я думаю быть скаутом это очень здорово. У нас нет ничего такого, но в  перевод - я думаю быть скаутом это очень здорово. У нас нет ничего такого, но в  английский как сказать

я думаю быть скаутом это очень здор

я думаю быть скаутом это очень здорово. У нас нет ничего такого, но в моей школе есть "Civilian Club",it's something like the organization of students who solved questions the Lyceum.
Probably Scouts of similar to of Pioneers, которые были в СССР, но эти времена прошли, и сейчас такого нет
I would like to be in an organization to help people or do something useful.

В этом году во многих школах ввели школьную форму. Мы вынуждены носить жилетки, они ужасные и не смотрятся с платьями.
У вас есть школьная форма?

У нас жил кот, но, к сожалению, он сбежал.
На данный момент у меня нет домашних животных. Но сейчас у меня живет кошка моей подруги, она оставила ее мне на время, потому что уехала отдыхать с родителями, и скоро заберет ее.
И у меня есть сестра ей 13 лет.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I think to be a scout it's great. We do not have anything, but in my school have "civilian club", it's something like the organization of students who solved questions the lyceum.
Probably scouts of similar to of pioneers, who were in the USSR, but those days are gone,and now there is no such
i would like to be in an organization to help people or do something useful.

This year, many schools have introduced school uniforms. We have to wear vests, and they do not look horrible dresses.
Do you have a school uniform?

We lived a cat, but unfortunately, he escaped.
At the moment I do not have pets. But now I have a cat lives of my girlfriend, she left it to me at the time, because the parents had gone to rest, and soon will take her.
And I have a sister, she's 13 years old.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I think being in the Scouts is very cool. We don't have anything like that, but in my school there are "Civilian Club", it's something like the organization of students who questions the Lyceum is solved.
Or Scouts of similar to of the Pioneers, which were in the Soviet Union, but those days are gone, and now there is no such
I would like to be in an organization to help people or do something useful.

this year, many schools have introduced school uniforms. We have to wear vests, they are horrible and not look with dresses.
You have a school uniform?

We have lived a cat, but sadly, he escaped.
At the moment I have no pets. But now I have my girlfriend's cat lives, she left it to me at the time because left to rest with parents, and will soon take her.
And I have a sister to her 13 years.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I think be camps this is a very good thing. We have nothing like that, but in my school there is a "Civilian Club" ,it's something like the organization of university students who sоlved hackers the Lyсeum.
Prоbаbly scouts of everything ... to of Piоneers, which were in the USSR, but those times have passed,And now that there is no
I would like to be in an organization to help people or do something under.lord this year, many schools have uniforms. We are forced to be newlywed can feel herself, they are terrible and do not look great with unbeatable beach.
Do you have uniforms?

We have lived, but, unfortunately, he escaped.
At the moment I have no domestic animals. But now, I have lived my friend's cat, it left it me at the time, because the boyfriend stay with their parents, and soon will collect her.
And I have a sister her 13 years.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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