working out Thank you for the response to my interest. You appear to b перевод - working out Thank you for the response to my interest. You appear to b английский как сказать

working out Thank you for the respo

working out Thank you for the response to my interest. You appear to be a very fascinating and intelligent woman from your profile. I hope that we can learn more about each other and possibly meet when I'm in the Ukraine. I realize this is very short notice but I will be in the Ukraine for most of January and perhaps into February. Although I have been to Russia and Central Asia a number of times I have never been to the Ukraine and I'm looking forward to sightseeing, improving my Russian, and meeting a very select number of people.

Please look over my profile information again and ask any questions that you have. I hope you will find me interesting enough to continue communications. I wish you the best holidays, Merry Christmas and happy new year. I look forward to learning more about you. Take care.

With love


PS since you are a piano person I am attaching a photograph of a 1911 player piano that I totally restored from scratch. It was a basket case. It is in my old (1823) house in upstate New York near Niagara Falls.

I am seriously looking for a classy, courteous, sensual and polite lady to spoil and spend my life with. I have the means to live a comfortable life and travel the world. I am tired of materialistic people and want to share my past experiences and future with a partner. I have devoted most of the past 20 years to helping others - is time now to think about myself. That is why I am here. Thank you for reading this.

I am looking for a woman who can share my life and dreams, to be my best friend and partner. I need a woman I may talk about everything with. I see her to be kind, careful attractive, intelligent, educated, , faithful, honest, without bad habits.
Love is not a materialistic good, but a spiritual substance!
Its all about mutual Love, and with this miracle partner is Perfect!
Of course, we should reflect some similarities, that is why id like to meet a woman, who is well educated, intelligent , has a positive look on life.

I am passionate about life and the way ahead

Когда я читаю ваше сообщение я как будто читаю про меня. ВЫ как будто описали мой характер.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
although i have been to russia and central asia a number of times i have never been to the ukraine and i'm looking forward to sightseeing, improving my russian, and meeting a very select number of people.

please look over my profile information again and ask any questions that you have. i hope you will find me interesting enough to continue communications. i wish you the best holidays,merry christmas and happy new year. i look forward to learning more about you. take care.

with love


ps since you are a piano person i am attaching a photograph of a 1911 player piano that i totally restored from scratch. it was a basket case. it is in my old (1823) house in upstate new york near niagara falls.

i am seriously looking for a classy, ​​courteous,sensual and polite lady to spoil and spend my life with. i have the means to live a comfortable life and travel the world. i am tired of materialistic people and want to share my past experiences and future with a partner. i have devoted most of the past 20 years to helping others - is time now to think about myself. that is why i am here. thank you for reading this.

i am looking for a woman who can share my life and dreams, to be my best friend and partner. i need a woman i may talk about everything with. i see her to be kind, careful attractive, intelligent, educated,, faithful, honest, without bad habits.
love is not a materialistic good, but a spiritual substance!
its all about mutual love, and with this miracle partner is perfect !
of course,we should reflect some similarities, that is why id like to meet a woman, who is well educated, intelligent, has a positive look on life.

i am passionate about life and the way ahead

When I read your message I like reading about me. You seem to describe my character.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
working out Thank you for the response to my interest. You appear to be a very fascinating and intelligent woman from your profile. I hope that we can learn more about each other and possibly meet when I'm in the Ukraine. I realize this is very short notice but I will be in the Ukraine for most of January and perhaps into February. Although I have been to Russia and Central Asia a number of times I have never been to the Ukraine and I'm looking forward to sightseeing, improving my Russian, and meeting a very select number of people.

Please look over my profile information again and ask any questions that you have. I hope you will find me interesting enough to continue communications. I wish you the best of holidays, Merry Christmas and happy new year. I look forward to learning more about you. Take care With love


PS since you are a piano person I am attaching a photograph of a 1911 player piano that I totally restored from scratch. It was a basket case. It is in my old (1823) house in upstate New York near Niagara Falls.

I am seriously looking for a classy, courteous, sensual and polite lady to spoil and spend my life with. I have the means to live a comfortable life and travel the world. I am tired of materialistic people and want to share my past experiences and future with a partner. I have devoted most of the past 20 years to helping others-is time now to think about myself. That is why I am here. Thank you for reading this.

I am looking for a woman who can share my life and dreams, to be my best friend and partner. I need a woman I may talk about everything with. I see her to be kind, careful, intelligent, attractive, educated, faithful, honest, without bad habits.
Love is not a materialistic good, but a spiritual substance!
Its all about mutual Love, and with this miracle partner is Perfect!
Of course, we should reflect some similarities, that is why id like to meet a woman, who is well educated, intelligent, has a positive look on life.

I am passionate about life and the way ahead

when I read your post I like reading about me. You seem to have described my character

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Working out "Thank you for the response to my interest. You аppeаr to be a very fаsсinаting and intelligent woman from your profile. I hope that we can learn more about each other and possibly meet-when I'm in the Ukraine. I realize this is very short notice but I will be in the Ukraine for won most of January and perhаps into February.Althоugh (I have been to Russia and Central Asia and a number of times I have never been to the Ukraine and I'm looking forward to sightseeing, laying out my English, and meeting a very select number of people.lord Please look over my profile information again and ask any questions that you have. I hope you will find me add cancel enough to continue communications. I you can use you the best holidays,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I look forward to learning more about you. Take care.Lord with love


PS since you are a piano person I am аttасhing and phоtоgrаph of a 1911 player piano that I tоtаlly restored Minicontent. It was a case if you need to start over. It is in my old (1823) house in equipped New York near Niagara Falls.lord I am seriоusly looking for a сlаssy, соurteоus,Sensuаl and pоlite lady to little ones and spend my life with. I have the means to live a соmfоrtаble life and travel the world. I am tired of mаteriаlistiс people and want to share my past experiences and future with a partner. I have devоted won most of the past 20 years to helping others - is time now to think about myself. That is why I am here. Thank you for reading this.

I am looking for a woman who can share my life and dreams, to be my best friend and partner. I need a woman I may talk about everything with. I see meteors to be paedophilia, саreful аttrасtive, intelligent, was a more stripped down, , fаithful, hоnest, without bad empty.
love is not a mаteriаlistiс good, but a spiritual OEMK!
its all about mutual love, and with this miracle partner is perfect!
of course Detecting,We should ten some similаrities, that is why Id like to meet a woman, who is well was a more stripped down, intelligent, has a positive look on life.lord I am pаssiоnаte about life and the way ahead

when I read your message i like reading me. You, as if it were described my character.

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