Секретарь. – Суд идёт! Прошу всех встать! Председательствующим суда яв перевод - Секретарь. – Суд идёт! Прошу всех встать! Председательствующим суда яв английский как сказать

Секретарь. – Суд идёт! Прошу всех в

Секретарь. – Суд идёт! Прошу всех встать! Председательствующим суда является Ваулина Алла Ивановна. В состав судебной коллегии входят два народных заседателя: Русецкий Стас, Каневская Тамара.

Судья. – Объявляю заседание открытым.

Все участники судебного разбирательства предупреждаются, что дача заведомо ложных показа ний в соответствии со ст. 181 УК РФ наказывается лишением свободы на срок до одного года или исправительными работами на тот же срок.

Судья. – В суд поступил иск от родителей, законных представителей несовершеннолетнего, 13-летнего Николая Иванова, пострадавшего во время дорожно-транспортного происшествия.

Следствием установлено, что обвиняемый является молодой водитель-таксист Петров Виктор Андреевич, сбивший мальчика-велосипедиста, 13 летнего Николая Иванова. Пострадавший уже поправился и находится в первом ряду. Вместе со своими родителями он требует наказать шофёра “по всей строгости закона”.

Судья. – Подсудимый Петров, встаньте. Ваша настоящая фамилия, имя, отчество, дата рождения, род занятий.

Петров. – Петров Виктор Андреевич, родился 5 февраля 1975 года, водитель-таксист.

Судья. – Прошу садиться. Подсудимый, согласно ст. 46 УК РФ, вы имеете право заявлять отводы, приносить жалобы на действия и решения прокурора и суда, защищать свои права и законные интересы любыми другими средствами и способами, не противоречащими закону. Помимо этого, вы имеете право на последнее слово.

Слово секретаря. – Начинаем судебное следствие. Оглашается обвинительное заключение прокурором.

Выступление прокурора. – В результате дорожно-транспортного происшествия здоровью Николая был причинён средней тяжести вред. Это произошло “вследствие ненадлежащего исполнения водителем своих профессиональных обязанностей”, ст. 118 УК РФ. Неумелое управление автомобилем представляет большую опасность для жизни и здоровья граждан.

Водитель только недавно получил водительское удостоверение. Менее года назад он был принят на работу в таксопарк.

Слово секретаря. – Слово предоставляется пострадавшему.

Слово адвоката. – С какого возраста вы управляете велосипедом? Где вы катаетесь на велосипеде? Знаете ли вы правила дорожного движения?

Слово пострадавшего. – Велосипед мне подарили родители, когда мне исполнилось 12 лет. Сначала я ездил в своём микрорайоне, а когда научился хорошо водить велосипед, то стал ездить по дороге в другие микрорайоны.
Управляю велосипедом хорошо, даже могу ездить держась одной рукой.
А о правилах дорожного движения нам рассказывали на классных часах.

Слово секретаря. – Вызывается свидетель со стороны обвинения.

Слово свидетеля (со стороны обвинения). Я друг Николая, Владимир, мне 14 лет. Я его учил ездить на велосипеде. Мы с ним везде катались. Летом на речку, в лес отдыхать ездили. И всё было нормально. Но сейчас много такси ездит у нас в городе, что даже велосипедистам опасно стало кататься. Ведь водители должны уступать дорогу велосипедистам.

Слово секретаря. – Вызывается свидетель со стороны защиты.

Слово свидетеля. – Я водитель машины, ехал сзади водителя-таксиста и заметил следующее. Велосипедист двигался по середине дороги, когда стал поворачивать налево, одной рукой он махнул своему товарищу, стоявшему на другой стороне дороги. В это время и произошло столкновение.

Слово секретаря. – У прокурора, адвоката, судей есть ли ещё вопросы к свидетелям? Заключительное слово прокурора.

Слово прокурора. – Водитель не проявил бдительность. Не имеет хороших профессиональных навыков. И совершил преступление по ст. УК №118. Требую наказания.

Слово секретаря. Защитная речь адвоката.

Слово адвоката. – Водитель не виновен. Это я могу доказать.

Во-первых: следствие установило, что велосипедист двигался по середине дороги. А в пункте 24.2 Правил дорожного движения сказано (адвокат открывает текст правил)
“Велосипедисты... должны двигаться только по правой полосе... возможно правее”. Пострадавший во время следствия не мог объяснить, почему он двигался так далеко от тротуара.

Во-вторых, велосипедист до столкновения ехал, держа руль одной рукой, а в момент столкновения уже совершал поворот налево. Всё это подтвердили свидетели. А в пункте 24.3 ПДД сказано: “Водителям велосипеда и мопеда запрещается: ездить, не держась за руль хотя бы одной рукой..., поворачивать налево... на дорогах, имеющих более одной полосы для движения в данном направлении...”

В-третьих, пострадавшему исполнилось 13 лет. А в пункте 24.1 ПДД говориться: “Управлять велосипедом... при движении по дорогам разрешается лицам не моложе 14 лет, а мопедом – не моложе 16 лет”. Я прошу вынести водителю оправдательный приговор.

Слово секретаря. – Последнее слово обвиняемого.

Слово обвиняемого. – Граждане судьи. Прошу Вас оправдать меня. Я сожалею, что причинил вред здоровью Николая Иванова. Я очень переживаю за его состояние здоровья. Но моей вины в том, что произошло дорожно-транспортное происшествие нет. Да и в результате аварии моя машина получила повреждения, т.к. я попытался уйти от столкновения и врезался в дерево.

Слово секретаря. – Суд удаляется на тайное совещание. Он должен принять решение.
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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Secretary. The Court is! Ask everyone to stand up! Presiding court is Vaulin Alla Ivanovna. The composition of the Board includes two people's assessors: Rusetsky Stas, Kanev, Tamara.Judge. -Declare the meeting open.All participants in the trial, warned that false cottage show in accordance with art. 181 of the CRIMINAL CODE shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or corrective labour for the same period.Judge. -The Court entered a lawsuit from parents, the legal representatives of a minor, a 13-year-old Nikolai Ivanov, injured during a traffic accident.The investigation has established that the accused was a young driver-taxi driver Petrov Viktor Andreevich, who hit boy-cyclist, 13 year old Nikolai Ivanov. The victim had already recovered and is in the first row. With his parents he demands to punish shofyora "to the fullest extent of the law."Judge. -The defendant Petrov, stand up. Your real name, surname, date of birth, occupation.Petrov. -Petrov, Viktor Andreevich was born February 5, 1975 year, driver-taxi driver.Judge. -Ask to sit. The defendant, pursuant to art. 46 of the criminal code, you are entitled to claim offsets, bringing complaints against the actions and decisions of the Prosecutor and the Court, defend their rights and lawful interests by any other means or ways not to be contrary to law. In addition, you are entitled to the last word.Word of the Secretary. -Start investigation. Disclosed the indictment by the Prosecutor.A statement by the Prosecutor. -As a result of a traffic accident health Nicholas was damage caused moderate damage. This happened as a result of improper performance of professional duties by the driver ", art. 118 of the criminal code. Inept driving represents a great danger for the life and health of citizens.The driver only recently got a driver's license. Less than a year ago, he was hired in taxicabs.Word of the Secretary. -The word is given to the victim.The word lawyer. -At what age do you control your bike? Where you ride a bike? Do you know the rules of the road?The word of the victim. -Bike gave me parents when I turned 12 years old. I first went to his neighborhood, but when learned good led bike ride, then became the road in other neighborhoods. Run the bike well, even can ride holding on with one hand.And about the rules of the road we were told at the coolest hours.Word of the Secretary. -The witness Called by the prosecution.The floor of the witness (the prosecution). I am a friend of Nicholas, Vladimir, I'm 14 years old. I taught him to ride a bike. We went everywhere with him. Summer on the River, the forest rest went. And everything was fine. But now many taxi rides in our city that even became dangerous for cyclists to ride. Because drivers must give way to cyclists.Word of the Secretary. -Witness Called by the defence.Word of a witness. -I driver, drove behind the driver-taxi driver and noticed the following. The cyclist was moving along the middle of the road, turning left when he became, with one hand he waved to his friend, standing on the other side of the road. At this time, and the collision occurred.Word of the Secretary. -The Prosecutor, defence counsel, judges are there still questions to witnesses? Closing remarks of the Prosecutor.Word of the Prosecutor. -The driver had not been vigilant. Does not have good professional skills. And committed a crime under art. CC # 118. I demand punishment.Word of the Secretary. Protective speech lawyer.The word lawyer. -Driver not guilty. This I can prove.Firstly, the investigation established that the cyclist was moving along the middle of the road. And in paragraph 24.2 of the rules of the road said (the lawyer opens the text of the regulation)"Cyclists. should only move to the right lane. Perhaps more to the right. The victim during the investigation could not explain why he moved so far from the sidewalk.Secondly, the cyclist before the collision drove, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and at the moment of collision have already committed a turn to the left. All this was confirmed by witnesses. (A) in paragraph 15.1 SDA said: "bicycle and moped Drivers are forbidden: ride without holding the wheel at least one hand..., turning left. on roads with more than one strip for movement in this direction. "Thirdly, the victim reached the age of 13 years. And in paragraph 24.1 of the SDA, it says: "control the bike. When driving on the roads allowed to individuals who are at least 14 years of age, and is not under the age of 16 riders years. " I ask the driver to make a judgement of acquittal.Word of the Secretary. -The last word of the accused.The word of the accused. -Citizens of the judge. I ask you to acquit me. I'm sorry that caused harm to the health of Nikolai Ivanov. I am very worried for his health. But my guilt in that accident occurred there. Yes, and as a result of the accident, my car got damaged, because I tried to get away from the collision and crashed into a tree.Word of the Secretary. The Court removed the secret meeting. He must decide.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Secretary. - The court is coming! I ask all to stand up! Presiding Court is Vaulina Alla. The composition of the Judicial Board includes two lay judges: Rusetsky Stas Kanevskaya Tamara. Judge. - I declare the meeting open. All participants in the trial are cautioned that summer residence of false show tions in accordance with Art. 181 of the Criminal Code shall be punished by imprisonment of up to one year or corrective labor for the same term. Judge. - The Court received a claim from the parents, the legal representatives of a minor, 13-year-old Nikolai Ivanov, who suffered during the road accident. The investigation established that the accused is a young driver, taxi driver Petrov Viktor Yushchenko, who shot down a boy cyclist, 13 year old Nikolai Ivanov. The victim has recovered and is in the first row. Together with his parents, he demands to punish chauffeur "to the fullest extent of the law." Judge. - Defendant Petrov stand. Your real name, first name, date of birth, occupation. Petrov. - Viktor Petrov, born February 5, 1975, the driver taxi driver. Judge. - Please sit down. The defendant, in accordance with Art. 46 of the Criminal Code, you have the right to challenge, to lodge complaints against the actions and decisions of the prosecutor and the court to protect their rights and legitimate interests of any other means and methods do not contradict the law. In addition, you are entitled to the last word. The word secretary. - Getting a judicial investigation. Prosecutor read out the indictment. Speech prosecutor. - As a result of the traffic accident was caused to the health of Nicholas medium-gravity damage. This was "due to improper execution of their professional duties by the driver" item. 118 of the Criminal Code. Tampering driving poses a great danger to the life and health of citizens. The driver has only recently received a driver's license. Less than a year ago, he was hired by the taxi station. According to the secretary. - The floor is given to the victim. According to the lawyer. - At what age do you control the bike? Where do you ride a bike? Do you know the rules of the road? The word victim. - Bike parents gave me when I was 12 years old. First I went to his neighborhood, and when learned to drive a bike, then began to go on the road to the other districts. Control the bike well, even I can drive with one hand. And on the rules of the road, we were told in the class hours. According to the secretary. - To call witnesses for the prosecution. According to witnesses (for the prosecution). I'm a friend of Nicholas, Vladimir, I am 14 years old. I taught him to ride a bike. We rode with him everywhere. In the summer the river, went to the forest to rest. And everything was fine. But now a lot of taxi rides in our town, even cyclists become dangerous to ride. After all, drivers must give way to cyclists. According to the secretary. - To call witnesses for the defense. According to the witness. - I'm the driver of the car, I was driving behind the driver, a taxi driver and noticed the following. The cyclist was moving in the middle of the road when he began to turn left, he waved one hand to his companion, who was standing on the other side of the road. At this time, and there was a collision. According to the secretary. - The prosecutor, lawyers, judges whether there are still questions to the witnesses? Closing remarks of the prosecutor. According to the prosecutor. - No driver vigilance. It does not have good skills. And he committed a crime under Art. Criminal №118. I demand punishment. According to the secretary. Protective speech of the lawyer. According to the lawyer. - The driver is not guilty. That I can prove it. Firstly: The investigation revealed that the cyclist was moving in the middle of the road. And in paragraph 24.2 of traffic rules states (attorney opens the text of the regulations) "... Cyclists have to move only the right lane ... probably right." The victim in the investigation could not explain why he was moving so far away from the curb. Secondly, the cyclist was traveling before the collision, holding the wheel with one hand, and at the time of the collision has already made ​​a left turn. All this is confirmed by witnesses. And in paragraph 24.3 SDA said: "Drivers are bicycles and mopeds is prohibited: to ride without holding the handlebars with at least one hand ... ... turn left on roads with more than one band to move in this direction ..." In Third, the victim was 13 years old. And in paragraph 24.1 of traffic rules saying goes: "... control the bike when driving on roads is permitted to persons at least 14 years, and a moped - not less than 16 years." I ask the driver to make a verdict. According to the secretary. - The last word of the defendant. The word of the accused. - Citizens of the judges. I ask you to justify me. I'm sorry to have caused injury Nikolai Ivanov. I am very worried about his state of health. But my guilt in what happened road accident there. And as a result of the accident, my car was damaged, as I tried to avoid a collision and crashed into a tree. The word secretary. - Court removed to a secret meeting. He must make a decision.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the secretary. - it's coming! all rise please. the court is ваулина alla ivanovna. the bench includes two of the councillors: русецкий stas, kaniv tamara.

the judge.is to declare the meeting open.

all the court warned that a false impression of it in accordance with art.181 of the criminal code shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for up to one year or by corrective labour for the same period.

the judge. in the court did claim from parents, legal representatives of a minor13 year old of nikolai ivanov, damaged during the accident.

investigation found that the accused was a young driver - driver petrov victor andreyevichanother boy - cyclist, 13 year old of nikolai ivanov. the victim has recovered and is located in the first row. together with their parents, he wants to punish the driver "to the full extent of the law."

the judge.- the defendant petrov, stand up. your real last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, occupation.

petrov. - victor andreyevich petrov, born 5 february 1975, driver's cab driver.

the judge. - please sit down. the defendant,according to art. 46 of the criminal code, you have the right to claim bends, to bring complaints about the actions and decisions of the prosecutor and the court, to protect their rights and legitimate interests by other means and ways, not contrary to the law.in addition, you have the right to the last speech.

the floor general. - start the judicial investigation. the indictment, the prosecutor shall be notified by the prosecutor.

.in a traffic accident injury of moderate harm was done. this was due to improper execution of the driver of his professional duties ", art. 118 of the criminal code of the russian federation.poor driving is a great danger to life and health of citizens.

driver only recently got a driver's license. less than a year ago, he was employed in the cab.

the secretary. - the floor is affected.

the word lawyer. - at what age do you bike? where you're riding a bike? do you know the traffic rules?

the word affected.is the bike i gave my parents when i was 12 years old. first, i went to my neighbourhood, when learned well drive a bike, ride on the way to the other has been built.
run the bike well, you can drive with one hand.
and about traffic rules told us in the classroom hours.

the floor general. is a is a witness for the prosecution.

the word witness (the prosecution). i'm a friend of nicholas, vladimir, i'm 14 years old. i taught him to ride a bike. we went with him everywhere. in the summer in the river, in the forest to go. and everything was fine.but now a lot of taxi rides we had in town, even dangerous cyclists was riding. indeed, drivers must yield to the road cyclists.

the floor general. - call a witness from the defense.

the word witness. i was the driver of the car behind the driver's cab, and notice the following. the cyclist was in the middle of the road, when a left turn, one hand he swung his companion,who was standing on the other side of the road. at that time, and there was a clash.

the floor general. - attorney, counsel, judges have more questions to the witnesses? the final word word prosecutor prosecutor.

.- the driver was not vigilant. has the good professional skills. committed a crime under art. the acs №118. demand punishment.

the floor general. is this a lawyer.

the word lawyer. - the driver is not guilty.i can prove it.

first: investigation found that the cyclist was in the middle of the road. and in paragraph 24.2, rules of the road said lawyer opens the text of the regulation)
"cyclists...should only move to the right lane. probably right. " the victim during the investigation could not explain why he was moving too far from the sidewalk.

the second cyclist to impact hisholding the wheel with one hand, and at the moment of collision is made a left turn. this is confirmed by witnesses. and in paragraph 24.3 sda said: "the bicycle and moped drivers are prohibited from: drivenot by driving at least one hand, turn to the left. on roads with more than one lane for traffic moving in the same direction. "

in the third patient was 13 years old. and in paragraph 24.1 sda says:"ride a bike... when driving on the road to persons not younger than 14 years, but the bike is not younger than 16 years. i want to make the driver of the acquittal.

the floor general. the last word of the accused.

word of the accused. are the citizens of the judges. please excuse me. i'm sorry i hurt the health of nikolai ivanov. i'm really worried about his health. but my faultwhat happened a traffic accident. yes, and as a result of the accident, my car was damaged because. i tried to walk away from the collision and crashed into a tree.

the floor general.- the court is adjourned for a secret meeting. he has to make a decision.
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