В один день мы с семьей садились в поезд, чтобы доехать до побережья. Смутно знаем, что выходить нужно, на шестой остановке, но не уверены, в тот ли поезд мы сели. Спросить некого – кругом одни итальянцы, не знающие английского. Вдруг в поезд заходит девушка и спрашивает у нас что-то на итальянском. Мы на английском – не понимаем. Она спросила у нас на ломаном английском что это поезд до Неттуно? Мы сказали что сами пытаемся узнать. Она – сейчас спросим. Поворачивается к соседу, спрашивает, переводит нам – да, до Неттуно, едете правильно. Мы на английском – а как бы нам прокомпостировать билеты? Девушка ведет нас обратно на перрон, показывает и рассказывает на английском, как компостировать билеты. Возвращаемся в вагон. Девушка расспрашивает, куда едем, понравился ли нам Рим, все на ломаном английском. И тут у нее звонит телефон, она берет трубку и отвечает на чистейшем русском: «Да, дорогая, я тоже тебя слушаю». Мама: «О, как!» Она: «Вы что, знаете русский язык?!»
Результаты (
английский) 1:
One day we sat down with his family in the train to reach the coast. Vaguely aware that leaving the need at the sixth stop, but not sure whether the train we got. Ask someone-circle some Italians who do not know English. Suddenly the train comes to a girl and asks us something in Italian. We in English-do not understand. She asked us in broken English that this train to Nettuno? We were told that they are trying to learn. She is now ask. Turns to a neighbor asked translates us-Yes, to Nettuno, drive correctly. We in English-but how would we validate the tickets? Girl takes us back to the platform, shows and talks in English, as composted tickets. Back in the car. The girl asks, where did we go, Rome, all in broken English. And then she had the phone rings, she picks up the phone and responds to pure Russian: "Yes, Darling, I listening to you too. Mom: "Oh, how!" She: "you know the Russian language?"
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
One day we sat down with his family on the train to get to the coast. Dimly aware that you need to go, at the sixth stop, but not sure if we got the train to. Ask certain - the terms of some Italians who do not know English. Suddenly, the train comes to a girl and asks us something in Italian. We are in English - do not understand. She asked us in broken English that this train to Nettuno? We were told that they themselves are trying to learn. It - Now ask. He turns to the neighbor, asks, puts us - yes, to Nettuno, drive correctly. We are in the English - and how do we validate the tickets? She leads us back to the platform, shows and explains in English how to punch tickets. Back in the car. She asks where we go, whether we liked Rome, all in broken English. And then her phone rings, she picks up the phone and answers in fluent Russian: "Yes, dear, I'm listening to you, too." Mom: "Oh," she: "Do you know Russian language ?!"
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
one day, my family sat on the train to get to the coast. no, i don't know what to have, at the sixth stop, but you are not sure whether we were in the train. ask one is surrounded by the italians don't know english. when the train enters the girl and asked the us something in italian. we english do not understand. she asked us in broken english that train to nettuno. we said that we are trying to learn. she is now ask. turns to the neighbour asked makes us - yes, nettuno, going right. we in english, how should we прокомпостировать tickets? the girl takes us back to the platform, shows and tells the english how to punch tickets. back in the car. the girl asked, where are we going, like the us, rome, in broken english. and then she got the phone rings, she takes the phone and is in perfect english, "yes, dear, i love you слушаю». mom: "oh, how! "she said," do you know english? . "
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