1. Украденные вещи еще не нашли. 2. Их все еще ищут. 3. Джерри Шепарда видели на месте преступления. 4. Пока его искали, было опрошено много свидетелей. 5. В газетах сообщили, что его нашли в доме его подружки по имени Сью. 6. Ее тоже арестовали? – Нет, ее пока не арестовали. 7. Насколько я знаю, за ее домом сейчас наблюдают. 8. Джерри уже допросили? – Да, его допрашивали уже несколько раз. 9. Неизвестно, посадят ли его в тюрьму. 10. По-прежнему неизвестно, где спрятаны украденные вещи. 11. Но рано или поздно, их найдут, я уверен. 12. Какие меры принимаются полицией для предотвращения преступлений, 13. Место преступления внимательно осматривается, собираются улики, делаются фотографии места преступления, пишутся протоколы. 14. Как правило, преступления раскрываются быстро и качественно. 15. Подозреваемые были допрошены, а отчеты о полученной информации посланы в главное полицейское управление.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. The stolen items had not yet been found. 2. They are still looking for. 3. Jerry Shepard had seen at the crime scene. 4. While it searched for, many witnesses were interviewed. 5. In the newspapers reported that he was found at the home of his girlfriend by the name of Sue. 6. It also arrested? -No, its not yet arrested. 7. As far as I know, for her home now watching. 8. Jerry already interrogated? -Yes, he was interrogated several times already. 9. It is not known whether he would be sent to prison. 10. it remains unknown where the stolen items are hidden. 11. But sooner or later, they will find, I am sure. 12. What measures are being taken by the police to prevent crime, 13. Crime scene carefully inspected, gather clues, photos of the crime scene, written protocols. 14. generally, crimes are revealed quickly and efficiently. 15. The suspects were interrogated, and reports on the information gathered to be sent to the main police station.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. The stolen items have not yet found. 2. They are still searching. 3. Jerry Shepard saw at the crime scene. 4. While he searched, it was interviewed many witnesses. 5. The newspapers reported that he was found in the house of his girlfriend by the name of Sue. 6. It was also arrested? - No, it has not yet been arrested. 7. As far as I know, for her house is now watching. 8. Jerry has questioned? - Yes, he was interrogated several times. 9. It is not known whether it will be put in jail. 10. Still do not know where stolen items are hidden. 11. But sooner or later, they will find, I am sure. 12. What measures are being taken by the police to prevent crime, 13. The crime scene carefully inspected, gather evidence, take photos of the crime scene, reports are written. 14. As a rule, the crime quickly and accurately disclosed. 15. The suspects were questioned and reports on information received are sent to the police headquarters.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. the stolen things haven"t found it yet. 2. they were looking for. 3. jerry shepard was seen at the scene of the crime. 4. while looking for him, interviewed many witnesses. 5. newspapers reported that he was found in the house of his girlfriend named sue. 6. she was arrested? - no, it hasn"t been arrested. 7. as far as i know, her house is watching. 8. jerry has been questioned. - yeah, he was questioned several times. 9. unknown, will they put him in jail. 10. still don"t know where the hidden stolen things. 11. but sooner or later, they find it, i"m sure. 12. what measures are being taken by the police to prevent crime, 13. the scene of the crime to be inspected, gather evidence, made the crime scene photos, write protocols. 14. as a rule, crimes are quickly and easily. 15. the suspects were questioned, and records of the information sent in the police office.
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