Я бы хотела посетить музей снежинок, который находится в Японии . Это  перевод - Я бы хотела посетить музей снежинок, который находится в Японии . Это  английский как сказать

Я бы хотела посетить музей снежинок

Я бы хотела посетить музей снежинок, который находится в Японии . Это единственный музей подобного рода в мире, и он назван в честь своего создателя.Очень долгое время ученые не могли рассмотреть снежинку под микроскопом, уже не говоря о том, чтобы ее сфотографировать. Однако теперь прогресс достиг того, что это можно сделать без особого труда, и именно такие фото представлены в японском музее. Экспонаты находятся в небольших природных снежных пещерах, которые облагородили и сделали пригодными для посещения. Спуск к ним ведет по винтовая лестница, чтобы было комфортнее передвигаться и наблюдать за экспозицией. И невозможно рассматривать без восторга представленные в музее великолепные фотографии снежинок самых разнообразных форм. В музее всегда прохладно и сохраняется дух зимы, и это только придает ему прекрасную атмосферу!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I would like to visit the Museum of snowflakes, which is located in Japan. It is the only Museum of its kind in the world, and it is named in honor of its creator. Very long time scientists could not consider the snowflake under a microscope, let alone how to photograph it. Now, however, the progress achieved what it can be done without much difficulty, and such images are presented in a Japanese Museum. Exhibits are located in small natural snow caves that are refined and made available for visiting. Descend to him leads to a spiral staircase, to make it more comfortable to move around and to monitor exposures. And cannot be viewed without delight are represented in the Museum's magnificent pictures of snowflakes a wide variety of shapes. The Museum is always cool and saved the spirit of winter, and it only gives it a wonderful atmosphere!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I would like to visit the Museum of snowflakes, which is located in Japan. It is the only museum of its kind in the world, and it is named after its sozdatelya.Ochen long time scientists could not consider a snowflake under a microscope, let alone to photograph her. Now, however, the progress achieved what it can be done without much difficulty, and these are the photos presented in a Japanese museum. The exhibits are small natural snow caves that are ennobled and made suitable for visits. The descent leads them on a spiral staircase to make it more comfortable to move around and watch the exposure. And it is impossible to consider without enthusiasm shown at the Museum of gorgeous photos of various shapes of snowflakes. The museum is always cool and maintain the spirit of winter, and it just gives it a wonderful atmosphere!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i'd like to visit the museum of flakes, which is located in japan. this is the only museum of its kind in the world, and it is named in honour of its founder.for a long time, scientists could not consider a snowflake under a microscope, not to mention how to take a picture of her. now, however, the progress achieved, it can be done without much difficulty.and it's these pictures presented in japanese museum. the exhibits are located in small natural snow caves, which облагородили and made suitable for the visit. the descent to the leads on a spiral staircase.to make it more comfortable to travel to watch the display. and cannot be viewed without the excitement the museum beautiful photos of flakes and variety of forms.the museum is always cool and retained the spirit of winter, and it just gives him a great atmosphere!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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