Может ты приедешь и мы сходим в заведение выпьем вина потом пойдем ко мне и я войду в тебя всеми своими 20 сантиметрами ты будешь стонать от удовольствия моя любимая Аманда.
Can you come and we go to a place we will drink the wine then come to me and I join you all their 20 cm you're going to moan from pleasure my favorite Amanda.
Can you come and we go to a place and then go have a drink of wine to me and I will go with you all of your 20 cm you will moan with pleasure my favorite Amanda.
can you come and we go to drink wine, then let's go to my place, and i'm going to get you all your 20 centimeters you moan of pleasure, my favorite amanda.