Иван Купала - один из главных праздников календаря славян. Он совпадае перевод - Иван Купала - один из главных праздников календаря славян. Он совпадае английский как сказать

Иван Купала - один из главных празд

Иван Купала - один из главных праздников календаря славян. Он совпадает с Рождеством Иоанна Крестителя. Отмечается в ночь с 6 на 7 июля. С днем Ивана Купала связано множество обычаев и обрядов. Например, купаться в день Ивана Купала – это всенародный обычай, но некоторые древние народы считали, что такое купание может быть опасным, ведь именинник – Иван Купала – это водяной, которому не нравиться когда в его царство лезут посторонние и он готов утопить всякого не осторожного. Обряды, совершаемые в канун праздника, составляют сложный обрядовый комплекс, включающий: сбор трав и цветов, плетение венков, украшение зеленью построек, разжигание костров, уничтожение чучела, перепрыгивание через костер или через букеты зелени, обливание водой, гадания, выслеживание ведьмы, ночные бесчинства.
Ильин день на Руси считался одним из важнейших праздников года. Его отмечают 2 августа. В этот день чествуют пророка Илию. С Ильина дня начиналась осень, несмотря на то, что по календарю до нее было еще далеко. С этого дня люди переставали купаться. Наши предки говорили: «С Ильина дня ночь длинна, а вода холодна»
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ivan Kupala-one of the main festivals of the calendar of the Slavs. It coincides with Christmas, John the Baptist. Celebrated on the night of 6 to 7 July. With the day of Ivan Kupala celebration involves many customs and rituals. For example, take a dip in the day of Ivan Kupala is a popular custom, but some ancient peoples believed that such swimming can be dangerous, because the birthday boy-Ivan Kupala is water, which do not like when his Kingdom climb outsiders and it's ready to drown anyone not precautionary. Ceremonies, perpetrated on the eve of the holiday, make up a complex ritual complex that includes: collection of herbs and flowers, wreaths, greenery, decoration of buildings, bonfires, destroy scarecrows, jumping over the fire or through the bouquets of Greens, water dousing, divination, witch, night tracking abuses.Ilyin day in Russia is considered to be one of the most important holidays of the year. It is celebrated on August 2. On this day in honor of the Prophet Elijah. With Ilyina days began in autumn, despite the fact that the calendar before it was still far away. On this day people stop to bathe. Our forefathers said: "with the day long night Rollin and the water is cool»
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Ivan Kupala - one of the major festivals of the calendar Slavs. It coincides with the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Celebrated on the night of 6 to 7 July. Happy Midsummer linked to many customs and rituals. For example, to bathe in the day of Ivan Kupala - is a national custom, but some ancient peoples believed that this swimming can be dangerous, because the birthday boy - Ivan Kupala - is water that does not like when his kingdom climb outsiders and it's ready to drown all not careful . Rites committed on the eve of the holiday, make a complex ceremonial complex, including: the collection of herbs and flowers, weaving wreaths decorated with green buildings, inciting fires, destruction of stuffed animals, jumping through fire or through bouquets of greenery, pouring water, divination, hunting down witches, night excesses .
Elijah's Day in Russia was one of the most important festivals of the year. It is celebrated on 2 August. On this day honoring the prophet Elijah. With Ilyina day started the fall, despite the fact that according to the calendar it was still far off. On this day people stopped swimming. Our ancestors said: "From the day Ilyina night long, and the water is cold"
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ivan kupala is one of the major holidays of the slavs. it coincides with the christmas of john the baptist. notes on the night of 6 to 7 july. ivan kupala day has many customs and rites. for example,swim day ivan kupala is a popular custom, but some ancient peoples believed that swimming can be dangerous, because the birthday boy ivan kupala is water.who doesn't like getting strangers when in his kingdom and he would drown every not cautious. acts committed on the eve of the holiday are complex is complex, comprising: a mixture of herbs and flowersweaving wreaths, decoration of green buildings, lighting fires, destruction of skin перепрыгивание through fire or water, through the flowers on the green water, divination, tracking the witch's rebellion.
ilyin day in russia is considered to be one of the most important holidays of the year. his note on 2 august. on this day, honoring the prophet elias. ilyin day began to fall, in spite of the fact that the calendar before it was still far away.from this day, people stopped swimming. our ancestors said: "since ilyin day night is long, and the water холодна»
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