7. Она как раз вошла в дом, когда я ей позвонила. Я была рада, что зас перевод - 7. Она как раз вошла в дом, когда я ей позвонила. Я была рада, что зас английский как сказать

7. Она как раз вошла в дом, когда я

7. Она как раз вошла в дом, когда я ей позвонила. Я была рада, что застала ее.

8. Не успела она войти в дом, как зазвонил телефон.

9. Она зашла в дом, и в это время зазвонил телефон.

10. Эо был единственный раз, когда она опоздала на работу. Из-за сильного снегопада транспорт остановился, и ей пришлось ждать 45 минут.

11. Он был типичным неудачником. Он начинал и не заканчивал разные занятия последние несколько лет. Он намеревался начать своё дело , но потратил деньги на какое-то странное изобретение.

12. Я всегда любовалась этой пожилой четой. Они были женаты тридцать лет, а он ни разу не забывал поздравить ее с годовщиной свадьбы.

13. Мы очень волновались за свою дочь, когда она отправилась в экспедицию. Мы ничего не слышали о ней, пока не увидели телевизионную программу об этой экспедиции.

15. Мы были уверены, что они поставили палатку до того времени, как начался дождь. Но когда мы вернулись, то обнаружили, что все наши вещи и продукты промокли.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
7. She just walked into the House, when I phoned her. I was glad that I caught her. 8. She did not manage to enter the House, as the phone rang.9. She came in the House, and this time the phone rang.10. Eo was the only time she was late to work. Due to heavy snowfall transport stopped, and she had to wait 45 minutes.11. He was a typical loser. He started and not finished the different classes for the last few years. He had intended to start a business of my own, but spent money on some strange invention. 12. I have always admired this elderly couple. They were married for thirty years, and he never forgot to congratulate her with wedding anniversary.13. We are very worried for her daughter when she went on an expedition. We didn't hear about it until they saw a television programme about this expedition.15. We were sure that they put up a tent before that time, as it started to rain. But when we came home, discovered that all our things and products soaked.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
7. She had just entered the house when I called her. I was glad that found her. 8. Before she could get into the house, the phone rang. 9. She went into the house, and at that moment the phone rang. 10. Eo was the only time she was late for work. Because of heavy snowfall transport stopped, and she had to wait 45 minutes. 11. He was a typical loser. He started and ended the different classes the last few years. He intended to start a business, but spent the money on a strange invention. 12. I have always admired this elderly couple,. They have been married for thirty years, and he never forgot to congratulate her on their wedding anniversary. 13. We are very worried about her daughter when she went to the expedition. We have not heard anything about it until I saw a television program about the expedition. 15. We were sure that they set up a tent at the time as it started to rain. But when we returned, we found that all our wet clothes and food.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
7. she just walked into the house, when i called her. i was glad i caught her.

8. before she could go into the house, the phone rang.

9. she went into the house, and at this time, the phone rang.

10. this was the only timewhen she's late for work. because of the heavy snow transport stopped, and she had to wait 45 minutes.

11. he was a loser. he started and finished different classes over the past few years.he intended to start a business, but spent money on some weird invention.

12. i've always loved the old the. they have been married for thirty years, and he never forget to wish her a happy anniversary.

13. we are very worried about my daughter, when she went on an expedition. we haven't heard anything about it until i saw a television program about the expedition.

15. we were surethey camped out before long before it began to rain. but when we came back, they found that all of our things and products are soaked.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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