. Нелли предложила пойти в Исторический музей. 2. Эту проблему стоит о перевод - . Нелли предложила пойти в Исторический музей. 2. Эту проблему стоит о английский как сказать

. Нелли предложила пойти в Историче

. Нелли предложила пойти в Исторический музей. 2. Эту проблему стоит обсудить. 3. Я припоминаю, что видела эту же фотографию Британского музея в другом журнале. 4. Хотя мы были в Лондоне всего три дня, я получила большое удовольствие от осмотра достопримечательностей этого огромного города. 5. Она боится одна оставаться с детьми. Она не знает, что с ними делать, как их забавлять. 6. Чтение книг по истории Англии и, в частности, Лондона — приятное и полезное занятие для будущего учителя английского языка. 7. Он избегает встречаться со мной после нашей ссоры. 8. Они не могли не опоздать. Их поезд задержался из-за тумана. 9. Доктор настаивает на том, чтобы всем детям были сделаны прививки. 10. Твое пальто нужно почистить щеткой. 11. Я помню, что видела письмо на столе. 12. Извините, что я вмешиваюсь, но у меня очень важная новость для вас. 13. Я не люблю занимать деньги Это довольно неприятно. 14. Она предпочитает все делать сама без чьей-либо помощи. 15. Он сказал это громко, не глядя ни на кого, и было неясно, к кому он обращается. 16. Нет никакого другого способа попасть туда до захода солнца. 17. Мы провели много времени за писанием пригласительных билетов на наш вечер выпускникам факультета. 18. Вы можете улучшить произношение, слушая магнитофонные записи, а также чтением вслух. 19. При виде жареной индейки на подносе он сказал, что это наилучшее угощение, какое только можно себе представить. 20. После того как он просмотрел все фотографии, Джон долго улыбался. 21. Я сожалею, что приходится покидать вас так скоро.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. Nellie suggested to go to the historical Museum. 2. This problem is worth discussing. 3. I recall that she had seen the same picture of the British Museum in another journal. 4. While we were in London in just three days, I got a big kick out of seeing the sights of this huge city. 5. She is afraid one to stay with children. She doesn't know what to do with them as they amuse. 6. Read books on the history of England, and in particular London-pleasing and useful lesson for the future teachers of English. 7. He avoids dating with me since our quarrel. 8. They could not miss. Their train is delayed due to fog. 9. Doctor insists that all children were vaccinated. 10. your coats need to be brushed. 11. I remember that she saw a letter on the table. 12. Sorry I interfere, but I have very important news for you. 13. I don't like to borrow money it's quite unpleasant. 14. She prefers to do everything by herself without any help. 15. He said it loud, not looking at anyone, and it was not clear to whom it refers. 16. There is no other way to get there before sunset. 17. We spent a lot of time for writing tickets on our evening graduates. 18. Can you improve your pronunciation, listening to tape recordings, as well as reading aloud. 19. in the form of a Roast Turkey on a tray, he said that this is the best treats, which only you can imagine. 20. After he looked through all the pictures, John long smiled. 21. I'm sorry that you have to leave so soon.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. Nelly offered to go to the Historical Museum. 2. This issue should be discussed. 3. I remember, I saw the same picture of the British Museum in another journal. 4. While we were in London only three days, I enjoyed the sightseeing of this great city. 5. She is afraid to be alone with children. She does not know what to do with them as they are amusing. 6. Reading books on the history of England and, in particular, of London - a pleasant and useful lesson for the future English teachers. 7. He avoids to meet with me after our quarrel. 8. They could not miss. Their train was delayed due to fog. 9. The doctor insists that all children were vaccinated. 10. Your coat should be brushed. 11. I remember I saw a letter on the table. 12. Sorry, that I interfere, but I have very important news for you. 13. I do not like to borrow money It's quite unpleasant. 14. It prefers to do everything herself, without any help. 15. He said it loudly, not looking at anyone, and it was unclear to whom he refers. 16. There is no other way to get there before sunset. 17. We spent a lot of time writing invitations to the evening of our graduates of the faculty. 18. You can improve your pronunciation by listening to tapes and reading aloud. 19. When a roast turkey on a tray, he said it was the best meal, which you can imagine. 20. After he looked at all the pictures for a long time, John smiled. 21. I regret that I have to leave you so soon.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. nellie invited to go to the history museum. 2. this problem is worth to discuss. 3. i remember i saw this picture of the british museum in another journal. 4. while we were in london for three daysi get great pleasure from sightseeing in this huge city. 5. she is one to stay with the children. she doesn't know what to do with them as they amuse. 6. reading books on the history of england andin particular, london - pleasant and useful experience for future teachers of english. 7. he's been avoiding seeing me after our fight. 8. they couldn't be late. the train was delayed because of fog. 9.the doctor insists that all children were vaccinated. 10. your coat needs cleaning brush. 11. i remember that i saw a letter on the table. 12. i'm sorry to intrude, but i've got some really important news for you. 13.i don't like to borrow money is quite unpleasant. 14. she prefers to do everything alone without any help. 15. he said it out loud, not looking at anyone, and it was not clear who he is. 16.there is no other way to get there before sunset. 17. we spent a lot of time in the book voucher tickets for our evening graduate school. 18. you can improve your accent.listening to make tapes and reading aloud. 19. a roasted turkey on a platter. he said that this is the best dish, what you can imagine. 20. after he looked at all the pictures.john long smile. 21. i'm sorry that you have to leave so soon.
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