Я не знаю, как правильно сказать. Мне нужно спросить у мамы. Она сказала, что религия для нее больше как философия, моральное восприятие жизни. Я хочу сказать тебе, что это важно для меня.
I do not know how to properly say. I need to ask my mother. She said that religion for her more as a philosophy, moral perception of life. I want to tell you that it is important for me.
I do not know how to say it correctly. I need to ask my mother. She said that for her religion more as a philosophy, a moral outlook on life. I want to tell you that it is important for me.
i don"t know how to say. i need to ask my mother. she said that religion for her more as a philosophy of moral perception of life. i want to tell you that it"s important to me.