7. У тебя эти сильные головные боли с детства? 8. Как Салли провела се перевод - 7. У тебя эти сильные головные боли с детства? 8. Как Салли провела се английский как сказать

7. У тебя эти сильные головные боли

7. У тебя эти сильные головные боли с детства?
8. Как Салли провела сегодняшний день? — Я точно знаю одно - она не мечтала о разных пустяках.
9. Итальянская команда только что выиграла чемпионат мира по футболу!
10. О чем Вы думаете? Вы уже во второй раз делаете это замечание (таке an observation).
11. Молли не пишет тебе уже целый год, не так ли? — Нет, за последнее время я получил от нее пять писем и одну посылку.
12. Ваша тетка прекрасно выглядит весь вечер. Она даже не устала.
13. У Вас такой грустный вид! Что Вы потеряли?
14. Книга великолепная! это лучшее из того, что он написал.
15. Билли разбирается в (know а thing or two about) собаках. Он разводит овчарок (breed sheepdogs) с пятнадцатилетнего возраста.
16. Сколько лет Вы уже вместе? — Мы женаты с 1998 года.
17. Мелани, почтальон только что принес письмо от эшли Уилкса (Ashley Wilkes) с фронта!
18. Уверяю (assure) тебя. Том, я не думала о Джеке целую вечность.
19. Я никогда не запрещал вам ехать учиться за границу, не так ли? — Кажется, что да, не на самом деле Bы не раз отбрасывали (reject) эту мою идею.
20. Дочь Франклина завидует (envy) мачехе с их первой встречи и все эти годы помнит их первый
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
7. do you have these severe headaches since childhood? 8. As Sally had today? "I know one thing-she does not dream about trivia. 9. the Italian team had just won the World Cup! 10. What do you think? The second time you make this comment (such an observation).11. Molly is not writing to you for a year, isn't it? No, for the last time I received five letters from her and one parcel. 12. your aunt looks great the whole evening. She's not even tired. 13. do you look so sad! What have you lost? 14. Great Book! This is the best of what he has written. 15. Billy understands (know a thing or two about) dogs. He breeds sheep (sheepdogs breed) from the age of 15. 16. how many years have you been together? We are married since 1998 year. 17. Melanie, the postman has just brought a letter from Ashley Wilkes (Ashley Wilkes) from the front! 18. I assure (assure) you. That I never thought of Jack forever. 19. I've never forbade you to go abroad to study, right? — It seems that Yes, in fact you have repeatedly rejected (reject) that my idea. 20. Daughter of Franklin envy (envy) her stepmother with their first meeting and all these years, remembers their first conversation
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
7 You have these severe headaches since childhood?
8. Sally held today? - I know one thing - she did not dream of different trivia.
9. The Italian team has just won the World Cup!
10. What do you think? You are already the second time doing this remark (TAKE an observation).
11. Molly did not write to you for a whole year, is not it? - No, the last time I received from her five letters and one parcel.
12. Your aunt looks good all evening. She was not even tired.
13. You have such a sad sight! What do you lose?
14. The book is gorgeous! it's the best of what he had written.
15. Billy understands (know a thing or two about) dogs. He throws Shepherd (breed sheepdogs) from the age of fifteen.
16. How long have you been together? - We have been married since 1998.
17. Melanie, the postman just brought a letter from Ashley Wilkes (Ashley Wilkes) from the front!
18. I assure you (assure) you. Tom, I did not think about Jack forever.
19. I never forbid you to go abroad to study, is not it? - It seems that yes, there really is not time By discarded (reject) this my idea.
20. Daughter of Franklin jealous (envy) stepmother with their first meeting and all these years remembers their first
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
7. You do these severe headaches in childhood?
8. As Sally held so far? - I know exactly one - it is not Hillary Clinton on the different feeling.
9. Only the Italian team that won the world cup the world cup!
10.What do you think? You have already for the second time you do this comment (Taquet an observation) .
11. Molly is not writing you already have a full year, isn't it? - No, for the last time, I had received from her five letters and one premise.
12.Your name is well looks like the entire evening. It is not even tired at all.
13. You have such a sad appearance! That you have lost?
14. Book a brilliant! This is the best, that he wrote.
15. Billy is addressed in (license number and a classic or two about) dogs.He stakes овчарок (CHTPZ Group sheepdоgs) the age of fifteen years.
16. How many years you have already together? - We married in 1998.
17. Melanie, postman just brought letter from Oakland, CA, United States Wilkes (Ashley Wilkes) from the front!
18. I assure (аssure) thee. That,I have not thought about the under Swensen forever.
19. I have never banned you go to learn abroad, isn't it? - It seems that, yes, does not in fact they are not once again throw (Reject) this my idea.
20.Daughter Franklin would be envious (envy) 'with their first meeting, and all of these years, remembers their first
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