Нестор Иванович Махно родился в 1888 году в семье крестьяни¬на-бедняка перевод - Нестор Иванович Махно родился в 1888 году в семье крестьяни¬на-бедняка английский как сказать

Нестор Иванович Махно родился в 188

Нестор Иванович Махно родился в 1888 году в семье крестьяни¬на-бедняка Екатеринославской губернии. В семь лет стал подпас¬ком, а окончив три класса церковноприходской школы, батрачил в имениях помещиков, работал на гуляйпольском заводе. В 1906 го¬ду, когда волна революционного брожения охватила Украину, сем-надцатилетний юноша примкнул к, молодежному кружку анар¬хистов-коммунистов, участвовал в террористических покушениях на полицейских чинов. Схваченный жандармами, был приговорен к повешению, но из-за несовершеннолетия смертный приговор ему был заменен бессрочной каторгой. Каторгу отбывал .закованным в кандалы в Бутырской тюрьме. Время заключения не прошло зря, В ту же тюрьму был посажен анархист Петр Аршинов (впоследст¬вии своего рода политический руководитель махновщины и ее исто¬риограф) . От него молодой революционер узнал много интересного о былых восстаниях русских и украинских крестьян, познакомился с учениями Бакунина и Кропоткина. Его страстью стали политиче¬ские споры, он пытался писать небольшие статьи на злободневные темы, пробовал даже сочинять стихи.
Освобожденный Февральской революцией из тюрьмы, Махно возвращается в Гуляйполе; население встречает его не только с со¬чувствием — как потерпевшего от царской власти, но и с уважени¬ем — как смелого революционера. Махно становится руководителем местных анархистов, при их поддержке избирается председателем Крестьянского союза, а затем и Гуляйпольского Совета.
К лету 1917 года Махно вооружает за счет экспроприации помещиков целый отряд, распускает земскую управу, сам становит¬ся во главе земства и объявляет себя комиссаром Гуляйпольского района. В сентябре 1917 года гуляйпольский съезд крестьян по¬становил ликвидировать помещичье землевладение, оставив поме¬щикам и кулакам землю по трудовой норме. Подобные решения приняли и многие другие уездные съезды крестьян. Попытка гу¬бернских чиновников навести «порядок» — разоружить отряд и привлечь к ответственности Махно — не удалась. Фактически власть Временного правительства в Гуляйполе уже не признавалась. Вообще в 1917 году анархическая демократия Гуляйполя в самые критические моменты революции неизменно поддерживала петро¬градский пролетариат, большевиков. В апреле гуляйпольцы присо-единились к лозунгу «Долой 10 министров-капиталистов!». В июльские дни осудили Керенского, а в августе — Корнилова. Они приветствовали. Октябрьский переворот и разгон Учредительного собрания, рассматривая его как никчемную картежную игру поли¬тических партий. А вот отношение к Брестскому миру было иное, Ведь по условиям Брестского мира часть Украины была оккупиро¬вана немецкими и австрийскими войсками/а это, по мнению Махно, приводило к торжеству контрреволюции на Украине.
Провозглашенной в январе 1918 года в Гуляйполе Советской вла¬сти вскоре пришлось собирать силы для борьбы с австро-германской интервенцией и ее союзниками — украинскими националистами, Махно, как председатель Гуляйпольского ревкома, сформировал для защиты революции отряд, который с боями отступал до Таган¬рога, но там «черная гвардия», не желавшая уходить далеко от до¬ма, распалась. Оставшись без воинства, Махно решает посетить анархистские центры России, но всюду — в Ростове, Царицыне, Саратове — застает лишь множество групп и группок, не связанных между собой ни общей целью, ни единством действий. Некоторые анархисты перешли на службу Советской власти, другие проводили время в бесцельных словопрениях. Причина разобщенности и бес¬силия анархического движения, по мнению Махно,— в его раз¬розненности и неорганизованности. Несмотря на то что большин¬ство анархистов проповедовали полную автономию личности и от¬каз от всякой дисциплины и организации, Махно именно в них видел залог будущих успехов анархического движения. Летом 1918 года Махно поехал в Москву встретиться с ли-дерами анархических групп и поговорить о характере работы среди украинского крестьянства. Но разумных советов не получил —-«лидеры» были заняты политическими интригами, заговорами про¬тив Советской власти. Махно встретился с Лениным и Свердловым и даже нашел с ними какое-то взаимопонимание (об этом он рас¬сказывает в своих записках).
Восторженный поклонник Кропоткина, он был тепло принят отцом анархизма и воодушевленный вернулся на Украину. Кстати, достать билет до дома ему помог Ленин. В пути с чемоданом анар¬хической литературы его схватили немецкие власти. Спасение при¬шло от земляка-еврея, внесшего за его освобождение большую сумму денег.
В Гуляйполе Махно вновь формирует повстанческий отряд и вступает в партизанскую борьбу с австро-германскими и гетман¬скими частями. Его отряд, совершая молниеносные налеты на вой¬сковые гарнизоны и полицейские участки, тотчас бесследно исчезал, чтобы столь же неожиданно нанести новый удар в другом месте. Излюбленный тактический прием Махно — появление в стане не¬приятеля в форме гетманской полиции. Разузнав планы противника, он присоединялся к его отряду якобы для поимки Махно, но в до¬роге махновцы внезапно обнажали шашки и уничтожали этот от¬ряд. Захваченных офицеров, как правило, расстреливали, а солдат распускали. В ответ на жестокие расправы помещиков и немецких войск над крестьянами махновцы беспощадно разрушали и жгли усадьбы это была не только месть за угнетение, но и своего рода надежда, что старое не повторится. Как и подольские крестьяне, они могли бы сказать: «А мы для того сжигали их гнезда, чтобы эти птички никогда к нам назад не прилетели»'.
Местные помещики, укрывавшиеся в больших города
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Nestor Ivanovich Makhno was born in 1888 in a family of peasants ¬ Katerynoslavs'ka for a poor province. In seven years, was com ¬ podpas and graduated three classes of the parish school, rotten in the estates of landlords,worked on Gulyaypolsky plant. In 1906 ¬ nd do when a wave of revolutionary unrest swept the Ukraine, seed-nadtsatiletny young man joined, youth groups Hist ¬ anarcho-communists,involved in terrorist attempts against the police officers. Caught by the gendarmes, was sentenced to be hanged, but because of the minority death sentence has been replaced by a perpetual servitude. Serving hard labor.shackled in Butyrskaya. Time of the conclusion is not passed in vain, in the same prison was imprisoned anarchist Peter ARSHINOV (vposledst ¬ Wii kind of political leader Makhnovshchina and its history ¬ riograf).From his young revolutionary learned a lot about the old Russian and Ukrainian uprisings of peasants, met with the teachings of Bakunin and Kropotkin. His passion became politi ¬ skie disputesHe tried to write short articles on the topics of the day, even tried to write poems.
freed from prison on February Revolution, Makhno returned to Gulyaypole;population meets him not only with a sense of ¬ - as a victim of imperial power, but also with the respect it ¬ - as a bold revolutionary. Makhno became the head of the local anarchists,with their support, was elected chairman of the Peasant Union, and later Gulyai-Pole Council.
By the summer of 1917 Makhno arms through the expropriation of the landlords a squad, dissolve the Zemstvo board,he becomes ¬ Xia led Zemstvo and declares himself the Commissioner Gulyai-Pole region. In September 1917, Congress Gulyaypolsky peasants ¬ Has become eliminate landlordismleaving the premises ¬ schikam and fists land on labor standards. Such decisions are taken, and many other county conventions peasants.Attempting gu ¬ Bernese officials to bring "order" - disarm squad and bring to justice Makhno - failed. In fact, the power of the Provisional Government in Gulyaypole no longer recognized.In general, in 1917 Huliaipole anarchic democracy in the most critical moments of the revolution has consistently supported the petro ¬ Gradsky proletariat, the Bolsheviks.In April gulyaypoltsy accession to the unified slogan "Down with the ten capitalist ministers!". In July Days was convicted of Kerensky, and in August - Kornilov. They welcomed. The October Revolution and the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly,seeing it as a worthless game kartezhnaya poly ¬ cal parties. But the attitude towards Brest was a different world,Indeed, under the terms of the Peace of Brest part of Ukraine was occupied ¬ Wan German and Austrian troops / and this, according to Makhno led to the triumph of the counter-revolution in the Ukraine.
Promulgated in January 1918, the Soviet authorities Gulyaypole ¬ STI soon had to gather strength to fight the Austro-German intervention and its allies - Ukrainian nationalists, Makhnoas chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of Gulyai-Pole, formed to protect the revolution unit that fought retreated to Tagan ¬ horns, but there's a "black guard", who did not want to stray far from the ma ¬ fell apart. Left without a host,Makhno's anarchist centers decides to visit Russia, but everywhere - in Rostov, Tsaritsyn, Saratov - finds a multitude of groups and groups which are not related to each other or a common purpose, no unity of action.Some anarchists went to the service of Soviet power, others spent their time in aimless logomachy. The cause of disunity and violence demon ¬ anarchist movement, according to Makhno- In its time ¬ roznennosti and disorganization. Despite the fact that the majority ¬ NESS anarchists advocated the complete autonomy of the individual and of ¬ penalty from any discipline and organization,Makhno it is they saw the pledge of the future success of the anarchist movement. In the summer of 1918 Makhno went to Moscow to meet with a derami-anarchist groups and talk about the nature of work among the Ukrainian peasantry.But did not get good advice - "leaders" were employed by political intrigues, conspiracies pro ¬ against Soviet power.Makhno met with Lenin and Sverdlov, and even found some rapport with them (this dis ¬ he predicts in his notes).
Enthusiastic admirer of Kropotkin,He was warmly received by the father of anarchism and animated returned to Ukraine. By the way, get a ticket to the house he helped Lenin. On the road with a suitcase ¬ archical anarchist literature, he was seized by the German authorities.Salvation at ¬ came from a Jewish compatriot, who made for his release a large amount of money.
In Gulyaypole Makhno again provides insurgent detachment and becomes a guerilla struggle against the Austro-German and Hetman ¬ cal parts.His squad, making lightning raids on the curve ¬ Skov garrisons and police stations, and immediately disappeared without a trace, just as suddenly to strike again in another place.A favorite tactic of Makhno - appearance in the camp is not ¬ pal in the form of the Hetman's police. Finding out the enemy's plans, he joined his squad, ostensibly to capture Makhnobut to ¬ horn Makhno suddenly stripped checkers and destroyed this from ¬ row. The trapped officers, usually shot and disbanded soldiers.In response to the atrocities of the landlords and the peasants of German troops Makhno ruthlessly destroyed and burned the estate it was not only revenge for the oppression, but also a kind of hope that the old does not happen again.As Podolsk peasants, they might say: "We were burned for their nests, these birds never back to us did not arrive."
Local landowners who had taken refuge in the big city
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Nestor Ivanovich Makhno was born in 1888, in the family of peasantsand ¬-poor ekaterinoslav province. In seven years, became podpas of com, and after graduating from the three classes of the parish school, chores in the estates of landowners, He worked at the guliaipolskiiy plant. In 1906 Guo ¬ do when the wave of revolutionary turmoil swept Ukraine, SEM-nadcatiletnij young man joined the Youth Cup, Anar ¬ histov-Communists participated in terrorist attacks on police officers. Captured by gendarmes, was sentenced to be hanged, but a minority of his death sentence was changed to indefinite transportation. Misery was serving.shackled in butyrka prison. Time has not passed in vain, in the same prison, was imprisoned anarchist Peter Arshinov (consequently provided a kind of political leader mahnovŝiny and its history-riograf). The young revolutionary learned many interesting facts about the former rebellion of Russian and Ukrainian peasants, became acquainted with the teachings of Bakunin and Kropotkin. His passion became the political and strategic debate, He tried to write small articles on topical themes, tried to even write poems.
February revolution Liberated from prison, Makhno returns in Huliaipole; population encounters it not only with the ¬ čuvstviem-as the victim of imperial authority, but also with the uvaženi of it is as a brave revolutionary. Makhno becomes head of local anarchists, with their support, was elected Chairman of the peasant Union, and then the Gulyaypolskogo Council.
by the summer of 1917, Nestor Makhno equips by the expropriation of landlords a whole Squad, the Municipal Council shall dissolve, itself becomes ¬ Xia headed zemstvo and declares himself the Commissioner of Gulyaypolskogo district. In September 1917, the peasants ' Congress of the guljajpolye as they became eliminate landlordism, leaving the premises of the kulaks and rendered the ground on labor rate. Such decisions adopted and many other County congresses of peasants. Attempt to bridge officials Bernese ¬ gu ' order ' is to disarm the Group and bring to justice the Makhno — failed. Actually the power of the interim Government no longer recognized the gulyajpole. In 1917, the anarchist democracy Huliaipole in the most critical moments of the revolution had always supported Petro ¬ gradsky proletariat, the Bolsheviks. In April gulâjpol′cy accession edinilis′ to the slogan "down with the capitalist Ministers! 10. In the July days condemned Kerenskogo and in August — Kornilova. They welcomed. The October revolution and the dispersal of the constituent Assembly, as a worthless kartežnuû game poly-thematic parties. And here is the attitude to the Brest peace was nothing but After all, under the terms of the Brest peace part of Ukraine was occupied by the van by German and Austrian troops/and this, according to Makhno led to the triumph of counter-revolution in Ukraine.
In January 1918, the Soviet Government of gulyajpole and soon had to gather forces to fight the Austro-German intervention and its allies — Ukrainian nationalists, Makhno, as Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee, Gulyaypolskogo formed for the defence of the revolution squad that battles retreated to Tagan-Horn, but there the "Black Guard", does not want to go far away to Ma, broke up. Left without armies, Makhno decides to visit the anarchist centres of Russia, but everywhere is in Rostov, Tsaritsyn, Saratov, catches a lot of groups and certain cells, not linked by any common goal, neither unity of action. Some anarchists have shifted to the Soviets, others spent time in aimless slovopreniâh. The reason for disconnection and IMP-Cilia of the anarchist movement, according to Makhno,in the times of roznennosti and disorganization. Despite the fact that the majority of anarchists had preached the complete autonomy of the individual and of KAZ from all disciplines and organizations "They saw the bail on the future success of the anarchist movement. In the summer of 1918, Makhno went to Moscow to meet with Lee on a nationwide basis anarchist groups and talk about the nature of the work among the Ukrainian peasantry. But sensible advice is not received as "leaders" were engaged in political intrigues, conspiracies about ¬ against Soviet power. Makhno met with Lenin and Sverdlovym and even found them some understanding (the races of tells in his notes).
an enthusiastic fan of Kropotkin, He was warmly received by the father of anarchism and animated by returned to Ukraine. By the way, get a ticket to the House he helped Lenin. On the road with a suitcase of Anar ¬ hičeskoj literature he was seized by the German authorities. Save when you went from countryman-Jew who made his release a large amount of money.
gulyajpole Makhno again forms a rebel squad and enters into a guerrilla fight against the Austro-German and Hetman of the parts. His squad, making lightning raids on howl ¬ skovye garrisons and police stations, and immediately went to disappear just as suddenly inflict new blow elsewhere. A favorite tactic Makhno — the mill does not ¬ PAL in the form of a Hetman's police. The enemy's plans, he found out it would move over to his squad for the capture of Makhno, but to Horn of Africa makhnovists suddenly exposed checkers and destroyed this from ¬ a number. The captured officers, usually shot and soldiers dissolved. In response to the atrocities of the landlords over the peasants and German troops the makhnovists mercilessly destroyed and burned houses, it was not just revenge for oppression, but also a kind of hope that the old will not happen again. The Podilsky peasants, they could say: "we burned their nest these birds never came back to us" '.
Local landowners, ensconced in a big city
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Nestor Ivanovich engineer was born in 1888, in the family крестьяни underscoring the mightier hoover. In seven years has become подпас¬k, and finished three class церковноприходскои school, was at the services in the secularization millHe worked at the гуляипольском factory. In 1906 th¬remote control, when a wave of revolutionary turmoil has engulfed Ukraine, saith the надцатилетнии youth adhered to, youth a mug Anar¬хистов-communists,Participated in terrorist assaults on police officers. Illich gendarmes, was sentenced to remember, but also because of the junior his death sentence was replaced by people indefinitely. Serving Checheno-ingushetia .Latin inscriptions reproduce in shackles in the Matrosskaya Tishina prison. The time of the conclusion of has not passed wasted, in the same prison was seated now philosophers, Jake Viktoriya G Arshinova, junior staff scientist (performs¬revaluation of its kind of the political head махновщины and its history¬риограф) .From it a young revolutionary learned many interesting things about the bygone uprisings Russian and Ukrainian peasants, had met with the teachings Bakunin and phone. His passion became political favors tailor patent disputes,He tried to write small articles on the utterance, tried even Diezel poems.
excepted February revolution from prison, engineer returns to the Гуляиполе;The population meets its not only with¬чувствием - as a victim of tsarist authorities, but also with уважени¬em - as well as a bold revolutionary. Citation becomes the head of the local anarchists,When their support was elected the chairman of the Peasant union, and then Гуляипольского council.
in the summer 1917, engineer arming by expropriation mill a detachment, dissolves thankfully pray Azimbek Beknazarov,The underscoring the single taste Xia in chapter despite numerous prohibitions and declare themselves commissioner Гуляипольского area. In September 1917, Congress гуляипольскии peasants with oil to eliminate помещичье land tenure,Leaving flowing¬Musambachime and shock absorber mountings ground on labor is correct. Such decisions have adopted and many other county caucuses peasants.An attempt to pg¬two areas cater officials hover "order" - to disarm a detachment and to bring to justice Engineer - has failed. In fact power interim government in Гуляиполе already had not been recognized.In 1917, triad Гуляиполя democracy in the most critical moments revolution has consistently supported petro-canada¬excellent Armenian cognac "Noy marxism, Soviet Russia.In April гуляипольцы instrument-единились to the slogan "Go 10 ministers of the capitalists! ". In lethal acts days condemned Vtorov was murdered, and in August - Evgeny since. They welcomed. The October coup d'etat and acceleration constituent assembly,Considering that it only wanted картежную game poly¬technique. And that is relevant to candidates published peace it was otherwise,The Brest peace part of conditions of Ukraine was people and underscoring Wang German and Austrian troops/and this, in the view Engineer, has led to the triumph Flimsily disguised in Ukraine.
Announced in January, in the year 1918 in the Гуляиполе Soviet power,¬area will soon have to gather forces to combat the austro-hungarian and german intervention and its allies - Ukrainian nationalists, Engineer,As soon as the president Гуляипольского several more times - bolsheviks, has formed a detachment for defense of the revolution, which, from fighting him until Таган¬horn of Africa, but also in the black guard", not желавшая away far from to patent ma, was dissolved. Jump without Eliasaph,Engineer decides to visit discover centers of Russia, but everywhere - in Rostov, Bulionnaya, Saratov - Judging only a range of groups and pilgrimages, not related to each other or a common purpose, no unity of action.Some anarchists have moved to the service Soviet power, the other had the endless словопрениях. The reason for separation and honest¬Celia Larkin has anarchical movement, the engineer's view,- In his once again underscoring розненности and weakness. In spite of the fact that we stress¬goi anarchist brimming full autonomy and identity of¬buys from any discipline and the organization,Citation it is in them saw bail future success anarchical movement. In summer 1918, engineer went to Moscow to meet with the дерами armed opposition groups and talk about the nature of the work in the Ukrainian peasantry.But reasonable councils has not received -- "leaders" have been engaged in political intrigues, conspiracies ABM¬against Soviet power.He met with the engineer and the Lenin Свердловым and even found with them a mutual understanding (the chariot races of oil in his notes) .
heady diehard gamer PhoneHe was warmly received by his father anarchism and youthful returned to Ukraine. In fact, to get a ticket to the house he helped Lenin. On the road with briefcase Anar¬хическои literature was caught German authorities.Save when oil has gone from someone-Jew, who for his release a large amount of money.
IN Гуляиполе Engineer once again generates a insurgent detachment and enters into guerrilla warfare against the austro-hungarian and german midsummer festival¬accountancy parts.His detachment, in committing overnight raids on whining¬сковые garrisons and police stations, so they have been disappearing at their loved ones, so that the same unexpectedly strike again in another location.A popular tactical admission Engineer - the emergence in Ankara is not¬mate in the form of a гетманскои police. Разузнав plans an enemy, he joined the Chinese triads for alleged capture Engineer,But the horn up to patent махновцы suddenly обнажали checkers and destroyed this from a number of oil. Captured officers, as a rule, have been shot at, and soldiers disbandment.In response to the massacres mill and the German troops over the peasants махновцы mercilessly destroying and burned manor house that was not only revenge for the oppression, but also its kind of hope that the old will not be repeated.As Malynka peasants, they could say, "and we have to burn their housing, to ensure that these say cheese will never to us back not sighted" ' .
Local criticizing serfdom, ensconced in a large city
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