2. Извините, но я не мог присоединиться к вам,
потому что смотрел свой любимый фильм. 3. — Чем сейчас занимается твой сын? — Го-
товится к вступительным экзаменам в университет. 4. Вечером мы поехали в центр
города. Множество людей смотрели концерт на Красной площади, некоторые пели,
другие танцевали. 5. Они уже опаздывали, но не могли выйти, потому что шел сильный
дождь. 6. Кто-то стучал в дверь, но мы никого не ждали. 7. Никто не мог понять, что
происходило. 8. Когда мы пришли в офис, все обсуждали последние события. 9. В доме
было спокойно: тикали часы, кошка играла с мячиком, собака спала у камина, дети
собирали новую игру. 10. Все были очень заняты — они готовились к отъезду. 11. Вчера
он целый день лежал на диване: читал, спал, смотрел телевизор. 12. Мы видели, что он
пытался помочь своим друзьям. 13. Идея осенила Норриса, когда он наслаждался
Результаты (
английский) 1:
2. Sorry, but I couldn't join you, because I watched your favorite movie. 3.-What is your son? -Go-was preparing for entrance examinations at the University. 4. In the evening, we went to Centerthe city. Many people watched the concert on red square, some sang, others danced. 5. They've been late, but couldn't go out because walked strongrain. 6. Someone pounded on the door, but we didn't wait. 7. no one could understand whathappened. 8. When we came into Office, discussing the latest developments. 9. In the HouseIt was quietly: ticked clocks, cat played with a ball, a dog sleeping by the fireplace, childrencollecting a new game. 10. all were very busy — they were preparing to leave. 11. TodayHe was lying on the couch all day: read, slept, watched tv. 12. We have seen that ittrying to help his friends. 13. the idea dawned on Norris, when he enjoyeda cigar.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
2. i'm sorry, but i can't join youbecause watching your favorite movie. 3. - what is your son? th -товится for the entrance exam to university. 4. night we went to the centerthe city. many people watched the concert in red square, some singing,the others were dancing. 5. they're already late, but could not get out because i was strongthe rain. 6. someone knocked at the door, but we weren't expecting anyone. 7. no one could understand whathappened. 8. when we came into the office, everyone talked about the recent events. 9. in the houseit was quiet, is ticking clock, the cat is playing with a ball, the dog was sleeping in front of the fireplace, childrenpicking a new game. 10. they were very busy and they were getting ready to leave. 11. yesterdayhe spent the whole day lying on the sofa, reading, sleeping, watching tv. 12. we have seen that hetry to help your friends. 13. norris got the idea when he wasa cigar.
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