Чернильное сердце

Чернильное сердце" - это первая кни

Чернильное сердце" - это первая книга моей любимой трилогии Корнелии Функе. Больше всего мне понравилась именно эта часть, так как она раскрывает весь сюжет и все чувства персонажей. Заостряется внимание на переживаниях героев и их внутреннем мире, что не мало важно для любой книги. Из-за этого я очень быстро привязалась к главным героем, особенно к Мортимеру(Мо), Мегги и Сажеруку. Мне понравился дар Мо, ведь он может "вычитывать" персонажей из любых книг, он хорошо видит героев произведений в своём воображении, что они неизбежно воплощаются от произнесённых им вслух слов. Такая идея, как столкнуть героев со своим создателем кажется мне в действительности необычной, что и произошло с Сажеруком. С первых же страниц книга уносит в этот фантастический мир и после неё тяжело возвращаться в реальность. Продолжение "Чернильного сердца" также интересно и необычно. Если сравнивать книгу с фильмом, то можно сразу сказать, что книга лучше. Но фильм интересный, так как проявляется желание увидеть своих героев в реальности, с другой стороны. Советую для прочтения, как взрослым, так и детям, ведь эта книга захватит вас полностью, и вы об этом не пожалеете
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Inkheart "-this is the first book to my beloved trilogy of Cornelia Funke. Most of all I liked this part because it reveals the whole story and all the feelings of the characters. Focuses on the experiences of the characters and their inner world, that is not small, it is important for any book. Because of this I very quickly became attached to the main character, especially the Mortimeru (Mo), Maggie and Sažeruku. I liked the gift Mo, because he can "deduct" characters from any books, he sees the good heroes works in his imagination that they inevitably translated from said them out loud words. This idea, like push heroes with his creator seems to me in fact unusual, that happened with Sažerukom. From the first pages of the book carries out in this fantastic world and it's hard to return to reality. A sequel to "Ink heart" also interesting and unusual. If you compare the book to the film, you can tell immediately that the book is better. But the film is interesting, as is manifested the desire to see their heroes in real life, on the other hand. I advise you to read, adults and children alike, because this book will take you completely, and you will not regret
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Inkheart "- the first book of my favorite trilogy Most of all I liked Cornelia Funke this part, because it reveals the full story and all the feelings of the characters to focus on the experiences of the characters and their inner world, not least for any book... because of this, I very quickly become attached to the main character, especially Mortimer (Mo), Maggie and Sazheruku. I liked the gift Mo, because he can "read" characters from any of the books, he can clearly see the characters works in your mind that they inevitably embodied by uttered them aloud words. Such an idea as to push the hero and his creator seems really unusual that happened to Sazherukom. from the very first pages of the book takes in the fantastic world and after it difficult to return to reality. Continued "ink heart "is also interesting and unusual. If you compare the book with the movie, you can just say that the book is better. But the film is interesting, as manifested the desire to see their heroes in reality, on the other hand. I advise you to read, both adults and children, because this book will blow you away completely, and you will not regret it
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
inkheart "is the first book my favorite trilogy cornelia funke. most of all, i like that part, as it reveals the whole story and the feelings of the characters. focuses on the experiences of heroes and their inner world, which is important for any book. because of this i am very quickly attached to the main character, especially to mortimer (mo), maggie and сажеруку. i liked the gift mo, he can "вычитывать" characters from the books, he sees the heroes of the imagination, they inevitably are from произнесённых them out loud words. such an idea, how to push the heroes with his creator seems to me really unusual that happened with сажеруком. from the very first pages of the book into the fantastic world and after her hard to come back to reality. the "чернильного hearts" is also interesting and unusual. comparing the book to the movie, can i just say, what book is better. but the movie is interesting, as is the desire to see your heroes in real life, on the other hand. i suggest reading for both adults and children, this book takes you completely, and you won"t regret it
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