«Хочешь?! – Имей!»На мой взгляд, любой человек может добиться всего, ч перевод - «Хочешь?! – Имей!»На мой взгляд, любой человек может добиться всего, ч английский как сказать

«Хочешь?! – Имей!»На мой взгляд, лю

«Хочешь?! – Имей!»

На мой взгляд, любой человек может добиться всего, чего хочет добиться. Надо только этого очень сильно хотеть. Необходимо сильно верить в свою цель, постоянно думать о ней. Если вы верите во что-то и думаете об этом постоянно, то вам помогает сам Бог, вовремя «подкидывая» вам нужную встречу, нужный разговор, нужную книгу или что-то другое, что дает вам подсказку, как приблизиться к поставленной цели. А иногда он и вовсе переворачивает весь ваш мир и ставит вашу цель перед вами. На! Бери! Только не бойся изменить свою жизнь, ведь она будет совсем другой! Лучше, намного лучше, хоть сразу это можно и не заметить.

К сожалению, большинство людей не достаточно сильно чего-то хотят, поэтому не стремятся к этому всеми фибрами души, не думают о своей мечте, о своей цели постоянно. Даже если и Бог (провидение, судьба и т.п.) дает им свою помощь, они эту помощь не видят, а если видят, то боятся принять, т.к. опасаются изменить что-то в своей жизни.

Я всегда был позитивно настроенным человеком, верил в себя, в свои идеи и в то, что со мною Бог. Вера в это совсем не означает религиозность, она находиться внутри и включает в себя много вер. Например, вера в удачу, везение, нужную встречу, хорошую погоду, большой урожай, в мирное небо над головой и так далее. У каждого из вас свой список. Верьте! И по вере вам воздастся! Кто не верит - тот и не добивается.

Хочешь?! - Имей!
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
"If you want to?! -Please! "In my opinion, anyone can do what he wants to achieve. You only have to do this very badly want. You must strongly believe in its objective, constantly thinking about it. If you believe in something and think about it constantly, you are assisted by God himself, "handfuls" you need meeting the desired conversation, the desired book or something else that gives you a hint as to come closer to this goal. And sometimes he even turns your entire world and puts your goal in front of you. On! Bury! Just don't be afraid to change your life, because it will be quite different! Better, much better, though it can be immediately and not notice.Unfortunately, most people aren't hard enough something want, so don't aspire to this with every fiber of the soul, do not think about their dreams, their goals consistently. Even if God (Providence, fate, etc.) gives them their assistance, they do not see it, and if they see that they are afraid to take, because fear change something in their lives.I've always been positively tuned man, believed in themselves, their ideas, and that God is with me. Belief in this is not religious, it is inside and includes many faiths. For example, the belief in luck, luck, meeting, nice weather, great harvest, in the peaceful sky above and so on. Each of you your list. Believe it! And by faith you will be rewarded! Who does not believe is that and not seeking.Do you want to?! -Please!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
"Do you want ?! - Have "

In my opinion, anyone can get just what they want to achieve. We just want this very much. You must strongly believe in its purpose, to think about it. If you believe in something and think about it constantly, it helps you by God, just "tossing" the right you meet, the right call, the right book or something else that gives you a clue as to how to approach the goal. And sometimes he does turns your whole world and puts your target in front of you. On! Take it! Just do not be afraid to change your life, because it will be completely different! Better, much better, though once it may not be noticed.

Unfortunately, most people are not strong enough for something they want, so do not aspire to it with every fiber of the soul, do not think about their dreams, about your goals constantly. Even if God (providence, fate, etc.) enables them to help, they do not see this help, and if they see the fear to accept, because fear to change something in my life.

I was always a positive person, he believed in himself and his ideas, and that God is with me. The belief in this does not mean religiosity, it is located in and includes many faiths. For example, belief in luck, good luck, you need to meet, good weather, a great harvest in the peaceful sky over your head, and so on. Each of you has your list. Believe it! And by faith you will be rewarded! Who does not believe - and he did not seek.

Do you want ?! - Have!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"do you want? - you! "in my opinion, everyone can get what he wants to achieve. just that very much want. must be hard to believe in its purpose, constantly thinking about her. if you believe in something and think about it all the time, so help you god himself in time "подкидывая» you the meeting, the conversation, a book or something that gives you a clue how to get to the goal. and sometimes he even turns your whole world and puts your goal in front of you. on! take it! don"t be afraid to change your life, she will be very different. better, much better, even though it might not be noticed immediately.unfortunately, most people don"t want something badly enough, so don"t seek it with every fiber of my being, don"t think about your dreams, its goal all the time. even if god (providence, fate, etc.) gives them their assistance, that assistance could not see, if see, afraid to take since. afraid to change something in your life.i was always a positive person, believe in yourself, your ideas, and that god is with me. faith doesn"t mean religion, she was inside and consists of many faiths. for example, the belief in luck, luck, the meeting, good weather, the big harvest, in the sky above your head and so on. each of you a list. believe it! and in religion, you shall be rewarded. who does not believe is not sought.do you want? - you!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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