У Адама и Евы были два сына: старший - Каин и младший - Авель. Авель пас овец, Каин обрабатывал землю. Однажды случилось так, что Каин принёс богу в дар плоды земли, Авель же посвятил ему первородных ягнят от стада своего. Бог благосклонно принял дары Авеля, а на подношение Каина даже не посмотрел. Каин был разгневан и, снедаемый завистью, заманил Авеля в поле и коварно убил его. Увидев, что случилось преступление, Бог обратился к Каину: где Авель, брат твой? А Каин ответил: не знаю: разве я сторож брату моему! Тогда бог в великом гневе проклял Каина и отметил его печатью, чтобы всякий, кто встретит его, знал, что он убийца.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Adam and Eve had two sons: the elder-Cain and Abel Jr. Abel Paz sheep, Cain cultivated land. Once it so happened that Cain brought God's gift of the fruits of the Earth, Abel same dedicated to him his lambs of the flock. God graciously accepted gifts of Abel and Cain's offering to not even looked. Cain was angry and filled with envy, lured Abel in the field and insidiously killing him. After seeing what happened a crime, God turned to Cain: where is Abel, your brother? But Cain replied: I don't know: am I my brother's keeper! Then God in great anger cursed Cain and noted his seal, to anyone who will meet with him, knew he was a killer.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Adam and Eve had two sons: the elder - and Cain Jr. - Abel. Abel's sheep, Cain cultivated the land. Once it happened that Cain brought a gift to God the fruits of the earth, Abel is dedicated to him the firstborn lambs from his flock. God has graciously accepted the gifts of Abel, and did not even look at the offering of Cain. Cain was angry and, consumed with envy, lured Abel into a field and killed him treacherously. Seeing that the crime happened, God spoke to Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And Cain said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper! Then God, in great anger, cursed Cain, and said his seal to everyone who met him knew he was a killer.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
adam and eve had two sons: the eldest, cain and abel junior -. abel paz sheep, cain worked the land. one day, it happened so that cain brought god's gift of the fruits of the earth, abel's devoted his original lambs from the flock. god looked took gifts abel and cain's offering didn't even look. cain was angry and consumed by jealousy, lured abel in the field and plot to kill him. i saw what happened crime, god asked cain, where is abel thy brother? and cain said, know not: am i my brother's keeper. then god great anger cursed cain and noted his seal to everyone who meets him, know that he is the killer.
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