Привет, меня зовут Снежана. Мне 19 лет. Я заканчиваю 2-ой курс журнали перевод - Привет, меня зовут Снежана. Мне 19 лет. Я заканчиваю 2-ой курс журнали английский как сказать

Привет, меня зовут Снежана. Мне 19

Привет, меня зовут Снежана. Мне 19 лет. Я заканчиваю 2-ой курс журналистики в Украинском Гуманитарном институте. Я бы очень хотела посетить штаты и познать культуру в которой живет Американский народ. Хотела бы увидеть какие там семьи и как вы воспитываете своих детей. Я считаю, что эта программа - отличный шанс для молодой девушки, познакомиться с другой культурой, завести друзей больших и маленьких. С детьми я всегда рада помочь у себя дома, я люблю детей и сама имею одного брата и сестру, им по 10 лет, с самого раннего их детства я постоянно сидела с ними так как родители у меня работают. Опыт у меня довольно не малый по любой возрастной категории, так как братья и сестры растут, а я вместе с ними) Моя сестра занимается рисованием, мы с ней любим рисовать и плести браслеты, часто мы в кругу семьи играем в монополию, интересно, а вы играете в монополию?) С братом я играю в футбол, мы с ним очень любим фильм "Железный человек". Так же, я часто нянчусь с детишками друзей моих родителей. Люблю детей, они могут быть в один момент самыми милыми на свете и в этот же момент самыми непослушными, но это их фишка, это дети, и я люблю их за то, что они могут быть настоящими, что они не бояться показаться глупыми и делают то, что они хотят делать.
Я занимаюсь велоспортом с родителями, мы часто ездим на большие дистанции, еще я бегаю по утрам, я и моя мамуля вегетарианки. В люблю читать книги, а гулять на свежем воздухе. Еще я очень люблю порядок, я перфекционистка) Жутко люблю готовить и печь)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi, my name is Jack. I am 19 years old. I finish 2-nd course in journalism in Ukrainian humanitarian Institute. I'd like to visit us and experience the culture in which the lives of the American people. Would like to see there family and how you educate your children. I believe that this program is a great opportunity for a young girl, to get acquainted with another culture, make friends big and small. With children, I am always glad to help at home, I love children and I have a brother and sister, 10 years on, with a very young child I always sat with them because the parents work great for me. The experience I have rather small in any age group, as brothers and sisters growing up, and I along with them), my sister is engaged in painting, we love to paint and weave bracelets, often with your family play monopoly, interesting, and you play monopoly?) With his brother I play football, we really love the movie "iron man". Also, I often nânčus′ with children of my parents ' friends. Like children, they may be at one point the most lovely in the world and at the same time the most rebellious, but it is their shtick, the children and I love them because they can be real, that they are not afraid to seem dumb and doing what they want to do. I have been cycling with parents, we often go over great distances, even I run in the mornings, I and my mom vegetarianki. In love to read books, and a walk in the fresh air. I also really like how I perfekcionistka) Creepy love cooking and baking)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi, my name is Snezana. I'm 19 years old. I finish the second course of journalism at the Ukrainian Institute of Humanities. I would love to visit the state and learn the culture in which they live the American people. I would like to see what sort of family and how you raise your children. I believe that this program - a great chance for a young girl to get acquainted with a different culture, make friends, big and small. With children I am always glad to help at home, I love children and myself have a brother and sister, they were 10 years old, from the earliest of their childhood I always sat with them since my parents are working. Experience I have not quite small for any age group, as brothers and sisters grow up, and I with them) My sister is engaged in drawing, we had love to draw and weave bracelets, often we in the family play monopoly, interesting, and you play Monopoly?) with my brother I play football, we'd very much like the movie "Iron Man." So, I often babysit the kids of friends of my parents. I love children, they may be at one point the prettiest in the world and at the same moment the most unruly, but it's their shtick, are children, and I love them for what they may be true that they are not afraid to appear stupid and do what they want to do.
I've been cycling with my parents, we often travel long distances, yet I run in the morning, I and my Mom vegetarian. As I like to read books, and walk in the fresh air. I also love the order, I'm a perfectionist) Terribly love to cook and bake)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hi, I'm Channel "Lad. I am 19 years old. I have terminated my 2nd course journalism in the Ukrainian Humanitarian institute. I would very much like to visit states and rendezvous with a culture in which the people of the United States.Would like to see what there family and as you nurture their children. I believe that this program is a great chance for the young girls, to explore other cultures, to start friends large and small.With the children I am always happy to help you in your home, i love children, and I have the one brother and sister, the 10 years, from the early their childhood I always sat with them as parents i have worked.The experience I have is quite not small in any age category, as brothers and sisters are growing, and I am with them) My sister is drawing, we with it love draw and simplicity bracelets,Often we are in the midst of the family play in monopoly, it is interesting, and you're playing the monopoly?) with my brother i play football, I would like to thank him for this love the movie "Iron man". The same, I often нянчусь's eve party friends with my parents.I love children, they may be in one time Rika-chan doll craze began in the light of the most and in the same time the most bumblebee flight, but this is their token, the children, and i love them for it, that they may not be present,That they do not seem to be afraid but one sinner destroyeth much good and do whatever it is that they want to do.
I am road cycling with the parents, we often move to the large distance, yet I run in the mornings, i and my вегетарианки we visited them very often. The love to read books,A walk in the fresh air. Yet i love the order, i перфекционистка) Luckily i love to prepare and microwave)
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