прибыть с 3-дневным визитом, принять приглашение, полное совпадение взглядов, двусторонние переговоры, научно-техническое сотрудничество, об этом объявили вчера в Москве, вести переговоры по Ближнему Востоку, обсудить широкий круг вопросов, Министерство иностранных дел Великобритании, установить дружеские отношения, сопровождать президента во время визита, министр иностранных дел США (Госсекретарь), главы государств, пребывание в России, представитель, развивать контакты в интересах (in the interests) наших народов, атмосфера дружбы и взаимопонимания, взаимная помощь, нанести официальный визит в ..., генеральный секретарь ООН, в совместном коммюнике говорится, что ..., обменяться мнениями, подписать соглашение, перспективы, актуальные проблемы.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
arrive with a 3-day official visit, to accept the invitation, full convergence, bilateral negotiations, scientific and technical cooperation, it was announced today in Moscow to hold talks on the Middle East, to discuss a wide range of issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, establish friendships, to accompany the President during the visit, Minister for Foreign Affairs of United States (Secretary of State), the heads of State, stay in Russia, the representative, develop contacts for (the interests) of our peoples the atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, mutual assistance, to pay an official visit to ..., UN Secretary-General, in a joint communiqué States that ... to exchange views, to sign the agreement, perspectives, topical issues.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
come with a 3-day visit, to accept the invitation, the full convergence of views, bilateral talks, scientific and technical cooperation, it was announced yesterday in Moscow to hold talks on the Middle East, to discuss a wide range of issues, the United Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to establish friendly relations, accompanied by President during his visit, US Secretary of foreign Affairs (Secretary of State), the Heads of State, stay in the Russian representative, develop contacts in the interests (in the interests) of our people, the atmosphere of friendship and understanding, mutual aid, to pay an official visit to the ... UN Secretary-General, in a joint communiqué states that ..., to exchange views, to sign an agreement, prospects, current problems.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
arrive from the 3 - day visit, to accept the invitation, complete convergence of views, bilateral negotiations, technical and scientific cooperation, it announced yesterday in moscow, negotiations on the middle east, to discuss a wide range of issues, the ministry of foreign affairs, to establish friendly relations with the president during his visit, minister of foreign affairs (secretary of state), cap ava states stay in russia, the representative, develop contacts for (in the interests of our peoples, the atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, mutual assistance, to pay an official visit to..., the un secretary general, in a joint communique says..., to exchange views, to sign the agreement, prospects and challenges.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..