Всякое государство, всякая империя основывает свою силу на предпочтите перевод - Всякое государство, всякая империя основывает свою силу на предпочтите английский как сказать

Всякое государство, всякая империя

Всякое государство, всякая империя основывает свою силу на предпочтительном развитии одной из этих категорий. Первое предполагает наличие метрополии и колоний, второе -- столицу и провинции на "общей суше". Однако вроде бы простая схема этого разделения сразу же усложняется при наложении элементов: пара "земля -- море" дает идеи "морской земли" (островная геополитика) и "земной воды" (речная геополитика). При этом статус Острова или Континента определяется не столько на основании их географической величины, сколько на основании специфики типичного сознания населения. Так, геополитика США носит островной характер, несмотря на размеры Северной Америки, а Япония геополитически представляет собой пример континентального менталитета.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Every nation, every Empire derives its force on the preferential development of one of these categories. The first implies the existence of metropolitan France and the colonies, the second-the capital and the province to "common land". However, the seemingly simple scheme of this Division immediately complicated by overlapping elements: a pair of "land-sea" gives the idea of "sea-land" (the geopolitics of the island) and "Earth" (River geopolitics). When the status of the island or continent is determined not so much based on their geographic magnitude of how much based on the specifics of a typical awareness. So, geopolitics is United States insular nature, despite the size of North America, and Japan is an example of a geopolitical continental mentality.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Every state, every empire of bases its strength on the preferred development of one of these categories. The first assumes that the metropolis and colonies, the second - the capital and the provinces on "common land". However, the seemingly simple scheme of this division immediately complicated by the imposition of elements: a pair of "land - sea" gives the idea of ​​the "land of the sea" (Geopolitics island) and "the water of the earth" (river geopolitics). At the same time the status of islands and Continent is defined not so much on the basis of their geographical size, but on the basis of the specifics of the typical consciousness of the population. So, geopolitics US has an insular character, despite the size of North America, and Japan geopolitically represents an example of continental mentality.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
every nation, every empire bases its strength on the preferential development of one of these categories. the first involves the metropole and colony, the second is the capital and the provinces in the "common ground".however, a simple scheme of this separation is to immediately apply elements: a pair of earth to the sea "is the idea of" the earth "(island geopolitics) and" the waters "(river geopolitics).the status of the island or continent is determined not so much by their geographical size, how many, on the basis of characteristics of the typical consciousness of the population. so, geopolitics is the island ofdespite the size of north america, and japan is geopolitically represents an example of continental mentality.
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