BRITISH HOMES1. About 80 per cent of British people live in houses bui перевод - BRITISH HOMES1. About 80 per cent of British people live in houses bui английский как сказать

BRITISH HOMES1. About 80 per cent o

BRITISH HOMES1. About 80 per cent of British people live in houses built close together.Detached houses are usually in expensive suburbs, quite far fromthe town centre. Terraced houses and blocks of flats are mostly found intown centers. They can either be very small two-storey houses with oneor two bedrooms or large houses with three or five floors and four orfive bedrooms.2. About 67 per cent of people in Britain own their houses or flats.Most of the rest live in rented accommodation. People in Britain buyhouses or flats because there is not enough rented accommodation andwhat there is can be expensive.3. Council flats1 and houses are built and owned by the local council.After the Second World War a lot of council flats, known as towerblocks, were constructed. Some were as high as 20 storeys and so badlybuilt that they had to be pulled down only thirty years later.344. Modern housing estates2 are built differently now. There mightbe a mixture of two-storey terraced houses together with a four-storeyblock of flats. There are play areas for children and there is often acommunity centre3 where people who live on the estate can meet.5. Since 1980’s council tenants have been able to buy their ownhomes very cheaply if they have lived in them for over two years. By1993, 1,5 million council houses had been sold, but only 5000 councilhouses or flats were built to replace them. This means that it is now verydifficult to find cheap housing or rent.6. Most British houses have a garden and many British peoplespend a lot of time in it. Most gardens, even small ones, have flowersand a lawn. If you don’t have a garden, it is possible to grow flowersand vegetables on at allotment5 which is a piece of land rented from thelocal council.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
HOMES BRITISH <br>1. About 80 per cent of British people live in houses built close together. <br>Usually houses are detached in expensive Suburbs, quite far the from <br>the town centre. Blocks and houses Terraced of flats are mostly found in <br>town centers. CAN an either the BE for They very small to two two-storey houses with one's <br>or to two two bedrooms or large houses with a three or a five or four floors and <br>a five bedrooms. <br>2. About 67 per cent of people in Britain own their houses or flats. <br>Most of the rest live in rented accommodation . In Britain the buy the People <br>houses or flats Because there is not enough Sofia rented for accommodation and <br>what there is the BE CAN expensive. <br>Council flats1 3. <br>and houses are built and owned by the local council.<br>The World of Second of After War a lot of council flats, as with the known tower <br>blocks The, Were Constructed. Some were as high as 20 and SO badly storeys <br>built for They had to That the BE pulled down only thirty years later. <br>34 <br>4. Modern housing estates2 <br>are now built differently. Of might There <br>the BE of a Mixture to two two-storey houses of terraced-together with a four-storey <br>block of flats. Areas-play are There for children and there is often the a <br>community centre3 <br>where clause people the who the live on the estate CAN the meet. <br>5. Since 1980 council tenants have's Been Able <br>to the buy Their own <br>homes very cheaply the if for They have lived in for over Them to two two years. By <br>1993, 1,5 million council houses had been sold , but only 5,000 council<br>houses or flats were built to replace them . IT Means That the this is now! Just very <br>Difficult to the find cheap housing or bar rent. <br>Most houses British 6. have a garden and British many people <br>spend a lot of time in it. Gardens Most, even small ones, have flowers <br>and a lawn. You do not the if have a garden, IT is Possible to grow flowers <br>and vegetables on AT allotment5 <br>the which is a piece of land Sofia rented from the <br>local council.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
BRITISH HOMES<br>1. About 80 per cent of British people live in houses built close together.<br>Detached houses are usually in expensive suburbs, quite far from<br>the town centre. Terraced houses and blocks of flats are mostly found in<br>Town centers. They can either be very small two-storey houses with one<br>or two bedrooms or large houses with three or five floors and four or<br>Five bedrooms.<br>2. About 67 per cent of people in Britain own their homes or flats.<br>Most of the rest live in rented accommodation. People in Britain buy<br>houses or flats because there is not enough rented accommodation and<br>what there is can be expensive.<br>3. Council flats1<br> houses are built and owned by the local council.<br>After the Second World War a lot of council flats, known as tower<br>The women were constructed. Some were as high as 20 storeys and so badly<br>They were only 30 years old.<br>34<br>4. Modern housing estates2<br> They are built differently now. There might<br>be a mixture of two-storey terraced houses together with a four-storey<br>Block of flats. There are play areas for children and there is often a<br>community centre3<br> where people who live on the estate can meet.<br>5. Since the 1980's council tenants have been able<br> to buy their own<br>Homes are very cheaply if they have lived in them for over two years. By<br>1993, 1.5 million council houses were sold, but only 5000 council<br>houses or flats were built to replace them. This means that it is now very<br>difficult to find cheap housing or rent.<br>6. Most British houses have a garden and many British people<br>spend a lot of time in it. Most gardens, even small ones, have flowers<br>and a lawn. If you don't have a garden, it is possible to grow flowers<br>and vegetables on at allotment5<br> which is a piece of land rented from the<br>local council.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
BRITISH HOMES<br>1. 80% of Britons live together.<br>Detached houses are usually in expensive suburbs,quite far from<br>the town centre. Terraced houses and blocks of flats are mostly found in<br>town centers. They can have a very small two storey houses<br>Or large houses with three or five floors and four or download<br>five bedrooms.<br>2. About 67 per cent of people in Britain own their houses or flats.<br>The best way to survive is in the returned acommodation. People in Britain buy<br>houses or flats because there is not enough rented accommodation and<br>what there is can be expensive.<br>3. Council flats1<br>and houses are built and owned by the local council.<br>After the Second World War a lot of council flats,known as tower<br>blocks,were constructed. Some are up to 20 stories and so bad<br>built that they had to be pulled down only thirty years later.<br>Thirty-four<br>4. Modern housing estates 2<br>are built differently now. Be on the cards<br>be a mixture of two-story terraced houses together with a four-story<br>block of flats. Planned closure for children<br>community centre<br>where people who live on the estate can meet.<br>5. Sean 1980's Council tenants<br>to buy their own<br>homes very cheaply if they have lived in them for over two years. BY<br>1993,1,5 million council houses had been sold,but only 5000 council<br>houses or flats were built to replace them. That means it's real now<br>difficult to find cheap housing or rent.<br>6. Most British houses have a garden and many British people<br>spend a lot of time in it. Most gardens,even small ones,have flowers<br>And a lawn. If you don't have a garden, it's possible to grow the flowers<br>and vegetables on at allotment5<br>which is a piece of land rented from the<br>local council.<br>
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