1. Кривз находился под арестом уже месяц, но все еще категорически отк перевод - 1. Кривз находился под арестом уже месяц, но все еще категорически отк английский как сказать

1. Кривз находился под арестом уже

1. Кривз находился под арестом уже месяц, но все еще категорически отказывался давать показания. 2. Из окна вагона Джон видел, как она улыбнулась сквозь слезы и помахала ему рукой. 3. Девочка улыбнулась сквозь слезы: она уже забыла о своем огорчении. 4. Говорили, что у старого Тима припрятаны денежки и что держит он их у себя дома, недаром же он так боялся, что его дом ограбят. 5. Андрей бросил письмо на стол, но через минуту снова взял его и стал читать. 6. Не пытайтесь одурачить меня. Из этого все равно ничего не выйдет. 7. Джейн была вне себя, и ей стоило большого труда сдержаться. 8. Больше всего он боялся показаться смешным. 9. Ребекка прекрасно понимала, что грозит ей, если только ей не удастся перехватить письмо. 10. Неожиданный вопрос так ошеломил Джо, что он сразу же потерял самообладание. 11. Когда старый Джолион ушел, Джун не выдержала и дала волю слезам. 12. После того как миссис Пейдж устроила ему сцену из-за денег, Эндрю твердо решил искать другую работу. 13. "На что вы намекаете? - сказала Норин.- Осторожнее, вы можете зайти слишком далеко". Г4. "Вы используете его в своих собственных интересах, а называете это дружбой",- с возмущением сказал Питер.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Krivz was detained for a month now, but still adamantly refused to testify. 2. From the window of a wagon John had seen as she smiled through her tears and waved him a hand. 3. Girl smiled through tears: she already forgot about his ogorchenii. 4. Saying that the old Tim hidden away money and that keeps them at home, so he was afraid that his house was robbed. 5. Andrei threw the letter on the table, but a minute later again took it and began to read. 6. Don't try to fool me. From this still nothing happens. 7. Jane was beside himself, and it cost much help myself. 8. He was afraid to seem ridiculous. 9. Rebecca perfectly understood that threatens her, if only she will not be able to intercept the letter. 10. the unexpected question so stunned Joe that he immediately lost his self-control. 11. When the old Jolyon's gone, Joon broke down and gave free rein to tears. 12. After Mrs. Paige gave him the stage because of money, Andrew decided to look for another job. 13. "what are you implying? Noreen said. — be careful, you can go too far. " G4. "You use it to serve their own interests, and call it friendship," Peter said with indignation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Krivz was under arrest for a month, but still flatly refused to testify. 2. From the train window saw John, she smiled through her tears and waved. 3. The girl smiled through her tears: she had forgotten her bitterness. 4. It was said that the old Tim hoarded money, and that he keeps them at home, that's why he was so afraid that his house was robbed. 5. Andrew threw the letter on the table, but a minute later again took it and began to read. 6. Do not try to fool me. It still will not work. 7. Jane was beside herself, and she had great difficulty to hold back. 8. Most of all he was afraid to look ridiculous. 9. Rebecca was well aware that it faces, if only it will not be possible to intercept email. 10. The unexpected question so stunned Joe that he immediately lost his nerve. 11. When the old Jolyon was gone, June broke down and gave way to tears. 12. After Mrs. Paige gave him a stage for the money, Andrew was determined to find another job. 13. "What are you implying - said Norin.- careful, you can go too far." T4. "You use it in their own interests, and call it a friendship," - said Peter indignantly.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. кривз was grounded for a month, but still refused to testify. 2. from the window of the car, john see, as she smiled through the tears and i waved his hand. 3. the girl smiled through tears, she already forgot about my sorrow. 4. said the old tim all coins and keeps them at home, why he was so afraid that his house was robbed. 5. andrew threw the letter on the table, but in a minute again took him, and began to read. 6. don't try to fool me. it still doesn't work. 7. jane was annoyed, and it should be easy to handle. 8. most of all, he was afraid of appearing ridiculous. 9. rebecca is understood that threatened her, if she can't get a letter. 10. an unexpected question so stunned the joe that he immediately lost his temper. 11. when the old jolyon left june broke down and gave out the tears. 12. after mrs. paige gave him the stage because of the money, andrew firmly decided to look for another job. 13. " what are you suggesting? said норин. - be careful, you can go too far. " г4. " you can use it in their own interest, and call it friendship, "peter said with indignation.
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