„Монсанто", "Дюпон", "Доу", "Сингента" и другие крупные гиганты агробизнеса ГМО, по слухам, также находятся в самом сердце AGRA, используя его как скрытый канал для распространения своих запатентованных семян ГМО во многих странах Африки под обманчивой этикеткой „био-технологии“, эвфемизм для генной инженерии запатентованных семян. Человек от Фонда Гейтса, ответственный за работу с AGRA — д-р Роберт Хорш (Robert Horsch), ветеран „Монсанто“, проработавший в теме ГМО 25 лет, входивший ранее в команду, которая разрабатывала в компании „Монсанто“ Roundup Ready технологии ГМО. Его работа, по сообщениям, состоит в том, чтобы использовать деньги Гейтса для проталкивания ГМО в Африку.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngenta and other large agribusiness Giants GMO, are also rumored to be in the heart of AGRA, using it as a hidden channel to spread their patented GMO seeds in many African countries under the misleading label of "bio-technology", a euphemism for genetic engineering of patented seeds. The man from the Gates Foundation, responsible for work with AGRA — Dr. Robert Horsch (Robert Horsch), a veteran of Monsanto, who worked 25 years GMOS theme, which was previously on the team that developed the company Monsanto Roundup Ready technology. His work on communications, is to use the money Gates to push GMOs in Africa.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
"Monsanto", "Dupont", "Doe", "Syngenta" and other big agribusiness giants GM, according to rumors, is also located in the heart of AGRA, using it as a covert channel to spread their patented GMO seeds across Africa under the deceptive label "bio-technology", a euphemism for genetically engineered patented seeds. The man from the Gates Foundation responsible for its work with AGRA - Dr. Robert Horsch (Robert Horsch), a veteran of "Monsanto", worked in the subject of GMOs 25, who was on the team that developed in the company "Monsanto" Roundup Ready GMO technologies. His job, reportedly it is to use Gates' money to introduce GMO into Africa.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
„монсанто "," dupont "," doe "," сингента "and other major gmo agribusiness giants are rumored to be also located in the heart of AGRA,using it as a channel to spread their patented gmo seeds in many african countries under the misleading label „био technology ", a euphemism for the genetic engineering of patented seeds.the man from the gates foundation, responsible for working with the AGRA - dr. robert horch (robert Horsch), a veteran of „монсанто ", who in the theme of gmo 25 years come in earlier to the teamwhich developed in the company „монсанто "Roundup ready gmo technology. his work on communications, is to use the money to gates for pushing gmos in africa.
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