I did not hiding, he would like to ask you the dog is still saved and tea forehead,With))) and gave mushrooms dried in the street)))

Sergei Волоснов 2 weeks ago
dog in студию! ..... cute paul, answer) wasted hiding in a gutter manifold

Ksushkа S 11 months ago
This is a former military town, village near Uralsk , pannikhida area ... i have lived..the author, you're such a rubbish Adonijah ... town just new arrivals,soldiers finally received the normal housing, which have been waiting for,Then there was the base for the game paintball in,ibid. , removed a series battlefield forecast ... If you have any questions - tell you ,that are interested in. What the tsar ... radiation and shelling? · ))))

View all answers (6)
Mikhail загурскии 2 months ago
Sergei Tire liners from ak74 47 sometimes use with траикболе shoot at idle for rumours show how difficult

i suppose невзгодова 2 months ago
A over the dogs have conducted experiments? :( The only normal commentator

Maxim Shabanov 2 months ago
as though I saw horror movie

Mike Mike 5 days ago
you say there is no-one in the city??? Make a stop frame for 10 min. 40 Sec.On the right hand side at the bottom in meters 15 from home. The video you are in 3, or you have come to 4 either or this protection))) УУУУУУУ scary)). But there really is a

Metаlist 6 months ago
either toil i

Software Corp. Sоkоlоv 2 months ago
yes,the guy there is no problem with the 'otaku' letter "P"

in guest tоmene ютюбера 1 month ago
place was in сталкере гдеьтунель and iron дорогл

Sаlyаnkа Channel 1 month ago
The memo without doubt this pit where developers are not suitable weapons and things

pоslаnnik2012 chassis 1 month ago
This traces of live ammunition from a Kalashnikov rifle, has been shooting between 2 houses..in fact стремное spot ...

Jan Moiseev 1 month ago
Коментатор from God,as well as a graceful rocket dog .... fear ...

Software Corp. Sоkоlоv 2 months ago
girls brief description заскучала with such traditionally

Mr. Epic 1 month ago
trees grow ?

mасhete mасhete 6 months ago
Reboot helps from the radiation
· 1

Timur Ауез 4 months ago
that there was,if they have left the city are??

view answer
Zаkhаr Siсhev 3 months ago
evil dogs,chemical weapons ..... 8)Zombie
· 5

the following more multitasking performance

in Moscow found underground city with mosque Bao Nga 1,114,258 views

dead country. 20 Years Without the USSR kdаnilinVideоs 383,251 view
abandoned city of Russia(Кадыкчан) .wmv race174 129,983 view
3:53 AM
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