Начавшаяся в 1775 г. освободительная война 13 американских колоний про перевод - Начавшаяся в 1775 г. освободительная война 13 американских колоний про английский как сказать

Начавшаяся в 1775 г. освободительна

Начавшаяся в 1775 г. освободительная война 13 американских колоний против господства Англии, по целям и результатам была одновременно революцией буржуазно-демократической по своему характеру. В ходе революции в 1776 г. была провозглашена "Декларация независимости Соединенных Штатов Америки", закрепившая право народа на восстание против угнетателей, неотъемлемые права человека (право на жизнь, свободу и стремление к счастью) и освобождение "от всякого подданства британской короне". Принятые в 1777 г. (вступили
в силу в 1781 г.) "Статьи Конфедерации и вечного союза", оформили межгосударственный союз 13 штатов с сохранением их суверенитета и с очень слабыми зачатками централизованной (союзной) власти. В 1783 г. был подписан мирный договор, и Англия признала независимость США.
Однако народные массы остались недовольны итогами революции, внутренней политикой правящих кругов, высокими налогами. Страна была охвачена манифестациями и даже восстаниями, крупнейшее из которых вспыхнуло в штате Массачусетс под руководством Д.Шейса (1786-1787 гг.). Правящие круги были напуганы этими выступлениями. Главнокомандующий Д.Вашингтон писал: "Государство (если это можно назвать государством) потрясено до основания и может быть опрокинуто первым же взрывом. Это конец: если не найти вскоре противодействия, то неизбежно последует смятение и анархия"*. В обществе настойчиво высказывались требования о необходимости проведения реформы Конфедерации и централизации
государственной власти.
Для реализации указанной цели в мае 1787 г. в Филадельфии созывается Конвент, в котором принимало участие 55 делегатов от штатов. Конвент вместо реформирования Конфедерации учреждает союзное государство (федерацию) и принимает 17 сентября 1787 г. конституцию, как сказано 8 ее преамбуле для "обеспечения внутреннего спокойствия".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Begun in 1775,. 13 American colonies the war of independence against the rule of England, by objectives and outputs was both bourgeois-democratic revolution in nature. During the revolution in 1776, was proclaimed the "Declaration of independence of the United States of America," zakrepivšaâ the right of the people to revolt against their oppressors, non-derogable human rights (right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and liberation from every nationality Crown ". Adopted in 1777 (enteredeffect in 1781, 2011.) "The articles of Confederation and perpetual Union," drew up interstate Union 13 States with preserving their sovereignty and with very weak beginnings of centralized (Federal) authorities. In 1783, a peace treaty was signed, and England recognized the independence of the United States.However, the masses were not satisfied with the outcome of the revolution, the internal policy of the ruling circles, high taxes. The country has been gripped by demonstrations and even revolts, the largest of which erupted in Massachusetts under the supervision of d. Šejsa (1786-1787). The ruling circles were scared by these performances. Commander d. Washington wrote: "State (if it can be called by the State) is shocked to the core and can be tilted by the first explosion. This is the end: If you do not find the counter soon, the inevitable confusion and anarchy "*. In a society strongly expressed the requirement of reform Confederation and centralizationState power.To implement this goal in may 1787 in Philadelphia is convened Convention where delegates from the 55 participating States. The convent instead of reforming the Union State shall be established by the Confederation (Federation) and takes 17 September, 1787. Constitution, as its preamble 8 says to "ensure domestic tranquility."
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Which began in 1775 liberation war of the 13 American colonies against the domination of England, on the objectives and results at the same time was a bourgeois-democratic revolution in character. During the revolution in 1776 it was proclaimed the "Declaration of Independence of the United States of America", confirm the right of the people to revolt against the oppressors, inalienable human rights (right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and liberation "from all allegiance to the British Crown." Adopted in 1777 (entered
into force in 1781), "Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union", issued an interstate union of 13 states while preserving their sovereignty and a very weak rudiments central (Federal) government. In 1783 the peace treaty was signed, and Britain recognized the independence of the United States.
However, the masses were dissatisfied with the outcome of the revolution, the internal policy of the ruling circles, high taxes. The country was gripped by demonstrations, even revolts, the largest of which broke out in Massachusetts led D.Sheysa (1786-1787 gg.). The ruling circles were scared by these performances. Commander D.Vashington wrote: "The state (if it can be called by the state) is shocked to the ground and can be overturned by the first explosion. This is the end: if you do not soon find a counter, then inevitably follow confusion and anarchy." * In a society strongly expressed requirement of the need for reform of the Confederation and the centralization of
state power.
To realize this goal in May 1787 in Philadelphia convened by the Convention, which was attended by 55 delegates from the state. The convention, instead of reforming the Confederation shall establish a federal state (federation) and takes 17 September 1787 constitution as its preamble states 8 to "ensure domestic tranquility."
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
beginning in 1775. liberation war 13 american colonies against the domination of england, on the objectives and outcome was both the bourgeois democratic revolution in nature. in the revolution of 1776."the declaration of independence was proclaimed by the united states of america", закрепившая right of the people to revolt against the oppressors, inalienable human rights (the right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness and liberation from every nationality british crown. " adopted in 1777. (joined
effect in 1781.) "the articles of confederation and perpetual union"up interstate union 13 states with preservation of their sovereignty and with very weak зачатками central (federal) government. in 1783. a peace treaty was signed, and britain recognized the independence of the united states. "however, the masses were unhappy with the outcome of the revolution, the internal policy of the establishment, the high taxes. the country was gripped by манифестациями and even rebellion.the largest of which occurred in massachusetts, under the leadership of д.шейса (1786 - 1787)). the ruling circles were threatened by these interventions. commander in chief of the д.вашингтон wrote:"the state (if it can be called a state) to the ground and can be shocked by those first explosion. this is the end, if not find soon counter, will inevitably confusion and anarchy. "in society has been the requirement of the reform of the confederation and the centralization of state power of the
for this purpose in may 1787. in the philadelphia convention is convened.which participated in 55 delegates from the states. the reform of the federal state (rather than a federation) and takes on september 17, 1787). constitutionit says 8 of its preamble to ensure domestic tranquility. "
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