Итак: Преимущества:Профессия учитель- это скорее призвание души. Прекр перевод - Итак: Преимущества:Профессия учитель- это скорее призвание души. Прекр английский как сказать

Итак: Преимущества:Профессия учител

Итак: Преимущества:

Профессия учитель- это скорее призвание души. Прекрасная возможность реализовать свои творческие способности, научить детей знаниям, новому и интересному.
У учителей большой отпуск летом 2 месяца. Когда в школе каникулы, они тоже отдыхают.
В частных школах и лицеях большая зарплата.
Учитель в свободное время вполне может подрабатывать репетиторством, заниматься с учениками и получать дополнительный заработок.
Работа у учителя не скучная. Подходит коммуникабельным людям. Каждый день он общается со многими людьми: учениками, их родителями, коллегами.
На этом, пожалуй преимущества закончились. Теперь поговорим о издержках этой профессии. Недостатки:

Работа в школе стрессовая, требует большой затраты душевных и моральных сил, почти каждый день учитель приходит домой как выжатый лимон.
Нужно быть готовым к тому, что работать в школе придется целый день (проводить уроки, вести классное руководство, внеклассные часы и другие мероприятия). Мало того, еще дома нужно готовиться к урокам и проверять тетради.
Ученики и родители бывают разные. Легко работать с умными и способными детьми, а с глупыми и ленивыми придется трудновато.
В обычных средних школах весьма скромная зарплата.
Очень большая нагрузка. Кроме проведения уроков, нужно писать планы, отчеты, работать с документацией, которой немало.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
So: Benefits:The profession of the teacher is more calling the soul. A great opportunity to showcase their creativity, teach children knowledge, new and interesting.Teachers have a great summer vacation 2 months. When the school holidays, they, too, have a rest.In private schools and lyceums of the big salary.The teacher in her spare time could very well knock up coaching, engage with students and receive additional income.Work with a teacher is boring. Is communicative people. Each day he deals with many people: students, parents, and colleagues.In this, perhaps the benefits have ended. Now let's talk about the costs of this profession. Disadvantages:Work in school stress, requires great costs of mental and moral strength, almost every day the teacher comes home like a squeezed lemon.You need to be prepared to work hard in school to a day (lessons, to classroom management, after-school hours and other activities). Moreover, once home to prepare for the lessons and test the notebook.Students and parents are different. Easy to work with smart and talented children, and with the stupid and lazy will be difficult.In conventional secondary schools very modest salary.Very big load. In addition to the lessons, you need to write plans, reports, work documents, which are not few.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
So: Advantages: Occupation teacher-calling is more soul. A great opportunity to realize their creative abilities, to teach children knowledge, new and interesting. Teachers great summer vacation for 2 months. When the school holidays, they also have a rest. In private schools, high schools and a big salary. The teacher in his spare time could earn money tutoring, to engage with students and generate additional income. Work with teachers are not boring. Suitable sociable people. Every day he communicates with many people: students, parents, and colleagues. This is perhaps the benefits run out. Now let's talk about the cost of the profession. Disadvantages: Work at school stressful, costly mental and moral strength, almost every day the teacher comes home like a squeezed lemon. You need to be prepared for the fact that the school will have to work all day (conduct lessons, conduct classroom management, after-school hours and other activities). Moreover, even at home to prepare for lessons and test notebooks. Students and parents are different. Easy to work with intelligent and capable children, and with the stupid and lazy will have difficulty. In ordinary secondary schools is very modest salary. Very big load. In addition to conducting lessons need to write plans, reports, work with the documentation, which is a lot.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
So: Benefits:lord profession teacher- this soul calling as soon as possible. This is an opportunity to realize their creative abilities, to teach children knowledge, new and interesting.
teachers have a great vacation in summer 2 months.When in the school holidays, they too dad.
in private schools and lyceums most salary.
a teacher in free time may well репетиторством unskilled jobs, work with students, and to receive additional income.
The work that teachers do not follow their adventures. Ideal be people. Every day he communicates with many people: students, their parents, colleagues.
in this, perhaps the benefits have ended.Now let's talk about the costs that profession. Weaknesses:lord work in school by Ann Baldwin, requires a large costs emotional anguish and moral force, almost every day a teacher comes home as homemade lemon.
You want to be prepared for the fact that, to work in the school will have to be a full day (to carry out the lessons, to remind you, after-school hours and other activities). Little addition,Even at home you want to prepare for the lessons learned and to check notebooks.
pupils and parents are of different sizes. Easy to work with the smart and capable children, as well as dumb and lazy will have to work together.
In conventional secondary schools a very modest salary.
a very large load. In addition to conducting lessons, you need to write plans, reports, and work with documents, which have been done.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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