Семейную жизнь молодой четы можно было назвать скучной. Несмотря на то перевод - Семейную жизнь молодой четы можно было назвать скучной. Несмотря на то английский как сказать

Семейную жизнь молодой четы можно б

Семейную жизнь молодой четы можно было назвать скучной. Несмотря на то, что муж Елизаветы бывал дома нечасто, она родила ему троих детей, однако, как было принято в то время, воспитанием наследников занималась прислуга. Елизавету же больше волновала её природная красота, которую она всеми силами стремилась оберегать. С внешностью графине действительно повезло – у неё была поразительно белая кожа, длинные густые волосы и отличная фигура даже к тому моменту, когда возраст её приближался к сорока годам. Не повезло ей с характером. Та жестокость, что проснулась в ней ещё в раннем детстве, во взрослом возрасте превратилась в настоящую патологию. За любые, даже самые мелкие провинности Елизавета жестоко наказывала служанок. Зимой она заставляла их прислуживать в обнаженном виде, после чего обливала холодной водой и оставляла на морозе, вгоняла под ногти провинившимся девушкам иголки, а иногда и отрубала пальцы, могла обжечь раскаленным утюгом за плохо выглаженное платье, а за кражу - положить в руку раскаленную монету. Но и эти жестокости меркли по сравнению с тем, что начала творить графиня в то время, когда её красота начала увядать…
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Family life of the young couple could be called boring. Despite the fact that the husband of Elizabeth was at home infrequently, she bore him three children, however, as was customary at the time, was engaged in the education of the heirs of the servants.Elizabeth is more worried about her natural beauty, which she sought to protect by all means. With Countess looks really lucky - it was shockingly white skin,long, thick hair and a great figure, even to the point when it was approaching the age of forty years. No luck with her character. The cruelty that it woke up in the early childhood,in adulthood has become a real pathology. For any, even the smallest infractions punished severely Elizabeth maids. In winter, it forced them to serve in the nudethen doused with cold water and left in the cold, to drive nails delinquent girls under the needle, and sometimes chop off the fingers could be burned with a hot iron for a poorly ironed dressand for theft - to put in hand a red-hot coin. But these atrocities paled in comparison to the fact that in the beginning to create the Countess while her beauty began to fade ...
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Young couple family life could be called boring. Despite the fact that the husband of Elizabeth House infrequently visited, and she bore him three children, however, was made at the time, raising the heirs had servants. Elizabeth is more excited by her natural beauty, which she eagerly sought to protect. With the appearance of Countess really lucky-she had a startlingly white skin long thick hair and great shape even when it was approaching the age of forty years. No luck with the character. The cruelty that woke her from early childhood, in adulthood has become a real pathology. For any, even the smallest faults Elizabeth severely punishing the maids. In winter, it forced them to serve in the nude then poured over with cold water and left in the cold, vgonâla under the guilty girls needles, and sometimes otrubala fingers could burn red-hot iron for badly ironed dress, as for theft, put in the hands of red-hot coins. But these atrocities Merkley in comparison with what began to create the Countess at a time when her beauty started to wither ...
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Family life a young couple could be described as dull. In spite of the fact that the husband of Elizabeth visited at home infrequently, she gave birth to three children, however, as it was decided at the time, raising heirs has been foreign domestic helpers.Elizabeth II same more threatening its natural beauty, which it all forces sought to protect. The treatments are indeed fortunate to have her alone - it was amazingly white skin,Long thick hair and excellent shape even to the point where the age was drawing to its forty years. Not fortunate to have it with the nature of the. The cruelty, that woke up in it is still in early childhood,In the adult age has become a real pathology. For any, even the most minor trivial reasons Elizabeth brutally owners Joseph hindermost. In winter it painfully taught them in naked form,Then обливала cold water and leaving the absolute truth, no imperialist feelings under fingernails провинившимся girls needles, and sometimes отрубала fingers, could cause burns hot irons iron for poorly выглаженное dress,As for the theft - to put a coin in your hand Meshach. But these atrocities меркли as compared to those that the creative convulsed in a time when its beauty the grave challenges ...
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