По замыслу Комитета по строительству Транссиба, во время строительства перевод - По замыслу Комитета по строительству Транссиба, во время строительства английский как сказать

По замыслу Комитета по строительств

По замыслу Комитета по строительству Транссиба, во время строительства самого сложного участка КБЖД от порта Байкал до Култука сквозное движение должно было обеспечиваться Байкальской железнодорожной переправой, которая после ввода в эксплуатацию основного железнодорожного пути должна была бы выполнять следующие функции[10]:

дублирующей железнодорожной ветки (на случай аварий на КБЖД);
казённого пароходства на озере Байкал;
железнодорожной паромной «стыковки» с планируемой в перспективе Северобайкальской железной дорогой, которая должна была пройти от северной оконечности Байкала в район Бодайбо (один из первых проектов БАМа).
Для обеспечения работы Байкальской железнодорожной переправы должны были быть проведены гидрографические исследования озера Байкал, составлены морские навигационные карты, лоция, исследования льда озера Байкал, выбраны места для маяков и метеорологических станций.

Проект гидрографических исследований озера Байкал составили в 1894 году Ф. К. Дриженко и Ю. М. Шокальский.[11]

В 1895 году была создана Гидрографическая экспедиция Байкальского озера под руководством полковника Ф. К. Дриженко, которая в 1896 году начала рекогносцировочные работы на озере Байкал.[12] Работы экспедиции продолжались в летние сезоны 1897—1902 годов, причём в 1902 году исследовалась река Верхняя Ангара и волок от Верхней Ангары до Бодайбо. Результатом работы экспедиции стали морские навигационные карты и атлас озера Байкал, лоция озера Байкал с описанием физико-географических условий плавания[13], атлас Верхней Ангары[14], атлас волока до Бодайбо[15], построены маяки и метеорологические станции.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
According to the plan of the construction Committee of Trans-Siberian railroad during the construction of the complex plot RAILWAY from port Baikal to kultuk crosstown traffic was to be provided by the Baikal railway crossing, which after commissioning of the main railway track would perform the following functions [10]:duplicate railway line (in case of accidents at RAILWAY);State unitary steamship on Lake Baikal;railway ferry "dock" with the planned term Severobajkal′skoj railway, which was supposed to go from the northern tip of Lake Baikal in the Bodaybo region (one of the first projects Bama).To support the work of the Baikal railway crossing were to be carried out hydrographic studies of Lake Baikal are nautical charts, pilot book, studies ice Lake Baikal, selected places for lighthouses and weather stations.Hydrographic research project of Lake Baikal up in 1894 year f. k. Driženko and j. m. Yuly Shokalsky. [11]In 1895, was established Hydrographic expedition of the Baikal Lake under the leadership of Colonel f. k. Driženko, which in 1896 year began reconnaissance work on Lake Baikal. [12] the work of the expedition continued in summer seasons 1897-1902, and in 1902 was the year River upper Angara River and Portage from the upper Hangars to Bodaybo. The result of the work of the expedition became nautical charts and Atlas of Lake Baikal, Baikal Lake pilot describing physiographic conditions [13], Atlas of the upper Angara River [14], Atlas voloka to Bodaybo [15], built lighthouses and weather stations.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
According to the Committee for the construction of Trans-Siberian Railway, during the construction of the most difficult part Circum-Baikal from Port Baikal to Kultuk through traffic should have been provided Baikal railway crossing that after the commissioning of the main railway track would have to perform the following functions [10]: redundant railway line ( in the event of accidents on the Circum-Baikal); the treasury shipping company on the lake, the railway ferry "docking" with a planned in the future north Baikal railway, which was to go from the northern tip of lake Baikal Bodaibo district (one of the first of BAM projects). to ensure the work of the Baikal railway ferries were to be carried out hydrographic studies of Lake Baikal, composed nautical charts, sailing directions, Lake Baikal ice research, choose a place for lighthouses and weather stations. The project of hydrographic Lake Baikal studies made ​​in 1894 and FK Drizhenko YM Shokalsky . [11] in 1895, was established hydrographic expedition of Lake Baikal under the leadership of Colonel FK Drizhenko that in 1896, the beginning of the reconnaissance work on the lake. [12] The work of the expedition lasted summer seasons 1897-1902 years, and in 1902 was investigated river Upper Angara and portage from the Upper Angara to Bodaibo. The result of the expedition began to nautical charts and atlas of Lake Baikal, Lake Baikal Pilot book describing the physical and geographical conditions of navigation [13] Atlas of the Upper Angara [14] portage to Bodaibo atlas [15], constructed lighthouses and weather stations.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
according to the committee for the construction of транссиба, during the construction of the complex of the кбжд port baikal to култука exit movement would be переправой baikal railway, which, after the commissioning of the main rail way should perform the following functions [10].duplicate the branch line (in case of accidents on кбжд);казённого steam navigation on lake baikal.railway ferry "стыковки» with proposed in term северобайкальской railroad, which was supposed to be on the north of baikal area bodaybo (one of the first projects of bama).to support the work of the baikal railway ferry should be conducted hydrographic studies of lake baikal are marine navigational charts, sailing directions, the study of ice of lake baikal, the chosen place for lighthouses and meteorological stations.the hydrographic surveys of lake baikal were in 1894 s. to. дриженко and yu. m. shokalskiy [11].in 1895 was a hydrographic expedition centers under the leadership of colonel s lake. to. дриженко, which in 1896 рекогносцировочные began work on lake baikal. [12] of the expedition continued in the summer season of 1897 to 1902, and in 1902 the upper angara river and drag from the top of the boathouse to bodaybo. the result of the expedition were marine navigational charts and sailing directions atlas of lake baikal, lake baikal, describing the physical and geographical conditions the navigation [13], [14], the upper of the atlas, the atlas volok to bodaybo [15], built lighthouses and meteorological station.
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