Детектив начинается с того, что мы знакомимся с главным героем. Сейчас перевод - Детектив начинается с того, что мы знакомимся с главным героем. Сейчас английский как сказать

Детектив начинается с того, что мы

Детектив начинается с того, что мы знакомимся с главным героем. Сейчас он готовится к поездке в Венецию и заканчивает последние бумажные дела. За пару часов до отъезда к нему в офис приходит незнакомая женщина, которая хочет встретиться и поговорить с ним. Это оказывается Хильда Трегарт, это была жена Джона Трегарда, с которым Дом когда то воевал. Она сообщила о том, что не муж пропал и ей нужна помощь. Дон не мог не согласиться, он перенёс поездку на завтра и принялся выслушивать все подробности. Она рассказала ему, что Джон отправился в Вену по работе. У него небольшая стекольная фабрика. Затем она получила письмо, в котором он сообщил что приехал. С тех пор она ничего о он не знает. Она пыталась что то выяснить. Ходила в посольство и в полицию. Но они только обещали ей, что если что то узнают сообщат. Пару дней назад она получила открытку от мужа. На ней был изображён мост Вздохов в Венеции. На самой открытке было написано, что у него нет возможности вернуться домой и попросил напомнить о себе мистеру Миклему. Хильда поняла, что её муж в опасности и поэтому пришла к Дону за помощью. Он согласился, и решил сначала тоже поговорить с министром и с полицейский. Но и он никакой полезной информации не получил, кроме того, что ему не нужно лезть в не своё дело. Вернувшись домой, он обнаружил у себя в гостях Эда Хеннеси из департамента секретной службы армии США. Он также предостерег Дона и высказал своё мнение о том, что Трегарт является агентом и , то что перебрался на сторону врага. Дело стало ещё запутанней. Но Дон дал общение жене Джона и хотел во что бы то ни стало разобраться во всем. Получив от неё информацию, о том, в каком отеле обычно останавливается её муж и с кем он работает, он отправился в Венецию. На следующее утро он уже был там и сразу же принялся за дело. Сначала отправился к хозяину магазина с которым сотрудничал Трегарт, но тот сказал, что ничего не знает, хотя он явно лгал. Выходя из магазина он встретил девушку, которая там работает и которая явно что то знает. Он назначил ей встречу в кафе и отправился дальше. В гостинице ему сказали что Трегарт в этом году у них не останавливайся. Единственная надёжна осталась на девушку. Он пришёл в кафе в назначенное время и принялся ждать её, не замечая что все это время за ним следят. Её долго не было, как вдруг он увидел е в толпе и побежал за ней, она бежала от него уводя подальше от людного места и остановилась в темном переулке. Как только они начали разговаривать, появились двое мужчин, которые следили за ним, они начали его избивать и он потерял сознание. Очнувшись, он осознал, что у него пропал кошелёк. Он не знал кто были эти люди и что случилось с той девушкой. Она успела сказать ему только, что Джон Трегарт в большой опасности и назвала как то адрес. Весь избитый он отправился домой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Detective begins with the fact that we are introduced to the main character. Now he is preparing for a trip to Venice and ends the last paperwork. For a couple of hours before departure to him in Office comes to an unknown woman, who wants to meet and talk with him. It turns out Hilda Tregart, it was the wife of John Tregarda, with which the House once fought. It reported that no husband went missing and she needed help. Don couldn't disagree, he had a trip tomorrow and started to listen to all the details. She told him that John went to Vienna. He had a small glass factory. Then she received a letter in which he said that he came. Since she does not know anything about. She tried to find out something. Went to the Embassy and the police. But they only promised her that if something know report. A couple of days ago she received a postcard from her husband. It shows the bridge of sighs in Venice. On the card was written that he had no opportunity to return home and asked to remind yourself of Mister Miklemu. Hilda realized that her husband is in danger and therefore came to Don. He agreed, and decided to talk with the Minister at first too and with police. But he did not receive any useful information other than the fact that he does not need to wade into is not his job. After returning home, he found in visiting Ed Hennessy from the Department of the army of the United States secret service. He also warned the Don and expressed his view that Tregart is an agent and that he moved to the side of the enemy. The case has become even more knotty. But Don gave communion to John and wife wanted at all costs to understand all. Having received information from her, what Hotel usually stops her husband and with whom he works, he went to Venice. The next morning he was already there and immediately started business. First went to the owner of the shop which worked Tregart, but he said that he knows nothing, although he obviously lied. Leaving the store, he met a girl that works there and that is clearly what it knows. He appointed her to a meeting at the Cafe and went away. At the hotel told him that Tregart this year, they don't stop. The only reliable remained on the girl. He came into the Cafe at the scheduled time and began to wait for her, not noticing that all the while being followed. It was not a long time, as suddenly he saw e in the crowd and ran behind her, she fled from him taking away from populous place and stood in a dark alley. Once they started talking, there were two men who followed him, they started beating him and he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he realized that he was gone. He did not know who these people were and what happened to the girl. She could tell him only that John Tregart in great danger and called as the address. Whole beaten he went home.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Detective begins with the fact that we are introduced to the main character. He is now preparing for a trip to Venice and ends the last paperwork. For a couple of hours before his departure to his office comes a strange woman who wants to meet and talk with him. This is Hilda Tregarth, it was the wife of John Tregarda with which the House when it fought. She said that her husband is not gone and she needed help. Don could not accept, he suffered a trip for tomorrow and began to listen to all the details. She told him that John went to Vienna to work. He had a small glass factory. Then she received a letter in which he said that he had come. Since then, she did not know about it. She tried to find out something. I went to the embassy and the police. But they only promised her that if something learn notified. A few days ago she received a postcard from her husband. She was depicted the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. At the very card said that he had no opportunity to return home and asked to remind myself to Mr. Mickle. Hilda realized that her husband was in danger, and therefore came to Don for help. He agreed, and decided to talk at first, too, with the Minister and with the police. But it is no useful information is not received, except that he does not need to go into not their job. Returning home, he found himself at a party Ed Hennessy Department of the Secret Service of the US Army. He also warned of the Don and expressed his opinion that Tregarth is an agent, and then moved it to the enemy. The matter became more confused. But Don John gave communion to his wife and wanted in that no matter what sort things out. After receiving information from her, about which hotel is typically stopped her husband and with whom he worked, he went to Venice. The next morning, he was already there, and immediately set to work. First I went to the store owner who cooperated with Tregarth, but he said that he knew nothing, though he clearly lied. Coming out of the store, he met a girl who works there and that obviously knows something. He appointed her to a meeting in the cafe and went on. The hotel was told that Tregarth this year they did not stop. The only reliable left the girl. He came to the cafe at the appointed time and waited for her, unaware that all this time he was being followed. It was not long, when he saw the crowd is, and ran after her, she ran away from him taking away from crowded places and stood in a dark alley. Once they started talking, there were two men who followed him, they began to beat him and he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he realized that he had lost the purse. He did not know who these people were and what happened to that girl. She had to tell him was that John Tregarth in great danger, and was named as the address. All he is beaten, he went home.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
detective begins when we meet the hero. now he is preparing to go to venice and ends in the last paper. for a couple of hours before departure to his office comes a womanwho wants to meet and talk with him. it turns out трегарт hilda, it was the wife of john трегарда, with whom the house when they fought. she reported that the husband is missing, and she needs help.don couldn't agree, he survived a trip tomorrow and began to hear all the details. she told him that john went to vienna to work. he had a glass factory. then she received a letterin which he reported here. since then, she's nothing he doesn't know. she's trying to find out. i went to the embassy and to the police. but they promised her that if you know the news.a few days ago she got a postcard from my husband. it depicts the bridge of sighs in venice. the card says that he has no way to go back home and asked to recall a mr. миклему.hilda realized that her husband is in danger, and so came to our help. he agreed, and decided to first, to talk to the minister and the police. but he didn't get any useful information, in addition,he didn't need to go to your business. on returning home, he found himself out of the ed hennessy department of secret service, united states army. he also warned the don and expressed their viewwhat трегарт is an agent and is moved on the side of the enemy. it has become even more sophisticated. but the don gave communication wife john wanted to do whatever it takes to get to the bottom. having received from her information aboutwhat hotel usually stops her husband with whom he works, he went to venice. the next morning, he was already there and immediately took up the case.first went to the shop which had трегарт, but he said he didn't know, but he's lying. out of the store, he met a girl that works there and that's what i know.he set her up in a cafe and went away. in the hotel, he said that трегарт this year they don't stop. the only foolproof stayed at the girl.he came at the appointed time and began to wait for her, don't know what all this time he was being watched. it's been a long time, when suddenly he saw e in the crowd and ran after her.she ran from him, casting away from людного place and staying in a dark alley. once they started to talk, there were two men who were following him, they began to beat him and he lost consciousness.woke up, he realized that he had lost the wallet. he didn't know who these people are and what happened to the girl. she could tell him that john трегарт in danger and called as the address.the beaten he went home.
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