Вы писали, что на луне виден заяц. Из Украины луна похожа на большое человеческое лицо. Мне кажется, она даже улыбается. Но, когда мы наклонили голову вправо, то рассмотрели зайца.
You wrote that is visible on the Moon Hare. From Ukraine Moon looks like great human face. I think she even smiles. But when we head off to the right, then considered the Hare.
You wrote that the hare in the moon is visible. From Ukraine the moon is like a big human face. I think she even smiles. But when we tipped her head to the right, then we looked at the hare.
did you write that on the moon is the hare. in ukraine the moon like a human face. i think she even smiled. but, when we have inclined his head to the right, then considered a hare.