1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно. 2. На него можно положиться? 3.  перевод - 1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно. 2. На него можно положиться? 3.  английский как сказать

1. Оратора слушали очень внимательн

1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно.
2. На него можно положиться?
3. За машиной послали, как только вещи были уложены.
4. Ему посоветовали обратиться к хорошему врачу.
5. Не прошло трех минут, как преступник был связан
6. Почему такая работа не напечатана?
7. Домой они пришли очень поздно, все двери были уже закрыты.
8. Эта книга уже распродана.
9. Когда я приехала в Ленинград, этот дом еще строился.
10. Книга будет дописана к следующей неделе.

1. По радио объявили, что к вечеру ожидается похолодание.
2. Я сомневаюсь, что это явление можно объяснить.
3. Ему показали эту женщину, и он подошел к ней.
4. Договорились, что она подождет его в гостинице.
5. Сообщение было объявлено по радио.
6. Ей объяснили, кто мы такие.
7. Ожидали, что он вернется как раз к заседанию.
8. Было решено, что он вернется в пятницу.
9. Замечали, что он никогда не звонит к себе домой с работы.
10. Ему объяснили, почему он неправ.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Speaker listened to very carefully. 2. He can be counted on? 3. After the machine has been sent, once things have been laid.4. He was advised to turn to the good doctor.5. In less than three minutes, as the offender has been associated6. Why is it not printed?7. Home they came very late, all the doors were closed.8. This book has already sold out.9. When I came to Leningrad, this House is built.10. Book will be completed by next week.1. On the radio announced that the afternoon expected cold snap. 2. I doubt that this phenomenon can be explained. 3. He showed the woman, and he approached her. 4. Have agreed that she will wait for him at the hotel. 5. The report was announced on the radio. 6. An explanation of who we are. 7. Have expected that he would return in time for the meeting. 8. It was agreed that he will be back on Friday. 9. Notice that it never calls home from work. 10. It was explained why he is wrong.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Orator listened very carefully.
2. It can rely on?
3. The machine sent as soon as things were stacked.
4. He was advised to go to a good doctor.
5. Barely three minutes later, the culprit was linked
6. Why such a job is not printed?
7. They came home very late, all the doors were closed.
8. This book has already sold out.
9. When I arrived in Leningrad, this house is still under construction.
10. The book will be appended to the next week. 1. The radio announced that the evening is expected cooling. 2. I doubt that this phenomenon can be explained. 3. He showed this woman, and he went up to her. 4. We agreed that she would wait it at the hotel. 5. Post was announced on the radio. 6. She explained who we were. 7. Expect that he will be back in time for the meeting. 8. It was decided that he would be back on Friday. 9. Noticed that he never calls to his home from work. 10. He explained why he was wrong.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Speaker listened very carefully.
2. You can rely on me?
3. The machine was sent, as soon as things were stacked.
4. He was advised to refer to a good physician.
5. Has not passed three minutes, as offender was linked to
6.Why is such a work is not printed?
7. Home they came very late, all of the doors were already closed.
8. This book is already bargain fares scheme.
9. When I arrived in Leningrad, the house is still built.
10.The book will be St Nicholas to next week.lord 1. The radio announced that by the end of the evening is expected to winter.
2. I have no doubt that this phenomenon can be explained.
3. He was shown the woman, and he was come to the Convention.
4. Agreed,That it would await him in the hotel.
5. A message had been announced on the radio.
6. It was explained, who we are.
7. Expect that he will return to the meeting.
8. It was agreed that he would return on Friday.
9. Car rentals,That he had never calls to their home from work.
10. He explained why he was wrong.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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