Это еще раз подчеркивает, что люди в обществе были настолько голодны и бессильны, что были готовы не только быть под контролем и подчиняться власти, но и стать рабами. Такая ситуация показывает нам до какого уровня опустились несправедливость и зависимость простого народа. Живя по такому порядку, без свободы, как они будут развиваться и заниматься наукой? В обществе, где царствует свобода, люди свободно выражают свои мысли, осознают свои действия и достигают каких- то успехов. В этом случае общество было слабо и думало только о еде и спокойствии. Им не было дела до развития, когда на первом месте у них стоял “хлеб”: “No science will give them bread so long as they remain free.”( Dostoevsky, “The Grand Inquisitor”, p. 17) Здесь Великий Инквизитор показал нам, что даже наука не остановит голодных людей, если у них тяжелое социальное положение и они зависимы от тех, кто контролирует и кормит. Общество будет жить в спокойствии и в счастье без науки и свободы, которые навредят им больше и принесут много бедствий и страданий.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
This underlines once again that people in society were so hungry and powerless, that were ready not only to be under control and obey authority, but also to become slaves. This situation shows us to what extent drooped injustice and the dependence of the common people. Living under such order without freedom, how they will evolve and do science? In a society where freedom reigns, people freely expressing their thoughts, aware of their actions and achieve any success. In this case, the society was weak and thought only about the food and quiet. They had not been the case before, when in the first place they stood "bread": "No science will give them bread so long as they remain free." (An Dostoevsky, "The Grand Inquisitor", p. 17), Grand Inquisitor showed us that even science doesn't stop hungry people if they have poor social situation and they are addicted to those controls and feeds. The society will live in peace and happiness without science and freedom that will harm them and will bring a lot of misery and suffering.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
This again emphasizes that people in the community were so hungry and powerless, that they were ready not only to be under control and submit to the authority, but also to become slaves. This situation shows us to what level dropped injustice and dependence of the common people. Living on such an order without freedom, they will develop and study science? In a society where freedom reigns, people are free to express their thoughts, aware of their actions and achieve the success ANY KIND. In this case, the society was weak and only thinks about food and tranquility. They did not care about development, when the first place they stood "bread": "No science will give them bread so long as they remain free." (Dostoevsky, "The Grand Inquisitor", p. 17) Here, the Grand Inquisitor revealed us that even science can not stop hungry people, if they have difficult social situation and they are dependent on those who control and feeds. Society will live in peace and happiness without science and freedom, which hurt them more and bring a lot of suffering and agony.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
this again emphasizes that the people in the society have been so hungry and powerless that were ready not only to be under control, and to obey the authority, but also become slaves.this situation shows us what went wrong, and the dependence of the level of the common people. living in such an order, without freedom, how they will evolve and to science? in a societywhere the open freedom, people can freely express their thoughts, understand their actions and achieved some success. in this case, the society was weak and only thought about food and quiet. they didn't care for developmentwhen in the first place, they have stood for "bread", "no science will give them as so long as they remain free." (of "the grand Inquisitor", p. 17)'s grand inquisitor showed us that even science can't stop the hungry peopleif they have a social status and they are dependent on those who control and feeds. the society will live in peace and happiness without science and freedomthat will hurt them and bring a lot of disasters and suffering.
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