Меня зовут Нурбол. Я работаю в алматинском КГП «Метрополитене» Устроил перевод - Меня зовут Нурбол. Я работаю в алматинском КГП «Метрополитене» Устроил английский как сказать

Меня зовут Нурбол. Я работаю в алма

Меня зовут Нурбол. Я работаю в алматинском КГП «Метрополитене»
Устроился на работу в 2011г в качестве электромонтера участка автоматики и телемеханики, движения поездов в службу автоматики сигнализации и связи. 2014 году переведен на должность электромеханика. 2015 году диспетчерам службы автоматики сигнализации и связи. 2015г августе праведен на должность инженера отдела АСУД. 2015г в июле переведен на должность главного инженера дистанции АСС.
Данное время я курирую 7 участков в службе автоматики сигнализации и связи: радиосвязи и теленаблюдения, проводной связи, охранной пожарной сигнализации, автоматики телемеханики движение поездов, гарантированным электропитаниям, автоматизированной системы движения поездов, автоматизированной системы оплаты проездов в метро. Контролирую все эксплуатационные работы. Проверяю о ведении технических документации, прохождения медицинских осмотров. В ночное время проверяю качества содержания устройств службы АСС.
Провожу инструктажи всеми работниками АСС (автоматика сигнализация и связи).
В основном моя работа заключается контроль , организация и проверка работы оперативных работников.
На меня возложены следующие функции:
Разрабатываю оперативные и перспективные планы по повышению надежности действия устройств АСС, улучшению условий труда, механизации и автоматизации трудоемких работ;
Определяю техническую политику и перспективы развития дистанции АСС, а также определяю перспективные направления в техническом перевооружении дистанции АСС;
По системам менеджмента:
Участвую в работе рабочей группы по системе менеджмента, при наличии такого распоряжения первого руководителя или поручения со стороны Представителя руководства по системе менеджмента (ПРСМ);
По необходимости представляю отчёты и рекомендации по функционированию процессов, ответственность за которые определена в рамках систем менеджмента;
Выполняю иных функции, определённые в рамках систем менеджмента, в соответствие с распорядительными документами первого руководителя, распоряжениями и поручениями непосредственного руководителя, и требованиями внутренних документов систем менеджмента.
Разрабатываю и обеспечиваю выполнение мероприятий по повышению производительности труда, обеспечивая постоянное повышение уровня технической подготовки производства;
Обеспечивает качественную подготовку производства, ремонт и модернизацию оборудования, устройств АСС;
Принимает меры по совершенствованию организации производства и труда, созданию наиболее благоприятных условий труда и повышению культуры производства;
Принимает участие при разработке должностных инструкций и инструкции по эксплуатации систем автоматики, сигнализации и связи, рассматривает нарушения должностных инструкций и принимает меры по этим нарушениям;
Обеспечивает соблюдение правил по безопасности и охране труда
при проведении ремонтных работ.
Направляет творческую инициативу работников на решение перспективных задач производства;
Организация работ по обеспечению безопасного и бесперебойного движения поездов, высокой культуры обслуживания пассажиров, своевременной и качественной эксплуатации, ремонта устройств АСС;
Организует и контролирует проведение технической учебы по дистанции службы АСС;
Организует разработку и выполнение планов внедрения новой техники, передовой технологии и научной организации труда, социально-экономического развития дистанции службы АСС;
Обеспечивает работников дистанции службы АСС необходимыми для выполнения работ инструментами, схемами и другой технической документацией систем АСС;
Непосредственно организует, руководит и контролирует выполнение работ по капитальному ремонту устройств АСС;

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My name is Nurbol. I work in Almaty "Underground" PCG Got a job in 2011 as electrician plot automatics and telemechanics, trains in service automation signaling and communication. 2014 year transferred to the position of electrician. 2015 year automation service dispatchers signaling and communication. 2015 August righteous ATC Division engineer. 2015 in July transferred to the position of Chief Engineer distance ASS.This time I externalize 7 stations in service automation signaling and communication: radio and tv, wired connection, burglar fire alarm system, automation equipment, the movement of trains, guaranteed èlektropitaniâm, an automated system of trains, automated payment systems in the Metro entrances. Control all maintenance work. Check the technical documentation of passing medical examinations. At night check quality content service devices ASS.Spend training all employees of ACC (automatic alarm and communication). Basically my job is controlling, organizing and testing the operatives.On me shall have the following functions:Develop operational and long-term plans to improve the reliability of the device action ACC, improving working conditions, labour-intensive mechanization and automation;Define technical policies and prospects of development of distance ACC, as well as determine perspective directions in technical re-equipment distance ACC;Management systems:Participate in the work of the Working Group on the management, if there is such an order of the Chief Executive Officer or by a member of the order of the Guide to system management (PRSM); On the need to submit reports and recommendations on the functioning of processes, the responsibility defined in management systems;Perform other functions defined within systems management, in line with the administrative documents of the first head, orders and instructions of the supervisor, and the requirements of internal documents management systems.Develop and ensure implementation of measures to improve productivity, providing a continuous increase in the level of technical preparation of production;Provides quality training for production, repair and modernization of the equipment, devices, ACC; Taking steps to improve the Organization of production and labour, creating the most favourable conditions of work and to enhance the culture of production;Participates in the development of job descriptions and operating instructions automation systems, signaling and communications, considers violations of duty regulations and undertakes measures for these violations;Ensures compliance with the rules on occupational safety and health When undertaking renovations.Directs the creative initiative of employees at decision vision production;The organization works to ensure the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains, the high culture of passenger service, timely and qualitative operation, repair devices ASS;Organizes and controls the conduct of technical studies by distance ACC services;Organizes elaboration and implementation of plans for the introduction of new technology, advanced technology and scientific organization of labour, socio-economic development service distance ACC;Provides distance service workers needed to perform work ASS tools, diagrams and other technical documentation systems ACC; Directly organises, manages and controls the execution of works on major repair devices ASS;
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My name Nurbol. I work in Almaty CHP "Underground"
got a job in 2011 as an electrician plot automation and remote control of train service automation of signaling and communication. 2014 transferred to the post of electrician. 2015 Service Manager automatic signaling and communication. 2015 August righteous as an engineer department ASUD. 2015 in July to the position of chief engineer of the distance ACC.
This time, I supervise the 7 plots in the service automation of signaling and communication: radio communication and remote surveillance systems, wired communication, security fire alarm, remotely controlled trains, guaranteed power supply, automated system of trains, automated system pay the fare on the subway. I control all maintenance work. Checking of the technical documentation, medical examination. At night, I check out the quality of the content of devices Service ACC.
I spend instructing all employees of the ACC (automatic signaling and communication).
Basically my job is to control the organization and checking of operational staff.
I was entrusted with the following functions:
develop operational and long-term plans to improve reliability Actions devices ACC, improving working conditions, mechanization and automation of labor-intensive work,
defines the technical policy and development prospects of the distance ACC and define promising directions in modernization of the distance ACC;
management system:
I participate in the working group on the management system, the presence of such orders the first head or commission on the part of the management representative management system (PRSM)
If necessary, submit reports and recommendations on the operation of the process, responsibility for which is defined within the management system;
I carry out other functions defined in the framework of the management system in line with the administrative documents the first head, orders and instructions of the immediate supervisor, and the requirements of the internal document management systems.
I develop and implement measures to increase productivity, ensuring continuous improvement of the level of technical preparation of production;
Provides high-quality pre-production, repair and modernization of equipment, devices ACC;
to take measures to improving the organization of production and labor, creating the most favorable conditions of work and improve the culture of production;
Participates in the development of job descriptions and instructions for operation of automation systems, signaling and communication, considering the violation of official instructions and take measures to these violations,
enforce rules on safety and labor protection
during repair works.
Directs creative initiative of workers to solve future problems of production;
organization works to ensure the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains, high culture of passenger service, timely and high-quality maintenance, repair devices ACC;
Organizes and controls the conduct of technical training for distance service ACC,
organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment, advanced technology and scientific management, socio-economic development of distance services ACC;
Provides employees distance service ACC necessary for the performance of work tools, drawings and other technical documentation systems ACC,
directly organizes, manages and monitors the implementation of extensive repairs of the devices ACC;

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my name is нурбол. i work in the new cas "метрополитене»
took a job in 2011 as электромонтера station automation and dishes, the movement of trains in service control signalling and communication.2014, transferred to the post of электромеханика. by 2015, the in service control signalling and communication. 2015г august: for the post of engineer of асуд.2015г in july moved to the post of chief engineer of distance as.
this time i'm 7 stations in service control signalling and communications: radio communication and wired communication, теленаблюдения,the alarm of fire alarm system, automatic dishes the trains, guaranteed электропитаниям, automated system for train traffic, professional automated payment system in the subway.control all the maintenance work. checking on the technical documentation, medical examinations. in the night time checking the quality of service as devices.walk training all employees acc (automatic alarm and communications).
essentially my job is control, organization and verification of operational workers.

i have the following functions:design of operational and future plans to improve the reliability of the devices as, improve working conditions, mechanization and automation of the labour intensive works;.define technical policies and development prospects of distance acc, as well as determine promising directions in the re equipment range acc system management:
participate in the work of the working group on system management, subject to the availability of such orders or orders by the representative of the first head of manual management system (прсм);.on the need to present reports and recommendations on the functioning of the processes responsible for the who defined the management systems;
do other functions, some of the management systems.in line with the first head of regulatory documents, orders, and by the direct supervisor, and the requirements of internal documents management systems.design and implement the activities to improve productivity through the continuous upgrading of technical preparation of production;.provide quality training for the production, maintenance and upgrading of equipment acc;
takes measures to improve the organization of production and laborto create the most favourable working conditions and improve the culture production;
participates in the development of job descriptions and instructions for the exploitation of automation system, signalling and communicationconsidering the violation of official instructions and takes action on violations;
enforces regulations on labour safety and protection. major renovations.
sends the creativity personnel decision perspective of production;
the works to ensure the safe and smooth movement of trains, the high culture of passenger service.timely and quality maintenance, repair of acc;
organizes and controls the technical study on the range of acc;
organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new technologyadvanced technology and scientific organization of labor, economic and social development, the distance of acc;
provides distance service employees as necessary for the performance of work toolsschemes and other technical documentation systems as;
directly organizes, directs and supervises the implementation of the major refurbishment work of acc

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