Привет. Я рада, что ты не забываешь обо мне и пишешь. Я вижу,ты хорошо проводишь выходные с семьёй, это здорово.Выходные это то, чего я с нетерпением жду после шести напряженных дней в школе. Прошедшие выходные не особо отличались от других свободных дней, но в них было кое-что особенное.Как обычно, в субботу мы делаем уборку по дому, когда я прихожу из школы.После уборки мы садимся пить чай. Дальше папа занимался своими документами по работе, мама готовила ужин, сестра смотрела мультики, а я делала уроки. Вроде всё как обычно, но в тот вечер нам позвонили дядя с тётей и позвали нас к ним на дачу. Это чудесное место. Тишина,река,пение птиц, много деревьев. Людей можно встретить не ближе 2 километров. Взрослые готовили и топили баню.Мне кажется, что это уже стало их традицией, когда мы туда ездим.Некоторое время спустя они уходят в баню и любят залезать в ледяную воду реки. Мне даже смотреть страшно, я думаю, что превращусь в сосульку, если полезу туда. А я в это время или ходила фотографировать природу или читала книги. Ты ведь знаешь о моих увлечениях. А когда стемнеет, мы все собираемся вместе и общаемся. Это и были мои последние и интересные выходные. Все выходные, которые я провожу с семьёй мне интересны. Ты ещё не устал читать? Тогда я отвечу на ещё один твой вопрос.На следующие выходные мы планируем сходить в кино. Мы ещё не выбрали на какой фильм, но я уже знаю, что мне понравиться. Знаешь, ты говорил, что твои родители часто работают по воскресениям, не грусти. Именно по этому проводимое с ними время становится ещё бесценнее.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Hello. I'm glad you didn't forget about me and write. I see you well spend the weekend with my family, it's great. weekend is what I look forward to after six tense days at school. This weekend is not particularly different from other free days, but they were something special. As usual, Saturday we do cleaning at home when I come from school. After we sit down to drink tea. Further dad studied their documents on work, my mother was cooking dinner, sister watched cartoons, and I did. Like everything as usual, but that night we called uncle and aunt called us to give to them. This is a wonderful place. Silence, the River, singing birds, lots of trees. People can meet not closer than 2 km. Adults cooked and stoked bath. It seems to me that it has become their tradition, when we got there we go. Some time later, they go to the bath and love climbing up into the icy water of the river. I even look scary, I think prevraŝus′ in an icicle if climb there. And I at this time or went to photograph nature or read books. You know about my hobbies. And when it gets dark, we all get together and communicate. They were my recent and interesting weekend. All weekend I spend with my family I am interested. You're not tired of reading? Then I'll answer another question. The following weekend we're planning to go to the movies. We have not chosen any of the items in the movie, but I already know what I like. You know, you said that your parents often work on Sundays, don't be sad. This distinction with them becomes even bescennee.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Hey. I am glad that you do not forget me and write. I see you're having a good weekend with the family, it zdorovo.Vyhodnye is what I look forward to after six intense days in the school. Last weekend is not particularly different from other free days, but they had something osobennoe.Kak usual, on Saturday we do cleaning in the house, when I come out shkoly.Posle cleaning we sit down to drink tea. Next daddy doing their documents for work, mother preparing dinner, my sister watched cartoons, and I did my homework. Like everything as usual, but in the evening we got a call from my aunt and uncle invited us to the cottage to them. This is a wonderful place. The silence, the river, the birds singing, a lot of trees. People can be seen not closer than 2 kilometers. Adults cooked and drowned banyu.Mne it seems that it has become their tradition, when we got there ezdim.Nekotoroe time later, they go to the bath, and love to get into the icy water of the river. I was even scared to look, I think it will turn into an icicle, if I will get there. And this time I went to take pictures, or nature, or reading a book. You know about my hobbies. And when it gets dark, we all get together and talk. These were my last and interesting weekend. All weekend I spend with my family I am interested. You're still not tired of reading? Then I'll answer one more vopros.Na your next weekend we are planning to go to the movies. We have not chosen for a movie, but I already know that I like. You know, you said that your parents often work on Sundays, do not be sad. That is why the time spent with them is even priceless.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
hi. i'm glad you didn't forget about me and you. i see you are spending the weekend with my family, it's здорово.выходные is something i look forward to following the six intensive days in school. the weekend is not very different from the other free days, but there was something особенное.как usually saturday we're cleaning the house when i come out of the школы.после cleaning, we sat down to drink a cup of tea. then dad was your documents at work, mom was cooking dinner, my sister was watching cartoons, i was doing homework. like usual, but that night we called uncle aunt called us to them at the cottage. it's a wonderful place. quiet river, the birds, a lot of trees. the people you meet no closer than two miles. the adults were prepared and баню.мне think it already has become a tradition, when we go ездим.некоторое time later they go in the bath and the like into the icy river. i look scared, i think i'm an icicle, if going in there. meanwhile, i went to take pictures, or nature, or read books. you know about my hobbies. when it gets dark, we all get together and talk. it's been my recent and interesting weekend. over the weekend, which i spend with my family i'm interested in. aren't you tired of reading? then i'll answer one of your вопрос.на next weekend we will go to the movies. we're not going to the movie, but i already know what i like. you know, you said that your parents often work on sundays, do not be sad. for this reason, the time with them becomes more бесценнее.
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