относятся обработка почвы, подготовка посадочного материала, применени перевод - относятся обработка почвы, подготовка посадочного материала, применени английский как сказать

относятся обработка почвы, подготов

относятся обработка почвы, подготовка посадочного материала, применение удобрений, сроки и способы посадки, уборки и др.
Карантинные мероприятия – это система государственных мероприятий, направленных на предупреждение завоза и распространения наиболее опасных болезней, вредителей и сорняков. В условиях непрерывного возрастающего обмена материальными и культурными ценностями между государствами карантинные мероприятия приобретают все большее значение.
Механические методы заключаются в уничтожении насекомых с помощью разных приспособлений [7]. Химическая защита растений основана на использовании различных органических и неорганических соединений, токсичных для вредных организмов. Наконец, наиболее существенным отрицательным фактором химических инсектицидов является то, что их широкое применение ведет к формированию популяции жуков, резистентных к этим инсектицидам. Это требует увеличения доз и кратности обработок, что в свою очередь ещё в большей степени приводит к загрязнению воды, кормов и продуктов. Увеличение дозы химических препаратов, в свою очередь, приводит к быстрому процессу возникновения резистентности жука.
Вот почему внимание исследователей в последнее время обращено в основном на биологические средства защиты, позволяющие снизить пестицидную нагрузку на полях картофеля. В основе биометода лежит поиск естественных врагов–энтомофагов колорадского жука, их искусственное разведение и выпуск на поля.
В то же время биологический метод защиты требует комплексных мер и строгого соблюдения правил обработки. Необходимо проведение фитосанитарного контроля картофельного поля. Важен также упреждающий выпуск массово разводимых энтомофагов и учёт погодных условий. Это одна из причин, препятствующих широкому внедрению этого метода защиты в хозяйствах [7].
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
include soil preparation planting, fertilizer, timing and methods for planting, harvesting, etc.Quarantine is a system of government interventions to prevent contamination and spread of the most dangerous diseases, pests and weeds. Under the continuous increasing exchange of material and cultural values among States quarantine activities are becoming increasingly important.Mechanical methods are destroying insects using different devices [7]. Chemical plant protection is based on the use of various organic and inorganic compounds, toxic to pests. Finally, the most important negative factor chemical insecticides is that their widespread use leads to the formation of populations of beetles, resistant to the insecticide. This requires increasing dose and the multiplicity of treatments, which in turn has increasingly contaminate water, fodder and food. Increasing the dose of chemicals, in turn, leads to a rapid process of occurrence of resistance of the beetle. That's why the attention of researchers recently drawn mainly on biological remedies to reduce the load on the pesticidnuû potato fields. In the basis of the process lies a search for natural predators-predators Colorado beetle, their artificial breeding and production in the field. At the same time, the biological method of protection requires comprehensive measures and strict compliance with the rules for processing. There is a need for phytosanitary control of potato field. Important also a pre-emptive release of massively bred predators and weather conditions. This is one of the obstacles to widespread implementation of this method of protection on farms [7].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
include tillage, preparation of planting material, fertilizer, timing and methods of planting, harvesting, and others.
Quarantine measures - a system of government measures aimed at preventing the introduction and spread of the most dangerous diseases, pests and weeds. Under continuous increasing exchange of material and cultural values ​​among nations quarantine measures are becoming increasingly important.
The mechanical methods consist in destroying insects using different devices [7]. Chemical protection of plants based on the use of various organic and inorganic compounds that are toxic to pests. Finally, the most significant negative factor of chemical insecticides is that their widespread use leads to the formation of a population of beetles resistant to these insecticides. This requires an increase in dose and frequency of treatments, which in turn still more leads to contamination of the water, feed and products. Increasing doses of chemicals, in turn, leads to rapid emergence of resistance beetle process.
That is why the attention of researchers lately drawn mainly on biological remedies that reduce pesticide load on the potato fields. The biological control is based on the search for natural enemies entomophagous Colorado potato beetle, their artificial breeding and release in the field.
At the same time a biological method of protection requires comprehensive measures and strict observance of the rules of treatment. It is necessary to conduct phytosanitary control of potato fields. Also important is a pre-emptive release of large quantities of farmed entomophages and accounting weather. It's one of the reasons hindering the widespread adoption of this method of protection on farms. [7]
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
include the processing of soil preparation, planting material, application of fertilizer, the time and the ways of planting, harvesting, etc.
quarantine activities is a system of public eventsaimed at preventing the introduction and spread of the most dangerous diseases, pests and weeds.with the continued increasing of material and cultural values among states quarantine activities become increasingly important.mechanical methods are the destruction of insects through different devices [7]. chemical protection of plants is based on the use of various organic and inorganic compoundstoxic to pests. finally, the most significant negative factor of chemical insecticides is that their widespread use has led to the formation of bugsresistant to these insecticides. this requires increasing doses and multiples processings, which, in turn, even more causes pollution of water, feed and products. increasing the dosage of chemicals.in turn, leads to the rapid process of the resistance of the beetle.
this is why attention of researchers recently drawn mainly on biological resources protectionto reduce the load on the пестицидную fields of potatoes. in the basis of биометода is searching for natural врагов–энтомофагов colorado beetle, artificial breeding and production in the field.
at the same time, the biological method of protection requires comprehensive measures and strict compliance with the rules of processing. need a phytosanitary control potato field.important as a preemptive release mass разводимых entomophages and records of weather conditions. this is one of the obstacles to widespread adoption of this method of protection in farms [7].
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