6. Художники работают с утра, так как мы хотим повесить стенную газету перевод - 6. Художники работают с утра, так как мы хотим повесить стенную газету английский как сказать

6. Художники работают с утра, так к

6. Художники работают с утра, так как мы хотим повесить стенную газету еще сегодня вечером. 7. Река всегда угрожала населению деревни наводнением, пока не была построена плотина. 8. Две недели шли дожди, пока, наконец, три дня назад не установилась хорошая погода. 9. Пруд замерз; мальчики уже катаются на коньках. 10. На реке лед уже растаял, а в лесу кое-где еще лежал снег. 11. Мальчики быстро разобрали велосипед, почистили все части, но собирали его так долго, что у них в этот день не осталось времени кататься. 12. Мальчики уже больше двух часов собирали велосипед, когда пришел отец и сказал, что им придется все снова разобрать, так как они неправильно его со­брали. 13. Что вы делали с тех пор, как мы расстались (как мы не виделись)? 14. Пока мы шли со станции, он успел мне расска­зать обо всем, что произошло со времени моего отъезда. 15. Мы дружим, с тех пор как работаем вместе. 16. Сергей приехал? — Да, он здесь уже два дня. Он приехал еще в пятницу. 17. Я решил, что пока живу на даче, буду каждый день совершать долгие прогулки. 18. Обед уже был готов; все давно проголо­дались, но двоих гостей еще не было. 19. Певец окончил свое выступление, в зале гасли огни, а публика все еще не расходи­лась. 20. Уже прошло пять лет, как мы работаем над этой проб­лемой. 21. Когда я пришел, он уже вернулся и сидел у камина, перелистывая журнал. 22. Меня просили передать вам, что вас известят, как только ваша просьба будет рассмотрена. 23. Мы еще не отошли от леса, когда нас догнал наш старый знакомый . 24. 14 июля 1789 года парижане штурмом взяли Басти­лию — крепость, в которой в течение многих веков короли дер­жали неугодных им людей. 25. К 1867 году — году парламент­ской реформы — английский рабочий класс уже в течение 30 лет боролся за право голосовать. 26. Суриков писал свою картину «Степан Разин» с 1901 по 1907 год.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
6. Artists work in the morning, because we want to hang a wall newspaper still tonight. 7. the river always threatened populations of the village flood until the dam was built. 8. Two weeks went by, until finally, not three days ago, established a good weather. 9. The pond was frozen; the boys are already rolling around on skates. 10. On the river ice has already melted and in the Woods somewhere still lying snow. 11. boys quickly disassembled bike, cleaned all parts, but collecting it for so long that they have on this day did not have time to ride. 12. boys for more than two hours collecting the bike when the father came and said that they would have to disassemble everything again, because they are the wrong it had collected. 13. What have you been doing since we broke up (as we have seen)? 14. While we were walking from the station, he managed to tell me everything that happened since my departure. 15. We are friends since working together. 16. Sergei arrived? Yes, he's here for two days. He arrived on Friday. 17. I have decided that as long as I live in the country, will take long walks every day. 18. Lunch was ready; all hungry for a long time, but the two have not yet been made. 19. The singer graduated from my remarks in the Auditorium lights were extinguished, and the public has not yet spread. 20. It has been five years since we've been working on this problem. 21. When I arrived, he had already returned and sat by the fireplace, leafing through a magazine. 22. I have been asked to convey to you that you will be notified once your request is reviewed. 23. We have not retreated from the forest when we caught up with our old friend. 24. July 14, 1789 year Parisians stormed the Bastille — Castle, where for centuries the Kings kept unwanted people. 25. the year 1867, parliamentary reform is an English working class already for 30 years fought for the right to vote. 26. Surikov wrote his painting "Stepan Razin" from 1901 to 1907 year.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

6. The artists work in the morning, because we want to hang wall paper even tonight. 7. River always flooding threatened the population of the village, until the dam was built. 8. For two weeks it rained, until finally, three days ago, there were pretty good weather. 9. The pond is frozen; boys were skating. 10. On the river ice has melted, and in the woods here and there was still snow. 11. The boys quickly disassembled bike, cleaned all the parts, but gathered it for so long that they have that day did not have time to ride. 12. The boys have already collected more than two hours the wheel when my father came and said that they would have to dismantle all over again as they incorrectly collect it. 13. What did you do since we broke up (as we did not see)? 14. As we walked from the station, he had to tell me everything that has happened since my departure. 15. We are friends, since working together. 16. Sergey has arrived? - Yes, he's been here for two days. He arrived on Friday. 17. I decided that while I live in the country, every day will take long walks. 18. The dinner was ready; all have been hungry, but two guests did not exist. 19. The singer finished his speech, the hall lights went out, and the public is still at odds. 20. It has been five years since we are working on this problem. 21. When I arrived, he had already returned and was sitting by the fire, leafing through a magazine. 22. I have been asked to tell you that you will be notified as soon as your request will be considered. 23. We have not moved away from the forest when we caught up with our old friend. 24. 14 July 1789 Parisians stormed the Bastille - the fortress, which for centuries kept the kings of unwanted people. 25. By 1867 - the year of parliamentary reform - British working class for the past 30 years fighting for the right to vote. 26. Surikov wrote his painting "Stepan Razin" from 1901 to 1907.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
14. As long as we have followed from the station, he was wondering why i got here one can see list of all that has happened since my departure. 15. We've, since both are working together. 16. He arrived? - Yes, he was here for two days. He came in on Friday. 17.
6. The artists work in the morning, as we want to hang wall paper is still today in the evening. 7. The river is always threatened population of the village floods, has not yet been built dam. 8. Two weeks followed by rains, until, finally,Three days ago is not installed good weather. 9. Pond froze; boys are already skating rink. 10. On the river ice was already melt, as well in the forest some where still lying snow. 11. Boys quickly disassembled bicycle, cleaned all the parts,But collected it for a very long time, that they had in this day no time skiing. 12. Boys are already more than two hours had collected a bicycle, when he was the father and he said that they would have to all again disassemble,
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