Цербер или Кербер (Κέρβερος), в греческом мифотворчестве сторожевой пе перевод - Цербер или Кербер (Κέρβερος), в греческом мифотворчестве сторожевой пе английский как сказать

Цербер или Кербер (Κέρβερος), в гре

Цербер или Кербер (Κέρβερος), в греческом мифотворчестве сторожевой пес царства мертвых, охраняющий вход в мир Аида. Гомеру такой пес уже известен, но с именем Цербер он упоминается впервые у Гесиода. При пропуске теней в подземное царство Цербер на берегу Стикса ласково виляет хвостом, но тех, которые пытаются выбраться оттуда, он пожирает (Гесиод, Теогония, 769-774). Позднее возникло представление о том, что он пугает и всех входящих в загробную обитель; в имени Цербер древние греки видели синоним слова опасность (Гезихий, Хроники, 21). Наряду с Лернейской гидрой и Немейским львом Цербер относился к самому ужасному потомству Ехидны и Тифона (Гесиод, Теогония, 306-313). Однако Орфей, спустившийся в царство мертвых за Эвридикой, сумел очаровать Цербера своей пленительной музыкой.
Согласно народному представлению, для умилостивления чудовища входившие в подземное царство предлагали ему медовые лепешки. Так, помогая Энею проникнуть в потусторонний мир, Сибилла бросила Церберу лепешку, пропитанную настоянным на снотворной траве вином (Вергилий, Энеида, VI 417-423). На вазовых рисунках и других произведениях античного искусства Цербер изображался в виде громадного злого пса; в более древнюю пору Цербера изображали по обыкновению с двумя головами и змеиным хвостом (как Герионова пса Орфра, который первоначально был тождествен с Цербером), иногда — с одною головой, но со змеями на спине, шее и животе; позднее установилось представление о Цербере как о трехголовом псе, причем средняя его голова иногда изображалась львиной.
Геракл, по приказанию царя Эврисфея, должен был доставить Цербера из подземного царства на землю, что ему и удалось выполнить. Путешествие в царство Аида за Цербером стало последним двенадцатым подвигом Геракла. Аид разрешил Гераклу увести Цербера, если только он сумеет одолеть его, не применяя оружия. Геракл схватил пса за шею. Ядовитый змей, заменявший чудовищу хвост, попытался укусить Геракла, но защищенный львиной шкурой Геракл не ослаблял своей хватки до тех пор, пока пес не стал задыхаться. Связав Цербера, Геракл, где волоча его на веревке, а где неся на руках, вышел из потустороннего мира. Цербер сопротивлялся, отводил глаза от дневного света, неистовый лай доносился из всех его глоток. Слюна его текла по зеленеющим полям, а из нее произрастал ядовитый цветок аконит, который также называют гекатиной, поскольку первой его использовала богиня мщения Геката. Этот цветок заваривала в свое колдовское зелье Медея (Овидий, Метаморфозы, VII 406-419). Геракл доставил Цербера к Эврисфею, а затем по приказу царя вновь водворил в Тартар (Аполлодор, II 5, 12).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Cerberus or Kerber (Κέρβερος), in Greek mifotvorchestve guard dog of Hades, guarding the entrance to the world of Hades. Homer is such a dog is already known, but named Cerberus it is mentioned for the first time from Hesiod. In case of skipping the shadows into the underworld Cerberus on the banks of the Styx affectionately wags its tail, but those who are trying to get out, he devours (Hesiod, Theogony, 769-774). Later arose the notion that it frightens and all afterlife abode; in the name of Cerberus the ancient Greeks saw a synonym for danger (Gezihij, chronicles, 21). Along with Hydra and Nemean Lion-headed Cerberus belonged to the horrific offspring of Typhon and Echidna (Hesiod, Theogony, 306-313). However, Orpheus, having descended into the realm of the dead for Jevridikoj, managed to fascinate their Cerbera captivating music.According to the popular view that is propitiating Monster belonged to underworld offered him honey cakes. So, helping Aeneas penetrate the underworld, Sybil threw Cerberu pellet soaked infused with snotvorna grass wine (Virgil, Aeneid, VI, 417-423). On vazovyh drawings and other works of ancient art was depicted in the form of Cerberus enormous evil dog; in the more ancient time Cerberus portrayed as usual with two heads and a snake's tail (as Gerionova dog Orfra, originally identical with Cerberom), sometimes with one head, but with snakes on her back, neck, and abdomen; later than the established idea of Cerbere as a trehgolovom dog, with average his head sometimes was depicted with a lion.Heracles, on the orders of King Exploit, was scheduled to deliver a Cerberus from the underworld to the ground, which he has been able to accomplish. A journey into the realm of Hades, for Cerberom was the last twelfth feat of Hercules. Hades allowed Cerberus to lead Heracles, if only he can overcome it, without using weapons. Heracles grabbed the dog by the neck. Poisonous snakes, replacing Monster tail tried to bite the Hercules, but Hercules lion skin protected not relaxed its grip until the dog does not become suffocating. Associating a Cerberus, Hercules, where dragging it on a rope, and where carrying arms, emerged from the underworld. Cerberus resisted more eyes from daylight, frantic barking came from all of his breath. Saliva it flowed through the verdant fields and from it grew venomous flower aconite, which is also known as gekatinoj, because his first used the vengeful goddess Hecate. This flower is made in their magic potion Medea (Ovid, metamorphoses (VII) 406-419). Heracles brought the Cerbera to Jevrisfeju, and then by order of the King once again instilled in Tartarus (Apollodorus, II, 5, 12).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Cerberus or Cerberus (Κέρβερος), in Greek myth-making guard the kingdom of the dead dog, guarding the entrance to the world of Hades. Homer, a dog is already known, but the name of Cerberus, he was first mentioned in Hesiod. When shadows pass into the underworld Cerberus on the banks of the Styx gently wags his tail, but those who are trying to get out of there, he eats (Hesiod, Theogony, 769-774). Later, there was the idea that he was scared and all included in a future abode; in behalf of Cerberus ancient Greeks saw a synonym for danger (Gezihy, Chronicles, 21). Along with the Lernaean hydra, and the Nemean lion Cerberus refers to the terrible offspring of Typhon and Echidna (Hesiod, Theogony, 306-313). However, Orpheus descended into the realm of the dead for Eurydice, Cerberus has managed to charm his captivating music.
According to popular conception, to propitiate the monster it was part of the underground kingdom offered him honey cakes. So, helping Aeneas to enter the underworld, Cerberus Sybil threw cake soaked grass infused with hypnotic wine (Virgil, Aeneid, VI 417-423). On vase paintings and other works of ancient art Cerberus depicted as a huge evil dog; in a more ancient time Cerberus depicted, as usual, with two heads and a snake tail (as Gerionova Orfra dog, which was originally identical with Cerberus), sometimes - with the sole head, but with snakes on your back, neck, and abdomen; later established an idea of Cerberus as a three-headed pse, and the average of his head sometimes depicted a lion.
Hercules, on the orders of King Eurystheus, it was to bring Cerberus from the underworld to the earth, and that he failed. Journey to Hades for Cerberus was the last twelve labors of Hercules. Hercules Hades allow Cerberus to withdraw, unless he can beat him without using weapons. Hercules grabbed the dog by the neck. Poisonous snakes, replaces the monster's tail, tried to bite Hercules, but Hercules secure a lion's skin does not weaken their grip as long as the dog did not choke. By linking Cerberus, Hercules, where dragging it to the rope, and where carrying in her arms, came from the other world. Cerberus resisted taking his eyes from the light of day, a furious barking coming from all of his drink. Saliva flowed on its verdant fields, and it was grown from the poisonous aconite flower, which is also called gekatinoy since its first use Hecate goddess of vengeance. This flower is brewed in its magical potion Medea (Ovid, Metamorphoses, VII 406-419). Hercules brought Cerberus to Eurystheus, and then by order of the king again dwell in Tartarus (Apollodorus, II of 5, 12).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
cerberus or cerberus (Κέρβερος), greek legends watchdog the dead out of the entrance to the world of hades. homer's dog is known, but the name cerberus, he mentions for the first time at the гесиода. with the passage of the shadows in the underworld cerberus to the styx with her tail, but those who are trying to get out, he devours (hesiod, theogony, 769 - 774). later there was the notion that he frightens all of the post is the name cerberus; ancient greeks saw another word danger (гезихий, chronicle, 21). along with the лернейской hydra and немейским lion cerberus took the worst offspring of vipers and тифона (hesiod, theogony, 306, 314). however, orpheus come into the realm of the dead for эвридикой, managed to charm the cerbera its intriguing music.according to a popular view, for умилостивления monsters living in the underworld offered him honey cakes. so, helping энею penetrate into the spirit world, sybille left the othalanga bread пропитанную will снотворной grass wine (virgil, aeneid, vi 417 - 423). on the вазовых paintings and other works of art in the form of a gigantic evil dog cerberus depicted; in more ancient times cerbera portrayed, normally with two heads and a serpent's tail (as герионова dog орфра originally тождествен with цербером), sometimes with one head, but with the snake on his back, neck and abdomen; the later was the цербере as трехголовом dog, p rich life it sometimes depicted the lion's head.hercules, on the orders of king эврисфея, was to deliver the cerbera in the underworld on the ground that he had been able to implement. the journey to hades for цербером became the 12th feat of hercules. hades has to гераклу cerbera, if only he can defeat him, not with weapons. heracles grabbed the dog's neck. poisonous snake, she met the tail, tried to bite the lion's skin a hercules, but hercules not weakened its grip until the dog was out of breath. linking the cerbera, heracles, where dragging him to the ropes, where carrying on hands out from beyond. cerberus resisted, took his eyes from the light of day, furious barking coming from all his drink. spit it out on the turning green fields, and from her native poisonous flower aconite, which is also called гекатиной since it first used the goddess of vengeance, hecate. this flower was brewing in their brew medea (ovidius, metamorphoses vii 406 - 419). heracles brought to эврисфею cerberus's, and then the czar again водворил in tartar (apollodorus, ii (5, 12).
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