Посмотри.Что там на дереве? Большая красивая птица. Твой брат любит кошек? Нет. Он любит только компьютер. Это его хобби. Жирафы живут в россии? Да, в зоопарке.
See. That there's a tree? Big beautiful bird. Your brother likes cats? No. He loves only computer. This is his hobby. Giraffes live in Russia? Yes, in a zoo.
Posmotri.Chto there on the tree? Big beautiful bird. Your brother loves cats? No. He likes only computer. That's his hobby. Giraffes live in Russia? Yes, at the zoo.
посмотри.что there on the tree? a beautiful bird. your brother likes cats? no. he only likes computer. this is his hobby. giraffes live in russia? yes, the zoo.