Дорогая, Полина. А очень была рада получить письмо от тебя. За то врем перевод - Дорогая, Полина. А очень была рада получить письмо от тебя. За то врем английский как сказать

Дорогая, Полина. А очень была рада

Дорогая, Полина. А очень была рада получить письмо от тебя. За то время, что мы не общались произошло много чего. Я даже не знаю с чего начать. Начну с главного. Твой кузин Славик, вернулся с России. вместе с семьей. Так что теперь расписание на неделю зависит от племянника. Он уже такой взрослы. Уже учится разговаривать. Два года уже все-таки. Славик с женой отдали его на танцы. Не понимаю зачем так рано. Думаю, ты поддержишь мне в этом. Папа с мамой только вернулись от твоих родителей. Им очень понравился новый дом, которой они достроили в этом году. Ты не представляешь, какой у меня было удивление, когда мама показывала фотографии с их рыбалки. Да-да наши папы все-таки, сходили на рыбалку за сколько лет.
У меня все по-прежнему. Учусь в университете, да и все новости. Лето у меня прошло просто замечательно. и последние. Помнишь я в детстве всегда мечтала о кролике? В подарок на новый год, я его получила. Представляешь? Еще одна маленькая мечта сбылась. Конечно, когда мама узнала о нем, она сразу захотела отправить его к твоим родителям. Но так этого и не сделала. Теперь для полного счастья мне не хватает собаки.
Как твои дела? Долго ли еще собираешься пробыть в Крыму? Ты не представляешь, как я соскучилась за тобой. Да и не только я. Бабушка очень ждет нас всех в гости. Я даже не знаю, что будет если соберется вся наша семья. А ты? Я очень жду встречи с тобой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear Polina. And very pleased to receive a letter from you. During the time that we have not talked a lot of stuff happened. I don't even know where to start. I'll start with the main. Your cousin Slavik, returned to Russia. together with his family. So now the schedule for week depends on the nephew. He's already such an adult. Already learning to talk. Two years already still. Slavik and his wife gave him to the dance. I do not understand why so early. I think you will support it me in this. Dad with mom just returned from your parents. They really liked the new House, which they finished this year. You don't know what I was surprised when my mother showed pictures with their fishing. Yes our dads still, went fishing for many years. I have everything still. Studying at the University, and all the news. Summer I passed just fine. and the past. I remember in my childhood was always dreaming about a rabbit? A gift for the new year, I got it. Imagine? Another small dream come true. Of course, when mom found out about it, she immediately wanted to send it to your parents. But never did. Now full of happiness I am missing dogs. How are you doing? How long more are you going to stay in Crimea? You do not imagine how I missed you. Yes and not only am I very Granny waiting for us all to visit. I don't even know if that would meet our whole family. How about you? I am very much looking forward to meeting with you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear Pauline. And I was very pleased to receive a letter from you. During the time that we did not communicate happened a lot of things. I do not even know where to start. I'll start with the principal. Your cousins Slavik, returned to Russia. together with family. So now the schedule for the week depend on his nephew. He had such an adult. Even learning to talk. Two years already, after all. Slava and his wife sent him to the dance. I do not understand why so early. I think you will support me in this. Mum and dad just got back from your parents. They liked the new house, which they completed in this year. You have no idea what my surprise when my mother showed photos from their fishing. Yes, our Pope still, go fishing for many years.
I have all the same. I study at the university, and more news. Summer I passed just fine. and last. Do you remember as a child I always dreamed of a rabbit? As a gift for the new year, I got it. Can you imagine? Another little dream come true. Of course, when my mother found out about it, she immediately wanted to send it to your parents. But because of this and did not. Now, full of happiness I do not have a dog.
How are you? How long are going to still stay in the Crimea? You have no idea how I missed you. And it's not just me. Grandma is waiting for us all to visit. I do not even know what will happen if you meet all of our family. And you? I'm really looking forward to meeting with you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
dear, pauline. and very glad to get a letter from you. in the time that we haven't talked, happened a lot of things. i don't even know where to start. start with the basics. your cousin slava returned to russia. together with the family. so now that the schedule for the week is dependent on the nephew. he's such a взрослы. is learning to talk. two years already, after all. slava and his wife gave him to the dance. i don't know why so early. i think you'd support me. mom and dad just got back from your parents. they like the new house, which they build this year. you have no idea what i was surprised when mom showed me pictures of their fishing. yes, our dad's still gone fishing for many years.i'm still. a student in the university, and all the news. this summer i have been just fine. and the past. remember when i was a kid, i always dreamed about the rabbit? in a new year, i got it. can you imagine? one more little dream come true. of course, when my mother found out about it, she immediately wanted to send it to your parents. but she never did. now to be happy i don't have a dog.how are you doing? how long will you be staying in the crimea. you don't know how much i've missed you. and it's not just me. grandma is waiting for us all in the company. i don't even know if that will meet all of our family. and you? i'm very excited to meet you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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