1. — Что здесь происходит? Почему вы все смеётесь? — Андрей рассказыва перевод - 1. — Что здесь происходит? Почему вы все смеётесь? — Андрей рассказыва английский как сказать

1. — Что здесь происходит? Почему в

1. — Что здесь происходит? Почему вы все смеётесь? — Андрей рассказывает нам разные истории. 2. Погода становится всё теплее, дни становятся длиннее, ночи короче. Приближается весна. 3. Весной мы обычно переводим наши часы на час назад, а осенью мы ставим их на час вперёд. 4. Бабушка вяжет мне тёплый свитер. Она очень хорошо вяжет и получает от этого удовольствие. 5. — Что вы, дети, делаете на улице? Ведь уже ночь. — Мы ищем свою собачку. 6. Мама смотрит новый бразильский сериал, а я читаю свой учебник, я не люблю сериалы. 7. В данное время я пишу дипломную работу. Я много работаю над ней. 8. Мы встречаемся завтра вечером и идём в кафе. 9. — Хочешь пирожное? — Нет, спасибо, я поправляюсь, так что стараюсь худеть. 10. — Взгляни! Идёт снег. — Радио говорит, что в Англии сегодня идёт дождь. 11. — Пора идти спать, а ты всё ещё сидишь за компьютером! — Не волнуйся, я заканчиваю этот файл. 12. — Где Маша? — Она в саду. Она поливает цветы. 13. — Что ты ищешь здесь? — Я ищу свою перчатку. — Вечно ты их теряешь! Нужно сразу покупать две пары. 14. Моя жизнь становится всё более интересной. Происходит так много всего. 15. — Опять ты ешь чипсы! Ты что, так их любишь? — Да, очень. 16. — Я вижу, что вы понимаете меня. — Да, я вам верю.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.-What's going on here? Why are you all laugh? — Andrew tells us a different story. 2. Weather becoming warmer, the days are longer, the nights shorter. Spring is approaching. 3. Spring we usually translate our clocks back an hour in the fall we put them forward an hour. 4. Granny knits me warm sweater. She is a very good knits and gets pleasure from it. 5. is that you, the kids are doing on the street? Already night. -We are looking for his dog. 6. Mom looks new Brazilian tv series, and I'm reading your tutorial, I don't like sitcoms. 7. At this time, I'm writing a thesis. I'm working a lot on it. 8. We meet tomorrow night and go into the Café. 9.-you want cake? -No thanks, I'm putting on weight, so try to lose weight. 10. — take a look! Snowing. — Radio said that in England today it is raining. 11.-it's time to go to sleep while you're still sitting at your computer! -Don't worry, I finish the file. 12. — Where Masha? Is It in the garden. It is watering the flowers. 13-what you're looking for here? I'm looking for his glove. -You lose them Forever! You want to immediately buy two pairs. 14. My life is becoming more and more interesting. Happens so much. 15. again you eat chips! Are you so their love? Yes, very. 16. I see that you understand me. Yes, I believe you.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. - What is going on here? Why are you laughing? - Andrew tells us a different story. 2. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, the nights shorter. Spring is coming. 3. In the spring we usually translate our watches back one hour in the fall we put them on an hour forward. 4. Grandmother knits me a warm sweater. It is very well knit and get pleasure from it. 5. - What are you kids doing in the street? It is already night. - We're looking for her dog. 6. Mom looks new Brazilian series and I read his textbook, I do not like soap operas. 7. At this time, I'm writing a thesis. I work a lot on it. 8. We are meeting tomorrow night and go to the cafe. 9 - Do you want a cake? - No, thanks, I recover, so I try to lose weight. 10 - Look! Snowing. - Radio said that in Britain today is rain. 11. - It is time to go to sleep, and you're still sitting at the computer! - Do not worry, I will finish the file. 12. - Where is Mary? - She's in the garden. She is watering flowers. 13. - What are you looking for here? - I'm looking for my glove. - You're always losing them! It is necessary to immediately buy two pairs. 14. My life becomes more interesting. There are so many things. 15. - Once you eat potato chips! Are you so fond of them? - Yes very. 16. - I see that you understand me. - Yes, I believe you.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. - what's going on here? why are you laughing? - andrei tells us a different story. 2. the weather is getting warmer, and the days are getting longer and nights shorter. spring is coming. 3.in the spring we usually translate our clocks an hour ago, and in the fall, we put them ahead one hour. 4. grandma knits a sweater for me. she's very good at knitting and receives it. 5. - what are you kids doing on the street?it's night. - we're looking for your dog. 6. mother is watching the new brazilian tv series, and i read your book, i don't like sitcoms. 7. at this time i am writing my thesis. i work hard on it. 8.we meet tomorrow night and go to the cafe. 9. - do you want a cake? - no, thanks, i'm fine, so i'm on a diet. 10. - look! it's snowing. radio said that in england it's raining. 11. - it's time to go to bedand you're still sitting at your computer! - don't worry, i'll finish up this file. 12. - where's mary? - she's in the garden. she waters the flowers. 13. - what are you looking for? - i'm looking for my glove. forever, you lose! you just buy two pairs. 14.my life becomes more interesting. happens a lot. 15. - you eat chips. you just love them? - yes, very. 16. - i see that you understand me. - yes, i believe you.
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