1. Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы понапрасну тратить время. 2. Мисс Темп л поднялась рано, чтобы успеть на первый автобус. 3. Сказать правду было невозможно для нее, и поэтому ей пришлось придумать историю, 4. Новость была слишком хороша, чтобы поверить в нее. 5. Кто говорит, что жизнь скучна? Ведь есть книги, которые можно читать, картины, которыми можно восхищаться, музыка, которая может соответствовать вашему настроению (to meetyour mood). 6. Он недостаточно жесток, чтобы сказать ей это в лицо. 7. Не вол¬нуйся, мы встретимся, чтобы поговорить за рюмкой коньяка и решить все проблемы человечества. 8. Я решил прогуляться, но пошел мелкий дождь, и мне пришлось вернуться домой. 9. Бетси имела обыкновение подниматься в мою комнату, чтобы рассказать мне историю перед сном (a bedtime story). 10. Дети начали смеяться все сразу, чтобы через минуту понять, как жестока была шутка. 11. Хильда Роберте достаточно умна, чтобы быть самой лучшей ученицей в классе. 12. Оратор выдержал значительную паузу в начале речи, чтобы привлечь внимание (to win the attention of) ауди¬тории. 13. По правде говоря, ты достаточно взрослый, чтобы решить, что хорошо для тебя. 14. Синди планирует работать все лето, чтобы заработать деньги на юридическую школу. 15. А теперь я лучше остановлюсь, чтобы не вызвать новых проблем, мягко говоря. 16. У нее власть управлять людьми. И как же трудно иметь с ней дело! 17. Они понимали, что у них недостаточно акций, чтобы получить контроль над компанией. 18. Ты слишком молод, чтобы уйти в отставку
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Life is too short to be wasting time. 2. The rate of Miss L rose early to catch the first bus. 3. To tell the truth it was not possible for her, and so she had to come up with a story 4. The news was too good to believe. 5. Who says that life is boring? After all, there are books that can be read, the pictures, which you can admire the music that can match your mood (to meetyour mood). 6. He's not cruel to tell her in person. 7. Do not vol¬nuysya, we meet to talk over a glass of brandy and solve all problems of mankind. 8. I decided to walk, but went to the small rain, and I had to go home. 9. Betsy used to go up to my room to tell me a bedtime story (a bedtime story). 10. The children began to laugh all at once to a minute to understand, how cruel a joke. 11. Hilda Roberts is smart enough to be the best student in the class. 12. He sustained a significant pause in the beginning of his speech to draw attention (to win the attention of) audi¬torii. 13. In truth, you're old enough to decide what is good for you. 14. Cindy plans to work all summer to earn money for law school. 15. And now I'd better stop, to say the least not to cause new problems. 16. It has the power to control people. And it's so hard to deal with it! 17. They understood that they have enough stock to gain control of the company. 18. You are too young to retire to draw attention (to win the attention of) audi¬torii. 13. In truth, you're old enough to decide what is good for you. 14. Cindy plans to work all summer to earn money for law school. 15. And now I'd better stop, to say the least not to cause new problems. 16. It has the power to control people. And it's so hard to deal with it! 17. They understood that they have enough stock to gain control of the company. 18. You are too young to retire to draw attention (to win the attention of) audi¬torii. 13. In truth, you're old enough to decide what is good for you. 14. Cindy plans to work all summer to earn money for law school. 15. And now I'd better stop, to say the least not to cause new problems. 16. It has the power to control people. And it's so hard to deal with it! 17. They understood that they have enough stock to gain control of the company. 18. You are too young to retire They understood that they have enough stock to gain control of the company. 18. You are too young to retire They understood that they have enough stock to gain control of the company. 18. You are too young to retire
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Life is too short to waste time. 2. Miss Templ l got up early to catch the first bus. 3. Telling the truth was impossible for her, and so she had to come up with a story, 4. The news was too good to believe in. 5. Who says life is boring? After all, there are books that you can read, paintings that you can admire, music that can match your mood (to meetyour mood). 6. He is not cruel enough to tell her in person. 7. Don't go, we'll meet to talk over a glass of cognac and solve all the problems of humanity. 8. I decided to take a walk, but it was a little rain and I had to go home. 9. Betsy used to go up to my room to tell me a bedtime story. 10. The children started laughing all at once to realize a minute later how cruel the joke was. 11. Hilda Roberte is smart enough to be the best student in the class. 12. He had a considerable pause at the beginning of the speech to attract the attention of the audience. 13. To tell you the truth, you're old enough to decide what's good for you. 14. Cindy plans to work all summer to earn money for law school. 15. Now I'd rather stop so as not to cause any more problems, to put it mildly. 16. She has the power to govern people. And how hard it is to deal with it! 17. They realized that they did not have enough shares to gain control of the company. 18. You're too young to retire
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. Life is too short to waste time. 2. Miss Temple arrived at the first bus early. 3. It's impossible for her to tell the truth, so she had to come up with a story, 4. The news is so good, trust her. 5. Who says life is boring? Because there are books to read, paintings to enjoy, music, which may be in line with your mood)( 6. He didn't have enough violence to face her. 7. Don't worry, we meet to talk about a glass of brandy and solve all the problems of human beings. 8. I decided to go for a walk, but it rained and I had to go home. 9. Bessie has a habit of climbing into my room and telling me a story before I go to bed.)( 10. The children all laughed at once, in order to understand in a minute, what a cruel joke. 11. Hilda Robert is smart enough to be the best student in the class. 12. The speaker paused for quite a long time at the beginning of the speech in order to cause the( 13. In fact, you are old enough to decide what is good for you. 14. Cindy plans to work all summer to make money for law school. 15. Now I'd rather stop and not cause new problems, to say the least. 16. She has the power to control people. How difficult it is to deal with it! 17. They understand that they don't have enough shares to control the company. 18. You are too young to retire.<br>
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