- этот процесс очень важен для любой организации. Ещё 5-10 лет назад п перевод - - этот процесс очень важен для любой организации. Ещё 5-10 лет назад п английский как сказать

- этот процесс очень важен для любо

- этот процесс очень важен для любой организации. Ещё 5-10 лет назад предприятия контролировали управление запасами сами. Сейчас же, с появлением 3PL операторов, есть возможность передать на аутросинг, так как нет смысла идти на расходы по оплате высококвалифицирован¬ных специалистов, внедрению и поддержке прогрессивных ин¬формационных систем на складе предприятия, когда все это реализовано на высоком уровне у логистического оператора;
- однако большинство данных, которые используются для управления за¬пасами, составляют коммерче¬скую тайну; к тому же инертность мышления руководителей компании-заказчика тормозит развития рынка аутсорсинга в управлении запасами.
2. Таможенное оформление. При таможенном оформле¬нии практически всег¬да пользуются услугами сторон¬ней организации – таможенного брокера. Вкратце напомним его основные функции:
- подготовка грузовой тамо¬женной декларации и ее элек¬тронной копии;
- подборка пакета документов для таможенного оформления;
- подача декларации в тамож¬ню и сопровождение процесса «растаможки»;
- по договоренности декларирование за своей брокерской печатью.
Передать эти функции на аут¬сорсинг имеет смысл, так как:
- здесь нет необходимости в вы¬соком уровне контроля стороны предприятия, потому что этот процесс и так контролируется очень тщательно. Таможня сама все прокон¬тролирует. Дополнительно к таможенным брокерам изна¬чально предъявляются высокие требования со стороны государ¬ства, что дает дополнительную га¬рантию их профессионализма;
- эта сфера деятельности весьма специфична и высокозатратна. Для того чтобы выполнять эти функции самой, организация должна иметь в своем штате осо¬бо обученных специалистов по таможенному оформлению – декларантов, аттестованных тамо¬жней, которые к тому же обязаны периодически проходить переат¬тестацию. Помимо этого, нужно специальное программное обес¬печение, самокопирующиеся бланки ГТД и т.д.
3. Транспорт и склад. Как в пер¬вых двух пунктах, здесь нет таких одноз¬начных предпочтений, и каждая орга¬низация самостоятельно будет принимать решение, передавать ли выполнение этих функций сто¬ронней организации, или нет, ис¬ходя из той конкретной ситуации, в которой она работает. Вот тут-то и имеет смысл еще раз вспомнить, что контроль стоит ресурсов и вы¬бирать его уровень следует исходя из соображений необходимости и достаточности этого контроля. При этом учитываются:
- размеры и финансовые воз¬можности организации;
- объемы и характер грузопото¬ков;
- сферы деятельности организа¬ции (производство, торговля, ус¬луги, посредническая деятельность);
- политика организации в данном вопросе. Этот пункт часто может быть главным в принятии решения о передаче процесса на аутсорсинг, особенно в крупных компаниях, в том числе с иностранным капиталом, где подоб¬ные решения принимаются штаб-квартирой и являются обя¬зательными для исполнения все¬ми подразделениями [25, с. 30].
Таким образом, можно сказать, что ответ на вопрос об аутсорсинге индивидуален для каждой компании, однако при его решении совсем не лишним будет проанализировать перечисленные аспекты и задастся вопросом: содержать собственный отдел логистики или передать эти функции аутсорсинговой компании? Так кому же необходим логистический аутсорсинг:
1.В первую очередь, эта услуга нужна компаниям, стремящимся к расширению: например, к росту от регионального до национального уровня. Таким образом, логистический аутсорсинг необходим, прежде всего, для фирм, работающих в сфере малого и среднего бизнеса. Как правило, крупные компании имеют собственные логистические подразделения.
Однако не все так однозначно, как может показаться. Аутсорсинг логистики может понадобиться любым растущим компаниям, в том числе и весьма крупным, которым невыгодно тратить время на организацию внутренней логистики. Всем известно, что при расширении фирме становится намного тяжелее решать бюрократические вопросы, а при увеличении количества новых работников число инструкций, контролей и порядков растет буквально в геометрической прогрессии. Аутсорсинг помогает компаниям избавиться от этих проблем, отвлекающих руководителей от главных задач.
2. Логистический аутсорсинг может быть необходимым крупным компаниям, осознающим, что максимальной эффективности можно достичь исключительно путем снижения себестоимости товара. «Собственный» отдел логистики зачастую влияет на повышение себестоимости продукции, ведь его нужно содержать постоянно, вне зависимости от того, загружен он или нет. При обращении в аутсорсинговую компанию этих затрат можно избежать.
Нужно отметить и то, что собственные логистические службы иногда могут играть роль внутренней монополии, услуги которой стоят гораздо больше рыночных предложений. Многие предприниматели признают, что, когда логистическая служба с автопарком и складами является структурным подразделением компании, реальную стоимость ее услуг отследить практически невозможно. В итоге компаниям приходится переплачивать.
3. Использование внешнего логистического оператора помогает облегчить работу отечественным производителям, деятельность которых основывается на импорте-экспорте товаров, комплектующих или конечной продукции. Полный комплекс услуг включает в себя доставку товаров до и от границы, таможенное оформление грузов, предоставление складских помещений и (при желании клиента) поддержание в них необходимого уровня товарных запасов[10].
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-This process is very important for any organization. Another 5-10 years ago the company controlled stock management yourself. Now, with the advent of 3PL operators have the opportunity to pass on autrosing, because it makes no sense to go to professional costs ¬ specialists, implementation and support of progressive information ¬ systems in stock companies, when all this is done at a high level, the logistics operator;However, most of the data that are used to control for ¬ pasami constitute commercial ¬ Polish secret; Besides mental inertia of managers of the company-customer inhibits market development outsourcing in inventory management.2. customs clearance. Customs decorated ¬ Yes ¬ METR almost Research Institute used the services of the parties to the United Nations-¬ Customs Broker. Briefly recall its main functions:-preparation of cargo customs declaration and its policy ¬ Elek ¬ throne copies;-compilation of the package of documents for customs clearance;-submission of declaration in tamož ¬ nude and accompaniment process of customs clearance;-by agreement due to its Declaration of brokering printing.Delegate these functions to the timeout ¬ sourcing makes sense because:-There is no need in you ¬ juice level the control side of the enterprise, because this process and so is monitored very carefully. Customs itself all Prokon ¬ troliruet. In addition to customs brokers rape ¬ originally high demands from the public, thus giving ¬ additional HA ¬ guarantee their professionalism;-This activity quite specific and vysokozatratna. In order to carry out these functions, the Organization must have a staff of CCA ¬ Bo trained customs clearance specialists-certified customs declarants ¬ žnej, which are also required to periodically undergo pereat ¬ testaciû. In addition, you need special software ¬ cookies, self-copying forms GTD etc.3. transport and storage. As the two new paragraphs ¬ here no such odnoz ¬ scientist preferences, and each organization ¬ organization alone will decide whether to pass these functions one hundred MC button ¬ organization or not, although the ¬ IP specific situations in which it operates. And here it makes sense to once again remember that control is worth the resources and you can freely select ¬ his level should be based on considerations of necessity and sufficiency the control. This includes:-dimensions and financial possibilities of the organization; ¬ who -the volume and nature of gruzopoto ¬ Cove;-fields of activity organization ¬ tion (production, trade, us ¬ Lugi, mediation);-policies of the Organization in this matter. This item can often be the most important in deciding on the transfer process for outsourcing, especially in large companies, including those with foreign capital, where such decisions taken ¬ headquarters and are necessarily ¬ zatel′nymi for the execution of all MI ¬ units [25, s. 30].Thus, we can say that the answer to the question about outsourcing is unique for each company, but its decision is not superfluous will analyze the listed aspects and to put into question: it must contain its own logistics department or delegate these functions to the outsourcing company? So who needs a logistics outsourcing:1. First of all, this service needs companies seeking to increase: for example, to increased from regional to national level. Thus, the logistics outsourcing is needed primarily for companies working in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. Typically, large companies have their own logistics unit.However, not all so simple as it might seem. Logistics outsourcing may need any growing companies, including very large, which is disadvantageous to spend time on the Organization of internal logistics. Everyone knows that when you extend a firm becomes much harder to tackle bureaucratic issues, and increasing the number of new employees, the number of instructions that controls and orders literally grows exponentially. Outsourcing helps companies to get rid of these problems, distracting managers from the main tasks.2. logistics outsourcing may be necessary for large companies, aware that maximum efficiency can be achieved only by reducing the cost of the goods. «Own» Logistics Department often affects the enhancement of production costs, because it should contain constantly, regardless of whether it is loaded or not. When contacting the outsourcing company of these costs can be avoided.It should be noted, and that their own logistics services can sometimes play the role of domestic monopoly, whose services are much more market-oriented proposals. Many entrepreneurs recognize that when logistic service with the fleet and warehouses is a structural subdivision of the company, the real value of its services to track virtually impossible. As a result, companies have to overpay.3. Use an external logistics operator helps facilitate the work of the domestic producers, whose activity is based on the import-export goods, component parts, or finished products. Full service includes delivery of goods to and from the border, customs clearance, warehousing facilities and (optionally) the maintenance in them of the necessary level of inventories [10].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- This process is very important for any organization. More 5-10 years ago, the company controlled inventory management themselves. Now, with the emergence of 3PL operators have the opportunity to pass on autrosing, since it makes no sense to go to the expense of paying vysokokvalifitsirovan¬nyh experts, implementation and support of advanced systems in¬formatsionnyh stock companies, when all this is implemented at a high level at the logistics operator ;
- but most of the data that are used to control za¬pasami constitute kommerche¬skuyu secret; besides the inertia of thinking heads of the client company slows down the development of the outsourcing market in inventory management.
2. Customs clearance. At customs almost oformle¬nii vseg¬da storon¬ney use the services of the organization - a customs broker. We briefly recall its main features:
- Preparation of cargo tamo¬zhennoy Declaration and its elek¬tronnoy copies;
- the selection of a package of documents for customs clearance;
- submission of declaration in tamozh¬nyu and support the process of "customs clearance";
- as agreed declaration of its brokerage printing .
Send these functions aut¬sorsing makes sense because:
- there is no need for vy¬sokom level of control of the enterprise, because the process is controlled and so very carefully. Customs itself all prokon¬troliruet. In addition to customs brokers izna¬chalno high demands on the part of gosudar¬stva that provides additional ga¬rantiyu their professionalism;
- this sphere of activity is very specific and costly. In order to perform these functions itself, the organization must have a staff oso¬bo trained specialists in customs clearance - declarants certified tamo¬zhney, which are also required to undergo periodic pereat¬testatsiyu. In addition, you need special software obes¬pechenie, self-copying forms GTE, etc.
3. Transport and storage. Like per¬vyh two points, there is no such odnoz¬nachnyh preferences, and each orga¬nizatsiya alone will decide whether to pass these functions sto¬ronney organization or not, is¬hodya of the particular situation in which it is working. That was then, and it makes sense to remember once again that the control is resource vy¬birat and its level should be based on considerations of necessity and sufficiency of these controls. This takes into account:
- the size and financial voz¬mozhnosti organization;
- the volume and nature of gruzopoto¬kov;
- the scope of organiza¬tsii (production, trade, us¬lugi, brokering)
- the organization's policy in this matter. This item can often be important in deciding on the transfer process outsourcing, especially in large companies, including those with foreign capital, where decisions are made ​​podob¬nye headquarters and are obya¬zatelnymi for execution vse¬mi units [25, from. 30].
Thus, we can say that the answer to the question of outsourcing is different for each company, but when the decision is not superfluous to analyze these aspects and will wonder: have their own logistics department or transfer these functions outsourcing company? So who needed a logistics outsourcing:
1. In the first place, this service is required companies seeking to expand, for example, to the growth of the regional to the national level. Thus, the logistics outsourcing needs, especially for companies working in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses. Typically, large companies have their own logistics division.
However, is not so simple as it might seem. Outsourcing logistics may need any growing businesses, including very large, which is not profitable to spend time organizing internal logistics. Everyone knows that the expansion of the company becomes much harder to solve bureaucratic issues, while increasing the number of new employees the number of instructions, controls and orders rising just exponentially. Outsourcing helps companies to get rid of these problems, distractions from the main task managers.
2. Logistics outsourcing may be necessary for large companies, is aware that maximum efficiency can be achieved only by reducing the cost of goods. "Own" the logistics department often affects the increase in cost of production, because it must contain the time, regardless of whether it is loaded or not. When contacting the outsourcing company these costs can be avoided.
It should be noted, however, that its own logistics service can sometimes play the role of internal monopolies, whose services are much more market offers. Many businesses recognize that, when a logistic service with a fleet and warehouses is a structural division of the company, the real value of its services is almost impossible to trace. As a result, companies have to pay.
3. Using an external logistics operator helps facilitate the work of domestic manufacturers, whose activities are based on the import-export of goods, components or finished products. Full service includes the delivery of goods to and from the border, customs clearance, provision of storage facilities and (if desired client) are required to maintain in inventory levels [10].
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this process is very important for any organization. another 5 to 10 years ago, the enterprise control the inventory management. now, with the advent of 3PL operators have the opportunity to аутросинг,so there's no need to pay the costs высококвалифицирован¬ных professionals, implementation and support of progressive ин¬формационных system in stock enterprisewhen it is realized at a high level the logistics operator;
- however, most of the data used for the management of за¬пасами are коммерче¬скую secret;besides, the inertia of thinking of the company's customer slows development outsourcing market in the management of stocks.
2. customs clearance.in the customs оформле¬нии almost всег¬да use сторон¬ней is the customs broker. briefly recall its main functions:.- preparation of the тамо¬женной declaration and its элек¬тронной copies;
- a compilation of documents for customs clearance;
- a declaration in support of the тамож¬ню and растаможки»;.- agreement declaring their brokering seal.
to transfer these functions at аут¬сорсинг sense as:
- there is no need to вы¬соком level control by the enterprisebecause this process is monitored very carefully. customs can прокон¬тролирует. in addition to customs brokers изна¬чально placed high demands on the part of государ¬ства,what is more га¬рантию their professionalism;
- this area is very specific, and высокозатратна. in order to carry out the functions of thethe organization must have a staff of trained professionals осо¬бо customs clearance is декларантов, certificated тамо¬жней, which also must periodically be переат¬тестацию. in addition, theyou need special software обес¬печение, самокопирующиеся forms tbg etc.
3. transport and storage. in пер¬вых two paragraphs, there is no such одноз¬начных preferenceseach орга¬низация itself will decide, to have these functions сто¬ронней organization or not, ис¬ходя from the specific situation, in which she works.here's the sense again, remember that the control cost of resources and вы¬бирать its level should be based on the necessity and sufficiency of this control. taking into account:.- the size and financial воз¬можности organization;
- volume and nature of the грузопото¬ков;
- the scope of the организа¬ции (production, trade, ус¬луги mediation).the policy of the organization in this regard. this item can often be the main solution of the transfer process in outsourcing, especially in large companies, including foreign capitalwhere подоб¬ные decisions are made by the headquarters and are обя¬зательными for performance все¬ми units [25,. 30]. thus, we can saythe answer to the question of outsourcing is different for every company. however, his decision is not superfluous will analyze the aspects and made the question:maintain own logistics department or to transfer the functions of trust company? so who needs logistics outsourcing:
1.в primarily, this service needs of companies seeking to expand.for example, the growth of the regional and national level. thus, the logistics outsourcing is necessary, especially for firms working in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. as a rule,large companies have their own logistics units. however, not all so clear as it might seem. outsourcing of logistics can be any growing companies, including very largea time for which the internal logistics. everybody knows that with the expansion of the firm becomes much harder with bureaucratic issues.as you increase the number of new workers, the number of instructions, control and systems grows only exponentially. outsourcing helps companies get rid of these problems.distract managers from major challenges.
2. logistics outsourcing can be a large companies, conscious,that maximum efficiency can be achieved only by reducing the cost of the goods. "собственный» logistics department often effect on increasing production costs.it should contain all the time, whether loaded or not. in the treatment аутсорсинговую company of these costs can be avoided. it should be noted thatown logistics services sometimes can play the role of internal monopoly, whose services are much more market proposals. many entrepreneurs recognize thatwhen the logistic service with the fleet and warehouses is the structural unit of the company, the real value of its services to track virtually impossible. in the end, companies have to overpay.
3.the use of external logistics operator helps to facilitate the work of domestic producers, whose work is based on the import and export of goods, components and final products.a full range of services, includes the delivery of goods to and from the border, the customs clearance of goodsprovision of storage space and (at the customer's choice) to maintain them the necessary level of stock [10].
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