Да, я люблю тебя безумно. И я знаю, что ты любишь меня безумно. Но, я уважаю твою свободу. Я знаю, что у тебя есть друзья, семья, работа и свои интересы...... Я не хочу за тобой следить, привязывать, допрашивать..... Любовь это не капкан.....
Я знаю, что ты будешь счастлив если я буду тебе доверять.....
Поэтому я думаю о тебе, даже когда я сплю..... Но я не буду привязывать тебя к телефону 24 часа в сутки. Я не эгоист. Я тебя люблю.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
UV ... ... ... .... Yes, I love you madly. And I know that you love me madly. But, I respect your freedom. I know that you have friends, family, work and interests and. ... I do not want to follow you follow, tethering, question ... ... ... .... Love is not a trap..... I know that you will be happy if I you trusted ... and. .. So I'm thinking of you even when I sleep ... ... ... .... But I will not link you to the phone 12:0 am a day. I am not selfish. I love you.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
UV ..... Yes, I love you madly. And I know that you love me madly. But I respect your freedom. I know that you have friends, family, work and their interests ...... I do not want for you to watch, tie, question ..... Love is not a trap ..... I know you you'll be happy if I trust you ..... So I think of you, even when I sleep ..... But I will not tie you to the phone 24 hours a day. I'm not selfish. I love you.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
UV ..... Yes lord, i love you madly. And I know that you love me madly. But, I respect thy freedom. I know that you have friends, family, work, and their interests ...... I do not wish for you to follow, tying, question .....Love that is not trapped ..... Lord I know that you'll be happy if i do you trust .....
i think of you, even when I sleep ..... But I will not bind you to the telephone 24 hours a day. I am not David. I love you.
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