Я думаю, что вы очень умная. И мне хочется, что бы вы думали, что я тоже умная. Это я опять про кино. Я часто смотрю глупые фильмы и они мне нравятся. И мне нравится Кевин Кестнер. И мне нравится этот фильм.
I think you are very clever. And I feel like, what would you think that I'm too clever. It's me again about the movie. I often look stupid movies and I like them. And I like Kevin Kästner. And I like this movie.
I think you are very clever. And I want, what do you think I'm too smart. It's me again about the movie. I often watch stupid movies and I like them. And I like Kevin Kestner. And I like that movie.
i think you're very smart. and i want you to think i was smart. it's me again about the movie. i often look stupid movies and i like them. and i like kevin kestner. and i love this movie.