Performance “Пигмалион” по мотивам Бернанда Шоу рассказывает
Хочу только добавить. что у нас нет задачи сыграть пьесу Бернарда шоу. Просто мы "своими действиями на сцене" размышляем на эту тему... Тема Любви, которая оживляет, тема образования, как социального лифта (наша Галатея же превратилась из деревенщины в леди ), тема "золотых труб". звездности, которая превращает тебя из человека в статую.
“От зрителей я ожидаю того, чтобы они не ожидали, что мы будем их развлекать... Я хочу, чтобы зрители задумались о многих вещах, о которых они до этого не думали.-Н.Г.
Театр "Миррорс" по своей традиции покажет спектакль со своей идеей и философией при помощи танцев и песен. На этот раз темой спектакля стала история древнегреческого скульптора по имени Пигмалион. Скульптор Пигмалион создал статую. Статуя Галатея была прекрасна и он полюбил её. Тронутая такой любовью, Афродита оживила статую, которая стала женой Пигмалиона[]. Этот миф стал основой пьесы Бернарда Шоу «Пигмалион», где простая деревенская девушка превращается в настоящую леди.
Театр АУЦА «Миррорс» сделал свою музыкальную версию знаменитой истории.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
Performance "Pygmalion" based on Bernard Shaw says
I just want to add. that we have no problem to play the play by Bernard Shaw. We just "their actions on stage" reflect on this theme ... the theme of love, which gives life to the theme of education as a social elevator (our Galatea is turned from a bushman in Lady), the theme of the "golden pipes". Star that turns you into a statue of a man.
"From the audience, I expect that they did not expect that we will entertain them ... I want the audience to think about the many things that they have not dumali.-H z.
The theater "Mirrors" in their traditions will play with his idea and philosophy of using dance and songs. This time the theme of the play is the story of the ancient Greek sculptor named Pygmalion. The sculptor Pygmalion created the statue. Statue of Galatea was beautiful and he loved her. Touched by so much love, Aphrodite revived the statue, which became the wife of Pygmalion []. This myth was the basis of the play by Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion", where a simple country girl turns into a real lady.
Theatre AUCA "Mirrors" has made his musical version of the famous story.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the performance of "pygmalion" explanation of бернанда show.i only want to add. we have no tasks to play a play by bernard shaw. we just "through their actions on stage" to reflect on this theme. the theme of love that gives life, the theme of education, the social elevator (our lady of galatea is a farmer), the theme of "golden pipes". звездности, which makes you a person in the statue."from the audience, i expect, that they did not expect that we entertain... i want the audience to think about the many things that they don't думали. - go o.g.the миррорс "on its traditions will play with his idea and philosophy with dances and songs. the theme of the play is the story the ancient greek sculptor named pygmalion. the sculptor pygmalion created the statue. the statue of galatea was beautiful and he fell in love with her. such love. aphrodite, let the statue, which was the wife пигмалиона []. this myth was the playwright bernard shaw film is going to be shown, where a simple country girl into a lady.the theatre ауца "миррорс» made his musical version of the famous story.
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